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Chapter 1293 The Griffon King's Test

Chapter 1293 The Griffon King's Test
At this time, Wu Yi, who was chatting with Wei Huo on the Griffin Mountain, still didn't know what happened in Dragon Soul City. Wu Minxi had been climbing the mountain for more than an hour, and now Wu Yi didn't know much about him except that he was still alive. progress.

During the long conversation, Wu Yi's understanding of Wei Huo became more and more profound. Although this guy looks rough, but his mind is very meticulous. It was Luo Mengxin who seemed to be calm all the time, but I didn't expect it to be him!
This is a real talent!It's a pity that he can't take it for his own use, he doesn't have so much time to "strategy"!
"Boss, I saw the Griffin Emperor. It said that as long as it passes its test, it will give us a pair of eggs from the leader of the Griffin." At this moment, Wu Minxi sent a private chat message to Wu Yi. .

The Griffin King's test?

Mission triggered!
"What test?" Wu Yi hurriedly asked, a pair of griffin chief's eggs, which were the same as the five-colored peacocks that Tu Shanye gave him earlier.As long as there are these two eggs, a group of griffins can slowly develop in Gourd City.

This time Wu Minxi did not answer, but directly shared the task.

The Long-lost Dawn - Protect the area within [-] meters around Griffin Mountain from the death sky.


Is this a test?This is obviously embarrassing!

Griffin Mountain has a demigod-level existence that can't do it, what can he do?Although Griffin Mountain is on the edge of the Doomsday God's Battlefield, as long as those undead strongholds don't stop producing the death screen, the death screen cannot be dispelled.

Wait, not all!There is no death sky cover around the twilight barrier, but there is a permanent gate of heaven above the twilight barrier, and a large amount of holy light prevents the gathering of death clouds.Is it necessary to open a permanent gate of heaven in Griffin Mountain?How can this be!

In fact, Wu Minxi didn't finish talking. The prerequisite for starting this task is that he needs to hand over the formula of the secret feed. This is not a big deal. Anyway, this is a special space. "monopoly".However, it can also be seen from this point that the higher the creature, the higher the pursuit of food.

Except for undead, elements, and puppets, this is a world of foodies!

"Boss, is there a way?"

"Did the other party say that they would be permanently protected from the effects of the death sky?"

If there is no time limit, you can try it. As long as there is enough concentrated holy water, use the Holy Grail to open the "Holy Place" to support it, and it will be able to disperse the surrounding death sky for a while.

"That's not enough, but it will take at least a month!"

a month?That's no use!

He can stay in the Doomsday God Battlefield for two more days, that is to say, all the methods that need to be guided will not work.Then you can only use fixed methods such as magic circles.Since it is aimed at the death canopy, then using the magic circle naturally requires the Holy Light system.

Wu Yi immediately asked Wei Huo beside him. Among the human reinforcements in the twilight barrier, there are not no strong people from the Holy Light Department. If possible, Wu Yi plans to hire these people. The price should not be too high for non-combat missions. high.

"In fact, there are many ways to temporarily disperse the death curtain, and the location here is far away from the layout area of ​​the undead forces. The concentration of the death curtain that will spread over is relatively low. As long as the powerful holy light force is used to forcibly disperse the surrounding death curtain, then It doesn’t need much strength to maintain it. To dispel such a large-scale death curtain, it is definitely not something a legend can do. I will try my best to help you, and I don’t know if the time will come soon.”

Wu Yi understood Wei Huo's meaning. Although Griffin Mountain is an isolated peak and not a rolling mountain range, its scope should not be underestimated.If the first step is carried out in a sacred place, even if it consumes [-] to [-] bottles of concentrated holy water, it may not be possible.

etc!The Holy Grail of Glory does not only have the skill "Holy Place", but also a stronger "Holy City of Glory"!Although Wu Yi is not yet clear about the effect of this skill, the minimum requirement to activate this skill is [-] bottles of concentrated holy water, which is scary to think about.From the name, this skill is a large-scale holy light skill, but how big is the range?Wu Yi didn't know.

[-] bottles of concentrated holy water, the Griffon tribe, if they can complete the first step with [-] bottles of holy water, Wu Yi is willing to make this "deal".

"The task has been accepted, let's go back to the city first!"

There is no point in continuing to stay here. Wu Yi needs to go back to the Twilight Barrier to find the angel to ask for some details, and then evaluate the task. The profession of the Holy Light Department still needs to be contacted. Not to mention more, at least one needs him. Set up a holy light magic circle that can cover the entire Griffin Mountain. The magic circle doesn't need to be high-level, as long as the range is enough.

Just as Wei Huo said, the speed of the death curtain spreading to this side is very slow. As long as the current situation can be "neutralized", the rest will be easy. As long as the "output" of the holy light can be maintained, the death curtain will be blocked. The month is not a problem.

When the team returned, there were [-] more griffins. Wei Huo was still a little embarrassed on the way. After all, he hardly helped with this mission. It felt like he just went out for a walk, which was a waste of money. him once.For this point, Wu Yi can only admit that he is unlucky, unless he wants to turn against Wei Huo, otherwise he can only proceed according to the original plan.

In fact, it's a small thing to turn against Wei Huo. Wu Yi hopes that he will have the opportunity to come to the Doomsday God Battlefield in the future. It is very necessary to leave some connections.Think about it, if you can help Wei Huo complete the trial, he will become a general or official in the Twilight Barrier, and his class will be different. If there is a next time, it will be self-evident to help him.

But who can say clearly about this kind of thing!

It was less than two days since Wu Yi arrived at the Twilight Barrier, and he spent most of the time on the go, so there are only three angels he is familiar with here. One is Ye Jia, the vice-general of the Nancheng patrol he met when he first arrived at the Twilight Barrier, and the other is Meritorious Angel. The glamorous angel who was a little out of character, and the last one was the logistics adjutant of the Sixth Army Battalion.

With the character of that glamorous angel, if he came to her door, he would definitely be "molested", and what she told him might not be right, she was an out-and-out witch!There seemed to be no difference between the other two. After a little consideration, Wu Yi decided to go to Ye Jia. After all, it was the first angel he met in the Twilight Barrier, and he was more impressed.

(End of this chapter)

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