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Chapter 1295 Chain reaction, Li Shimin's final choice

Chapter 1295 Chain reaction, Li Shimin's final choice
Dragon Soul City

This coup-centered war did not last long. The Temple of Tides was too careless, or at this time, the Temple of Tides could no longer draw more power. The southern battlefield and the plan against the mermaids held them back too much. energy.Coupled with Li Shimin's advance layout, their defeat was not wronged.

The combination of Li Shimin and Li Yuanba was too invincible given the home court advantage, and the arrangement of the Temple of Chaos was forcibly broken before it was fully unfolded.Originally, in their plan, it was [-]% certain that Li Shimin would be taken down under a sudden attack, but who would have known that this coup d'état, including them, was being planned by three parties.

Yes, three parties!
Li Jiancheng has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. The reason why he agreed to the proposal of the Temple of Tides is because he has missed the best time to rise in this troubled world. It is actually good to help the "puppet". A higher starting point, a better platform.Not everyone can control the "puppet" perfectly, and likewise, not every "puppet" is so incompetent, and the day when the "puppet" may become the master in turn!
It's a pity that the Temple of Tides failed, which meant that he also failed.However, in this battle, Li Jiancheng did not make a move. His "weakness" is also one of the reasons why the Temple of Chaos chose him. In this way, he can watch the show with peace of mind. Prepared a way out for myself.It was precisely because of this kind of caution that Li Jiancheng managed to save his life, and left Dragon Soul City ahead of time when he found out that something was wrong.

In this war, there is no winner among the three parties!
Needless to say, the Chaos Temple, plus the sub-Hall Master who was killed by Zixu on the battlefield before, the Chaos Temple has lost five legends in the eastern battlefield, and more than [-] holy ranks, which can be regarded as traumatic up.As for Li Shimin, he successfully stopped the conspiracy of the Temple of Tides, but the loss in the final battle was not small. A small piece of Dragon Soul City was destroyed, and the popularity of the people further declined. Nearly [-] soldiers were killed, and the Temple of Tides was also lost. With this backing, the two sides have formed a deadly enmity.

In the end is Li Jiancheng. Although he escaped from Dragon Soul City, he also successfully instigated Jiuzhilong Shijin!However, he had completely fallen out with the Li family. After all, what he did was poaching his own corner, and the impact was too bad.However, this also gave him a chance to go to the Temple of Tides, but his current "value" is not as good as before.

Leaving aside Li Jiancheng, he is still too weak to attract too many people's attention. During this period of time, many forces in the world have focused their attention on the battlefield in the east, because no matter how you look at it, Li Shimin is almost desperate.If Calabash City were to annex Li Shimin, the situation in the world would change drastically.Especially the players, if Calabash City succeeds, they will take off directly, and will officially join the ranks of "lords".

Especially the "Dragon Soul City Coup" this time is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Calabash City, but...

If it was the situation before, Li Shimin would indeed have nowhere to go, but now he has another choice, to surrender to the Underworld Temple!

The power of the Temple of the Underworld was blocked in the north by the Hongyu Empire, and it was impossible to reach the East. But now it is different. The Temple of the Underworld has signed an alliance agreement with the East China Sea State in the Underworld. Li Shimin can use the relationship between the Temple of the Underworld and With Donghai Kingdom joining forces, all his current predicaments will be easily resolved.

Li Shimin was able to know about the alliance between the Temple of the Underworld and the East China Sea before the Gourd City, it is entirely because the Temple of the Underworld came to the door before, since there is the Temple of the Underworld, why should we care about the Temple of Chaos?Of course, this choice is not without cost. Once Li Shimin chooses to attach himself to the Temple of the Underworld, in addition to unconditionally cooperating with the Temple of the Underworld when necessary, he is also delineated within the scope of expansion. His limit is Penglai City. In addition, Everything in the eastern border belongs to the East China Sea country. In addition, the Temple of the Underworld will also send "supervisors" to his forces.

However, for the current Li Shimin, this is already the best condition, at least he still retains most of the sovereignty.In addition, it is not without reason that the Temple of the Underworld came to Li Shimin. They don't want the eastern battlefield to end too soon. There must be a certain threat to the empire here, which will make it easier for them to fight in the northern battlefield.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if Li Shimin could cooperate with the East China Sea to make the undead sweep up faster.

This is a series of chain reactions. The original good situation in Calabash City is gone forever because of the alliance between Underworld Temple and Donghai Kingdom in the underworld.In this way, Calabash City will have to face the joint efforts of Li Shimin and Donghai Kingdom. The army of undead from Donghai Kingdom will buy time for Li Shimin, which will immediately give him time to breathe. The army, with Li Shimin and Dragon Soul City will recover soon.

However, Wu Yi still doesn't know these things at the moment. Under his previous order, he is constantly mobilizing forces from all sides to strengthen the defense capabilities of Penglai City, waiting for Li Shimin to collapse by himself. Obviously, all of this is impossible to achieve now up.

At the same time, the envoys of the Great Lords Alliance of the Underworld also entered the Gourd City through the gate of the Underworld under Tianzun's view. The envoy approached Mingying, who was in the view of Tianzun.


twilight barrier
Wu Yi, who exchanged 20 meritorious materials in one go, brought the Glory Holy Grail and Ye Jia's recommendation letter to the angel breeding pool in the city. The [-] bottles of concentrated holy water must be prepared in advance. This time, he could not fight at the same time as before. , while changing, then you can only come to the breeding pool to stop the loss.

"Incomplete Glorious Holy Grail? What a lucky little guy!" After reading Ye Jia's letter, the chief officer of the Angel Breeding Pool looked at Wu Yi in surprise, with a bit of envy in his eyes.

"But as I said in advance, I have no right to reward you with meritorious deeds."

"Can you exchange angel fighters?" Without merit, the materials are also impossible. If the materials are used, the angel race can completely decompose by itself. This is more efficient than the incomplete Holy Grail of Glory. If there is no better thing, then we can only consider angels. .

"That's quite possible! But I can only convert 50% of the functions you provide for the incubating pool into angel fighters. You can choose the type of angel fighters."

50%!Enough is enough, this has exceeded Wu Yi's expectations.

"Thank you sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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