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Chapter 1391 The Fuse of Jihad

Chapter 1391 The Fuse of Jihad
Wu Yi ran all the way to Qitiantai. No matter what happens in Meteor City, the top priority is to take down Deng Ai first. The faster you move, the greater the chance, but...

"No? How could there be no?" There are indeed three or five famous historical generals who can be resurrected in Qitian Terrace, but these people are all third-rate figures in history. Wu Yi has never even heard of them. It can no longer achieve any improvement effect, not to mention that it is better to go directly to the aborigines if you have died!
Except for top-notch figures, second- and third-rate names, Wu Yi basically wouldn't spend energy trying to get them, unless they came to work on their own initiative, and it was meaningless.Even for second-rate characters, the highest attribute is calculated as 89, and 88% will be deducted for each death, which is [-] points. Countless resources can be cultivated, so it is meaningless.

Could it be that Deng Ai was detained by the system like Li Yuanba?

If Deng Ai reached the first-class level before his death, then it is really possible!
Prior to this, the highest historical famous general who died in battle was the first-class or holy rank, and the only legendary Li Yuanba was detained by the system as the head ceremony for the next Tower of Dominion event.Deng Ai won't be included in the next Tower of Dominion event, right?In that case, you can only choose one of the two, and it is almost impossible to take care of both.

"It seems that we can only inquire about the battle in Meteor City first." Wu Yi called a production staff from the studio to help stare at the Qitiantai.

If you want to inquire about the matter of Meteor City, you will naturally go to Shangfangyue!At the beginning, Wu Jiutian passed the position of lord to Shangqianyue, and let Lingquan City jump to the rebel camp. Lingquan City is similar to the situation of Calabash City and Xiaguang City. The territory of Lingquan City was originally part of Meteor City, so, say It is true that Lingquan City is within the territory of Meteor City. With such a short distance, is it possible for them to miss such a big battle?
But when Wu Yi contacted Shang Xianyue through private chat, it was obviously temporarily unavailable.

Still in the war?
Forget it, let’s use the eye of time and space to look at Meteor City first. From the previous system information, Meteor City has already returned to Bai Qi, but I don’t know if Ban Chao has retreated, otherwise he couldn’t get away. The celebrity who fell that time was spectacular Yes.

The Eye of Time and Space has long been one of the symbols of Calabash City. When the "Magic Eye" appeared above the high altitude of the Northland, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. Not many, as long as they avoid the army and run into the demigod without luck, there will be no problem.Through the reconnaissance magic eye, Wu Yi saw the scene of Meteor City from a distance.

Right now, Ban Chao has led his army out of Meteor City, but he has not escaped the pursuit of the rebels. Gao Chong took the lead and killed Ban Chao's remnant army. At present, there are no demigod generals in the whole world. Legend is the most powerful general. There are also a large number of generals in Ban Chao's army, but none of them are Gao Chong's opponents.In addition to Bai Qijun, there are also a large army of players chasing and killing Ban Chao's remnant army.

To describe the current Ban Chaojun in one word, it would be miserable!

How could you lose so badly?The troops are not weak, and they are still on the defensive side. As long as it takes a day or two, reinforcements from all sides will definitely arrive. The scene in front of him is obviously beyond Wu Yi's understanding.

As things stand right now, Ban Chao should be able to run away, but the original Meteor City army has been completely disabled. In addition, Bai Qi has occupied Meteor City, and the situation in the northern border will change drastically.

"Not so good!"

Without Meteor City, the empire's seemingly "virtual" advantage will be reversed in an instant, and it will be difficult for Mayi City to escape the vortex of war.Do you want to increase troops to Mayi City?

And when the war in the northern border was changing rapidly, the rumors about the Temple of the Tides and the Mermaid Clan finally broke out after days of simmering.In troubled times, if you want to protect yourself or go further, the stronger the power you have, the better. God's remnant body can extract a large amount of divine essence. As long as you can get some of it, you have the opportunity to let the power have super Legendary powerhouses with strong potential step into demigods. The more demigods there are, the more stable their power will be.

Tianshui City, the city where the main hall of the Temple of Chaos is located, is also the temple of Chaos that has been continuously built since the day when the Hongyu Empire established the country. Although Tianshui City is just a small third-class city, there are countless backhands of the Temple of Chaos hidden in it.

Under the rumors, some forces finally couldn't sit still. Since the mermaid tribe occupies the power of the sea, it is difficult to find, so look for the Temple of Tides!
While being dragged down by the affairs of the underworld, the Hall of the Underworld was busy helping the rebels in the northern border to open up the situation, and also had to deal with the Temple of Light.The same is true for the Temple of Light. All theaters of the empire need their support, especially the northern and northwest regions.The last Taoist sect has benefited from the mermaid clan, so naturally they will not take the initiative to provoke trouble, not to mention they are currently teasing the Underworld Temple in the underworld.

In addition to the three major god-line forces, there are many forces, families, and neutral forces that are only known to high-level people in the world, such as the Prison King Ning's identity as the king of the Hongyu Empire!The combination of these forces is not a small force, and this time not only these forces have been mobilized, but also the Wu Clan, the assassin Nie Zheng from the neutral force Climbing the Sky Cliff, Tong Yuan from the Wuzun Space Wanchao Peak, and the previous The Yu Clan Yuhuang who was besieged and caused Sky Island to collapse.

In order to win a ray of life in the troubled times, these forces are fighting hard, even the neutral forces that pursue absolute neutrality can't sit still.

At this point, the Temple of Tides finally stopped holding back, and Tianshui City began to skip promotions, directly merging the surrounding land, and was promoted from a third-class city to a first-class city, and the city's defenses rose in a straight line.The Temple of Tidal Betting on King Dongping can be regarded as a rebel force, and city promotion does not need the permission of the Hongyu Empire. However, the first-class city is the limit, and the imperial capital is not so easy to achieve.

The forces of the coalition forces are very strong. The Temple of Tides used benefits to block the mouths of the three "comrades" of the Temple of the Earth, the Temple of Flame, and the Temple of Hurricane. If they want them to help, it also requires a price.Moreover, the strength of the coalition forces is very strong, and if they are strong, the losses are immeasurable. Therefore, the Temple of Tides intends to lead the war to the mermaids. East China Sea!

As for the Mermaid Clan and the Hongyu Empire working together to resist the Kraken, they don’t care. The collapse of the defense line in the East China Sea will be more beneficial to them. At that time, the Kraken will land from the East China Sea and invade the inland, which will give King Dongping an even greater advantage. It may not be able to take advantage of the situation to unify the south.

But obviously, the Temple of Chaos didn't know the agreement between the Taoist sect and the mermaid clan, and as soon as they made a move, it would immediately attract a counterattack from the Taoist sect.This matter has undoubtedly become the fuse of a new round of jihad, jihad, also known as the war of faith, once it starts, it will be extremely tragic.

 This year’s Chengdu is so ridiculous. It’s July, and I’m shrunk in the cold when I’m wearing short sleeves. It rains every other day or two, and the ground hasn’t been dried. It’s time to go boating.

(End of this chapter)

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