The best lord of online games

Chapter 1396 Fire Bull Array

Chapter 1396 Fire Bull Array

Li Mu was busy with military affairs, so he didn't talk with Wu Yijiu. Speaking of it, the two really had nothing to talk about. Wu Yi's purpose could not be clearly stated, but his purpose, both Li Mu and Li Zuoche, knew it in their hearts, and everyone tacitly understood it.But Li Mu now has a heart of serving the country with every fist, and it is impossible to leave the mess in the northwest and go to Hulu City to play for Wu Yi.

It is not easy for Wu Yi to take over the talents from Li Mu's side. Even if the Northwest is really defeated, these people are also members of the empire in name. As long as they survive and show their due abilities, the empire will definitely make other arrangements, unless These people are willing to follow him to Calabash City, otherwise he really can't force it.

"My lord, you don't need to worry. Grandfather still thinks very well of you, but the timing is not right now." Leaving the general's mansion, Li Zuoche saw that Wu Yi was in a low mood, so he comforted him.

Wu Yi shook his head, what's the use of just being optimistic, if Li Mu dies in battle, then everything will be empty talk.

"Let's go!"

Calabash City’s next war will focus on the East China Sea. The current calamity of the Siren has seriously affected Calabash City’s shipping business, especially the connection between the east and west seas has been completely broken, allowing Calabash City to develop a large share of business. Fortunately, Wu Yi's previous savings were strong enough. Fortunately, the business in the northeast, east, southeast, and even the central region has not been affected, otherwise the territory will have an economic crisis.

Holy Light City is the second main city of the Temple of Light, and it is impossible for the Temple of Light to ignore it. Therefore, Wu Yi doesn't have to worry about things here, and he can't. It's better to go back and take care of himself.

But just when Wu Yi and Li Zuoche were about to set foot on the teleportation array and leave the Holy Light City, a teleportation light suddenly enveloped him.

——System: You are forcibly summoned by the divine beast, and the teleportation will start after three seconds.

Miraculous animal?what's the situation?
Before Wu Yi could react, Wu Yi had disappeared at the entrance of the street in the teleportation square in the southern city of Shengguang City.

"My lord? My lord!!!" This scene scared Li Zuoche, who was following Wu Yi, into the urine. It was so weird. The lord suddenly disappeared. How should he explain it when he goes back?

Li Zuoche, who couldn't find anything unusual around him, immediately turned around and ran back to the General's Mansion. The dignified Poluhou of the Empire disappeared inexplicably in the Holy Light City. The matter was serious.

Wu Yi's sudden "disappearance" caused quite a commotion in Shengguang City. Even the demigod-level powerhouses of the Guangming Temple were mobilized, but the news did not spread.Today, the world is in chaos, and only the central region is immune to the flames of war. The same is true in the west. Xu Da was ordered to lead the army to suppress the rebellion. On the top of Moshan City, only Zhang Jiao, Wang Mang, and Cao Cao are left!
Wang Mang and Cao Cao, the hard-boiled brothers who stayed in Mingfeng City, became Zhang Jiao's "goal gods", so they could only bite the bullet and fight Xu Da. To the east is Mengwu, to the south is Moshan City Xie Xuan of the same camp, but now it is inexplicably replaced by Liu Bang's younger brother Xu Da from the imperial camp, and to the north is Ying Zheng and Li Mu, who have not yet been victorious. In the end, no matter which side wins, it will not be a good thing for them.

Therefore, Wang Mang and Cao Cao are the powerful forces that are most likely to be destroyed at the moment. A large number of player forces have invested their strength here. Once Cao Cao and Wang Mang are defeated, they will make trouble and forcefully rob the two sides of their talent resources.Before, Calabash City took over part of Li Shimin's family property, which attracted the envy of countless people. Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally step up the arrangements.

Under the pressure of the situation, Wang Mang and Cao Cao had to unite. Wang Mang took Tian Dan as his commander, and Zhang Liao was killed.On Cao Cao's side, Cao Ren is the commander, the door gods, and the generals of the Cao family and the Xiahou family. Regardless of the quality, the number is quite a lot.

As the No.1 general who founded the Ming Dynasty, Xu Da's ability is beyond doubt. Coupled with Gao Shun's trapped camp, Cao Jun, who was assigned to the southern half of Mingfeng City, was the first to be attacked. Cao Ren's ability to command troops was not as good as Cao Cao's. The super-class Xu Da was directly defeated from the front. At this time, Yu Chigong was newly promoted to the legend, but it didn't help the matter. As long as Xu Da couldn't be killed, the defeat could not be changed.

Fortunately, Zhang Liao arrived in time with his army and stabilized the defeat. Xu Da cautiously did not pursue deeply, and then Tian Dan also arrived. The two sides blocked Xu Da's advance on the south line of Mingfeng City. Of course, Because this is Cao Cao's "site", half of the military expenses of Tian Dan's army must be borne by Cao Cao.

The Zhuo family has been dragging the wedding of Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru, just wanting to wait to see if Cao Cao can break the current crisis. If Cao Cao can be reborn from the ashes, then they will increase their bargaining chips on Cao Cao and use Zhuo Wenjun The relationship to help Cao Cao win over Sima Xiangru!But if Cao Cao dies, it means that their previous investment has completely failed and they have to switch targets.

Because Liu Bang's performance was too "weird" before, Meng Wu in the east of Mingfeng City did not respond to Xu Da's counter-insurgency, and was more of a wait-and-see. In the eyes of a firm royalist like Mengshi, Liu Bang It is also wolfish ambition, and it is probably the best result for both parties to perish together.

The battle between the three parties is very fierce. There are nearly ten battles every day, and there are winners and losers. However, the players on Xu Da's side completely crush Cao Cao and Wang Mang. At present, more than [-]% of the players hope that Cao Cao and Wang Mang can perish as soon as possible. Fortunately, I can get certain benefits from it, so I naturally helped Xu Da during the war.

There is no need to consider the camp issue at all. It is natural for the imperial camp to fight the rebels, and the rebel camp can fight whoever it wants. Anyway, no one is in charge, and it is not a problem for the same camp to attack each other.

Finally, just now, Tian Dan, who had been "mediocre" before, made a big move. Tens of thousands of fire bulls rushed into the formation, directly tearing Xu Da's formation into pieces, and the coalition forces took the opportunity to swing their troops to kill him. , Xu Da was so directly killed that he almost couldn't hold his ground, and withdrew hundreds of miles back one after another.

Fire Bull Formation!
Tian Dan's trump card is known to the world!

The authenticity of this thing in history cannot be ascertained, but right now it is quite magical in "The Prosperous Age". A real fire bull!A strong bull was burning with raging flames, spreading out like a sea of ​​flames running, and the fire bull itself also carried powerful impact damage, which was extremely terrifying.

With the Fire Bull Formation, the battle situation in Mingfeng City was reversed in an instant, and Tian Dan's name spread all over the world!
(End of this chapter)

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