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Chapter 1460 "Wu Mu's Last Letter" Manuscript Volume 1

Chapter 1460 "Wu Mu's Last Letter" Manuscript Volume [-]

The "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon will only last up to three days each time, and it is also good to leave the dungeon early. He can have more time to prepare for the next three dungeons, whether he can enter the holy rank or the legion reaches the sixth level , can have a qualitative change.

The undead army cleaned up the ruins of Antao very smoothly, and the Gourd City did not accept surrender. This made the Nanshan Nursing Home following behind take a big advantage. The members of the guild alone doubled in size. Calabash City is more "pure", and it is actually the same if it is taken over by Nanshan Nursing Home. After all, it is his holding guild.

Everything is proceeding according to the plan. Rising Sun City in the southeast corner was attacked by a sea monster. The East China Sea Fleet is busy fighting the fire. The battle for the North has finally affected Mayi City. Huo Qubing attacked everywhere and gained a lot, but he failed He has passed the first-class threshold, and if he wants to take that step, he needs a strong opponent, or a big victory like breaking through the Khitan gathering place before.

Right now, the rebels in Dongping City are gathering troops in Hongye City, and the ruins of Antao have not yet become a new battlefield. Wu Yi has no choice but to go to Mayi City for the time being. Huo Qubing takes the initiative and Hua Mulan is in charge of defending the city. The Khitan's main force in Shang Xiaochuo's command is not a big problem.The power of the Temple of the Underworld has been fully transferred to the underworld, the Temple of Light is busy cleaning up the mess, and because of the changes in the North, the battle in the Northwest has become more intense. The trump card was raised, and the three armies advanced together, causing the defense line established by Li Mu to retreat steadily. The situation was extremely bad. Once Li Mu lost again, the Northwest would be defeated more thoroughly than the North.

Wu Yi has always had some ideas about Rising Sun City and Dongyue City. If he can take these two cities, Wu Yi will be able to dominate the southeast region. area!It's a pity that these two cities didn't rebel, so Wu Yi had no reason to send troops to attack, and Dongping City didn't send troops to detour to deal with them. Whenever King Dongping was interested, Wu Yi would wave the flag and shout, and would never stumble.

Recently, Li Jing and Sun Bin were fighting the most fiercely, because for some reason, Xiaoyue City, which originally formed an alliance with Sun Bin, suddenly disappeared!Literally, a Xiaoyue city in Nuo Da disappeared under the attention of countless people, and it is unknown where it went.Without the Xiaoyue City hanging above the Molten Fire City, the Dongping rebels once again launched a fierce attack on the Molten Fire City, wanting to take down the hardest nail in the south in one go!

As long as Sun Bin doesn't fall, there will be no problems in Calabash City!

The rebels in Xuerong City are about to cross Meteor City and go south. Wu Zhao is already fully preparing for the battle, and every three or two days, he will send a letter to Wu Yi, proposing to jointly fight against the enemy.The scope of the war is getting wider and wider, and the times create heroes, and it depends on who can grasp the opportunity.

The world is constantly changing under the impetus of the general trend, and more and more hidden forces have lifted the veil of mystery, especially the jihad between Taoism and the Temple of Elements, which allows players to have a deeper understanding of the power of the top forces.


At eight o'clock on Monday night, the first round of "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon finally came to an end. Everyone who participated was looking forward to what kind of rewards they could get, including Wu Yi who was "exited" ahead of schedule.

——System: The first copy of "Wu Mu Inheritance" is over, and the score is being settled...

——System: Congratulations on scoring 592 in the "Wu Mu Legacy" dungeon, rewarding "Wu Mu Suicide Notes" (volume [-]) (manuscript), and rewarding the specialty "Defense Strengthening" for being promoted to "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall".

There is no ranking in the score, so Wu Yi doesn't know how high his score can reach, but he is still very satisfied with the rewards. In addition to the art of war, there is also a commander-in-chief specialty that has been promoted.

"Wu Mu's Last Letter" (volume 5) (manuscript): special, command attribute bonus effect +[-]%.

The attribute is unexpectedly simple, but Wu Yi is not disappointed about it. After all, this is only the first volume of "Wu Mu's Last Letter". If each copy is a different volume, then the complete "Wu Mu's Last Letter" There are four volumes in total, and when the four volumes are combined, the attributes of the manuscript copy of "Wu Mu's Last Letter" will definitely surpass Cao Cao's "Meng De Xin Shu".

Not much to say about the "iron wall and iron wall". As one of the specialties with the strongest defensive effect, there are many famous generals in Calabash City who have it. If you want to make achievements in the ability to command troops, this is a must-have ability one.

This time the "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon, Wu Yi can be regarded as a bumper harvest, and his continuous growth is stronger than his previous month's efforts. In the two steps planned before, the level breaks through the holy rank, and the Tianzun Legion reaches the sixth level, then he hopes to push his "command" to reach eighty and enter the second-rate ranks!

Of course, it is very difficult to achieve this. Now his "command" is only 68, and he has not even reached the standard for entering the ranks.

After getting the reward on his own side, Wu Yi immediately inquired about Zhao Xueyin's harvest. Unlike him who died halfway, Zhao Xueyin persisted until the end of the dungeon. She will cooperate with those allied forces, and with the characteristics of her troops, until the end of the dungeon, the loss is not too big, but there is no chance of saving the slaves.

"The first volume of "Wu Mu's Suicide Notes" also has a specialty of 'strengthening attack'." Zhao Xueyin is still in Ghost Crab City. The chaos of the demon is uneven, no matter what happens, she will not leave the sea area.

Originally, Zhao Xueyin's level was much lower than Wu Yi's, but now she has reached the ninth and fifth levels, and everyone is now staring at the first full level and the first sudden holy rank.

"Wu Zhao has sent me a lot of letters. I have already agreed on the joint matter. Would you like to come and sit in the town?" The difference in rewards is not that big. Turned to Dongyang City, Wu Zetian's body.The rebels going south is also not good news for Calabash City. He has not yet decided which commander to lead the troops there, but it will undoubtedly be better if there is a player with sufficient status to sit in the town.

In particular, Wu Zetian's ability can easily attract female celebrities. If you arrange for a heavyweight to go there, you may have the opportunity to "cut off the Hu" in advance!
"now go?"

"No, wait until the rebels really go south." It is not known whether Bai Qi will personally lead the troops to the south, or will replace a weaker general. If it is Bai Qi, it will be exciting. Bai Qi will fight against Meng Ao ah!
"It's arranged and you notify me."

"it is good!"

"If you have nothing to do, get off the assembly line early and rest, and don't stay up late."

"Understood, my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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