The best lord of online games

Chapter 1462 Artifact-level "Heavenly Creation"

Chapter 1462 Artifact-level "Heavenly Creation"

After demarcating several areas, Zhang Qian left with Shen Yu. The agreement between the two parties was initially reached, while Wu Yi was still sitting where he was, a little lost in thought.Zhang Qian drew five or six areas, obviously trying to confuse the public, but is it meaningful?With the current strength of Calabash City, and knowing that the base of "Shadow" is in the ruins of Antao, it is not difficult to determine its exact location.

He doesn't care about asking "Shadow" to help search for the phoenix family artifact. This castrated version of Shenyu can't feel the breath of the divine beast from it. Even if you find one or two pieces of the so-called clan artifact, if you don't know It is impossible to see any problems in the words of those who read it, and holding it is useless except for the Phoenix family.

What Wu Yi really cares about is the organization "Shadow" itself!
Is it really the backhand of the arrangement of the Temple of the Underworld?
No one can be sure about this, but many people think so, or high-level public opinion is relying on it. After experiencing the cheating incident of the "007" golden ghost in the underworld, Wu Yi habitually puts such things Think on a more complex level.At the beginning, all the great lords of the underworld, including the Temple of the Underworld, thought that the golden ghost who killed the barbarian lord was the secret thread of the Taoist sect, but they never thought that it was actually a spy of the East China Sea.

It is true that with the style of "Shadow", it is most likely to be associated with the Temple of the Underworld, but what if it is a black hand that hides deeper?It would be really interesting if this was the arrangement left by the Temple of Light.

As for the background of "Shadow", Wu Yi didn't want to dig deeper, even if he knew it, it wouldn't do him any good. He didn't dare to get in touch with such a force that was sneaky about everything.Now, they can cooperate based on the ruins of Antao, which is a win-win situation. If the other party wants to gain more "friendship" from Calabash City, they will definitely help him find fragments of the Phoenix Clan artifact.

In other words, are those "short-sighted" great lords of the underworld still alive?Will it be cleared by the Temple of the Underworld?
Right now, the Temple of the Underworld is going all out to suppress the riots in the underworld. This is terrible news for the Alliance of Underworld Lords who have not been able to break through Donghai City.Only by pushing them a little more can they be truly ruthless!
——System: Song Yingxing successfully edited and completed the masterpiece "Heavenly Creation", and was promoted to a master scientist.

"Heavenly Creation" compiled?

Wu Yi, who was in a trance, stood up abruptly. He forgot all about the "shadow", the temple of the underworld, and the great lord of the underworld. "Heavenly Creation", this is his long-awaited masterpiece Great work, moreover, the [-]% of this book is also the time when Song Yingxing and his people brought the book and really settled in Calabash City.

At this time, Wu Yi couldn't sit still, he immediately ran out of his Hou's mansion and entered Song Yingxing's mansion.When Wu Yi ran over in a hurry, Song Yingxing was flipping through a large book with a smirk on his face.

"Congratulations, Mr. Song, for finally writing a treasured book and making it famous all over the world!" Wu Yi stared fixedly at the tome in Song Yingxing's hand, and congratulated him repeatedly.

"Haha, without the full support of the lord, I would not have succeeded, and half of the credit is due to the lord!" Although Song Yingxing's mouth was modest, the pride in his eyes could not be concealed.

"To thank you for your support, this "Heavenly Creation" will be kept in the library in Calabash City forever!"

——System: Grandmaster-level scientist Song Yingxing joined Calabash City.

——System: The first grandmaster-level talent settled in the territory will be rewarded with the title of "Grandmaster's Domain", and the fortune of the territory will be improved.

Wu Yi was completely confused with excitement. He only saw "Heavenly Creation", and he didn't even pay attention to Song Yingxing's new great master. Zhang Yufeng was one of the few great masters Wu Yi had seen before, but his relationship with Zhang Yufeng Although they are close, Lao Zhang is not from Calabash City after all, and Sun Simiao is still on his way to become a great master!The reward for the first grand master to settle in made Wu Yi suddenly fall into another round of ecstasy.

Domain of the Grandmaster - The success rate of sub-professionals breaking through to the Grandmaster level is +10%, and the ability of the Grandmaster-level professionals is +10%.

Simple yet powerful attribute, this is also the fourth title of Calabash City!Before this, Calabash City already had three titles: "Peerless Allure", "Singing and Dancing", and "Teaching in accordance with their aptitude". This is far more valuable and rare than three or two top-notch talents.

Of course, in Wu Yi's view, these are just "extras", including the great master scientist, Song Yingxing, the author, the real big one is "Heavenly Creation"!
"Tiangong Kaiwu" (True) (Only): An encyclopedia compiled by Song Yingxing, which can be placed in the Tibetan Library of the Territory to obtain special bonuses.Agriculture + 100%, Fishing + 100%, Animal Husbandry + 100%, Mining + 100%, Manufacturing Deputy Ability + 25%, Manufacturing Industry Efficiency + 25%, Quality of All Output Items + 25%, The success rate of production is +25%, the success rate of new cooperative research and development is +25%, the efficiency of multi-industry joint research and development is improved, and the chances of planting and breeding plants and animals mutating and improving quality are strengthened.The more fox books you collect in Zangshu Pavilion, the more bonuses you will get for "Heavenly Creations".

This attribute... divine weapon!

Wu Yi is dazzled by a series of attributes. As long as "Tiangong Kaiwu" is "supplied" in Zangshu Pavilion, the output of the territory will be directly doubled. This is quite an exaggeration, especially in the current natural disaster Frequent troubled times are even more precious, and their value is immeasurable.

By the way, what is in front of me is the authentic version of "Tiangong Kaiwu", which is unique, but how can I get a manuscript?He has seen too many manuscripts, such as the manuscripts of "Wu Mu's Suicide Notes", the manuscripts of "Meng De's New Book" and so on. , is enough to sell for a sky-high price!
"Tiangong Kaiwu" is the only real book with the "unique" attribute at present in Hulucheng, and only this kind of book has the value of developing manuscripts. Without this kind of experience before, Wu Yi naturally couldn't make it Be clear about the process.

When Wu Yi asked Song Yingxing for advice, Song Yingxing said with a smile: "My lord can let little brother Pan do it. However, with the level of "Heavenly Craftsmanship", it is the limit to be able to transcribe five or six volumes in one month."

Pan An?The administrator of Zangshu Pavilion, he is more like a mascot in Calabash City.

But can I only copy five or six books a month?It's enough, there are many ways to sell, and there are few ways to sell less. It is only necessary that there is no hostile relationship with him. With hostile forces, only similar items are accepted in exchange, and this item is not at all worrying about selling.

(End of this chapter)

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