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Chapter 1501 The Thunderbolt Hammer, Li Yuanba who makes up the knife

Chapter 1501 The Thunderbolt Hammer, Li Yuanba who makes up the knife
With one demigod missing to consume the power of the army, the advantage of the Calabash City side in the army became more prominent, especially after Shi Wansui led the cavalry to complete the division of the army formation, the advantage became more and more obvious. Wang Zhongsi had no choice but to The strong men broke their wrists, abandoned some apparently hopeless troops, and concentrated their strength to defend the central army.

Look at the demigod who was cut off by the "rotation of fate". In order to avoid the threat of the military god of war, he forced the emperor to rush to the ground. Wang Zhongsi also cooperated very well, dragging Geng Geng with the strength of the only army. Yan's military god of war, for this reason, regardless of the disadvantages and crises of the army, he put all his chips on this demigod.

In fact, even if Wang Zhongsi had other ideas, there was nothing he could do. The gap in hard power was there, and the victory and defeat were all on one person. This made him, the commander of the army, very aggrieved, but he was powerless.

But the tactic chosen by that demigod was obviously wrong. Although the emperor of the earth is a corpse refiner, he still retains some of his abilities during his lifetime, such as the talent of "body of the earth". It is not a wise choice to get greatly strengthened and change the battlefield to the ground!The domain of the demigod has been "cut" the most. At this time, the "gravity domain" of the emperor can already play a certain role against the demigod. Although in the battle between the two, the demigod still occupies an absolute advantage. However, the Emperor finally had a chance to counterattack. Although he still defended more and attacked less, compared to before, there has been a qualitative change.

Wu Yi is most willing to see this dragging on. After all, Wang Zhongsi's side will definitely not be able to last for too long. As long as Wang Zhongsi is finished, even if this demigod dances again, he will die!

Not to mention, there is still a chance. Although the current image of the Earth Emperor looks extremely miserable, even the legendary guardian's heavy shield has been deformed, there is nothing special about refining corpses, and the Earth Emperor's ability is originally based on defense. good at.Of course, it’s impossible to hold on for too long. Before the demigod was cut off, most of his life had already been killed. If the demigod hadn’t been eager to help Wang Zhongsi consume the power of Geng Yan’s army before, the After knocking the Emperor into the air, he didn't care about it, otherwise the Emperor would have been beaten into a meat paste long ago. The gap between the demigod and the legend is not blown out.

Anyone with an online IQ can understand this kind of situation. As a demigod, even if he doesn't understand military skills, he can't be a fool. For such a situation, he naturally sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.The reason why he persisted after being sealed by fate was because this battle was extremely important to his family, and it was related to the status his family could gain in the power of King Dongping.

Since ancient times, there has been less charcoal in the snow, and more icing on the cake!
His family joining Dongping City is icing on the cake for King Dongping!Under such circumstances, if you want to get a higher status, you have to pay something!

The demigod was in a hurry, and the attack in his hand became more and more violent. In order to destroy this resistant corpse faster, he gave up part of the defense and blocking movements, and attacked with all his strength.Before completely defeating Wang Zhongsi's army, before completely exhausting the strength of the opponent's army, even if Geng Yan's military God of War has the upper hand, it is not easy to support the Emperor, it is too "cumbersome"!However, under the feet of the God of War, the power of the army in the form of a sea of ​​clouds is all suppressed in this area, further suppressing the strength of the demigod. This will not have any effect on the side of Calabash City, which has an absolute advantage in the army. Influence.

Coupled with the suppression of the power of the army, the demigod finally began to get injured. Although this level of injury did not have much impact on the demigod, it was an excellent high end!

This "independent" battlefield is too dangerous for people below the legendary level. Once close, even the holy ranks will be hard to save their lives. If more "external force" is invested, Wu Yi doesn't care whether the emperor will be finished in the end. In Wu Yi's view, if a demigod can be replaced with a legendary corpse, it will be worth a thousand dollars. worth it.

The input of "external force" is definitely not enough in close combat. They will kneel before close combat, and they will not be effective. Except for "Nine Profound Sword Qi", other skills of Tianzun Taoist soldiers are slightly insufficient in range. With Nine Profound Sword It is completely futile to gather fire and demigod, it is impossible to hit!Since Tianzun Taoist soldiers are not good, the legion magicians are not much better. The barriers are constructed by earth magicians, and they can block for half a second. The main force is the eight music girls and the singers!
Although these two special female soldiers are both stuck at the ninth level and have not been included in the list of super soldiers, the skill range of the voice-type soldiers is really outstanding. In the "longest range skill list" of the player statistics, Among all the vocal units, none of their skills made the list, but the average coverage of all their skills is the largest.

Coincidentally, these two arms also have a lot of auxiliary skills, how long they can help the Emperor... It's hard to say!

Now it's time to fight for speed, to see which side can get the result first!
However, with the current state of Wang Zhongsi's army, even if the demigod is really liberated first, as long as he hasn't untied the seal of fate, it seems that he can't change the outcome.For Wang Zhongsi now, the best outcome is probably that the two armies will lose out in a fight. With his current remnant army, he is no longer able to continue to attack the territory of Calabash City.

Time passed quickly in the tense and fierce battle, and Wang Zhongsi's military strength in the sky almost became transparent. As for the army, with the continuous consumption of the strength of the two armies, the calabash city has completely established its victory.And the situation of the Emperor is not much better. I have to say that the defense of the guardian's heavy shield is really perverted, but the body of the Emperor is swollen, which makes his defense flawed. The forearm of his left hand has been blown away. They were all interrupted.


Wu Yi was speechless. If this kind of injury was applied to a normal person, he would have entered the "endangered" state long ago, but the emperor is still alive and strong, but has temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.However, he didn't gain anything at all. Although he seldom counterattacked, the protracted battle also kept the "corpse aura" on the demigod's body at dozens of levels, and the erosion effect continued.

When the Emperor of the Earth lost his combat power, the battle of the God of War above the sky also had results. Wang Zhongsi really couldn't spare any more force from the army to continue to maintain the existence of the God of War, and then he became an army of Geng Yan The power of the battle is weakening the demigod!
If the demigod hadn't been sealed by fate, there wouldn't be any suspense in this battle. After all, Geng Yan didn't have much army power to use. He was consumed too much by the demigod before, but now the opponent has fallen out of the demigod state. The result is quite different.

So hard!

It's really rare for a demigod to be so desperate in such a small battle. Generals Cheng Yaojin, Li Siye, and Shi Wansui have already gone to wipe out Wang Zhongsi's remnant army, with the intention of completely wiping out the enemy army.The battle between the military god of war and the demigod has also reached a critical time, the damage of the military god of war is not comparable to that of the emperor, there is a chance!

Wu Yi was extremely nervous, could Geng Yan use his military power to kill this demigod?If he can succeed, he will definitely be able to grow again, and the harvest will definitely be more abundant than that of the blood-striped Leijiao. After all, this time he participated from the beginning to the end.

And at this moment, a white glow rose from below, like a shooting star. The white glow is the light produced by the friction between an object flying at high speed and the air. If you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that the white glow is wrapped in... Li Yuanba's Sledgehammer?The sledgehammer penetrated into the demigod's weakened field, hitting the demigod's vest that was already showing signs of fatigue, and then, the demigod's entire body exploded in the air.

This blasting hammer directly blasted the demigod's body into minced meat!

At this moment, the audience was almost still, how could a demigod perish on such a battlefield!Put it in advance, who can think of it?
However, Li Yuanba really grabbed a good head!Originally, Wu Yi thought that this demigod would die in the hands of Geng Yan's military god of war, but he was killed by Li Yuanba's blasting hammer from nowhere!

(End of this chapter)

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