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Chapter 1667 The Collapsed Space

Chapter 1667 The Collapsed Space

"Everyone be careful!"

Zhao Xueyin's complexion changed drastically. The undead energy released in an instant was too huge. It was so big that it exceeded the upper limit of the Holy City of Glory. I saw that the magnificent Holy City of Glory quickly dimmed. In the end, only It was as light as a layer of tulle, but it still couldn't hold on after that, and it completely dissipated. If you want to open the Holy City of Glory again, you have to wait for a long CD time.

The skills of the guidance system are like this, as long as they are not forcibly interrupted by external factors, they can be maintained forever, and the CD time can also be exempted if they are terminated by themselves, which is completely different from being forcibly interrupted by external factors.

The Glorious Holy City dissipated, and Zhao Xueyin immediately activated the second skill "Holy Place" attached to the Holy Grail.It's a pity that the sacred place is not even worthy of the shoes of Huiyao Holy City in terms of effect or coverage. Right now, it can only be regarded as better than nothing, providing a small protective circle, and at the same time continuously purifying the remaining dead spirits in the space Qi.

The undead side lost the altar, and Wu Yi's side lost the Glorious Holy City. Both sides lost their strongest cards, and it seemed as if they were back to the starting point.But the current situation is obviously more beneficial to them, because they have one more demigod on their side. The reason why the undead had an advantage before was because of the altar. A demigod is definitely not something that three or five legends can fight off.

The war in the folding space escalated again, and Yue Xiangkong, who had attacked and destroyed the altar before, disappeared again. In this incomplete space, the advantage of the space magician is too great, and it is too dark. Moon Phase Kong is the most terrifying killer here.Seeing that Wu Yi was envious for a while, his family's space magician was still stuck in the holy rank, and he was far away from the legend. With more and more powerful people in the territory, his sense of existence became less and less.

Wu Yi continued to guide Jiuxiao Shenlei, but his target, the bastard Falling Wing, had disappeared. A large number of undead made it too easy for him to find a "meat shield".With the continuous fall of the Nine Clouds Divine Thunder, the damage of each divine thunder is also constantly increasing. When the divine thunder reaches the sixth and seventh, it is already possible to kill the holy rank in seconds. Unfortunately, the legendary field has no effect on damage. His weakening is too strong, unless he makes up the knife at a critical moment, otherwise with his current strength, he will not be able to threaten the legendary powerhouse for the time being.

The white light that erupted from the eighth divine thunder seemed to fill the entire space, and directly scattered a holy-rank dracolich that was hit directly. Unfortunately, for him now, beheading a holy rank can hardly bring him any damage. anything that grows.

Wu Yi continued to guide the ninth divine thunder. This time, he planned to try to land on a legendary dragon who was fighting with the legendary powerhouse on their side, and the two fell all the way to the bottomless ravine on the ground. It is far more difficult for him to grow in the Lich than those famous historical generals. Since he has the opportunity, he must seize it. The damage of the divine thunder after the ninth path has reached an extremely terrifying level.

However, before Wu Yi could finish his guidance, black shadows suddenly surrounded him, and at the same time, there were extremely piercing and creepy children's laughter.

——System: You are cursed to death by "Cursed Doll", upper life limit -50%, casting consumption +50%, damage received +100%, there is a certain chance of sudden death.

what the hell! ?
The 50% increase in spellcasting consumption directly made Wu Yi's ninth Nine Heavens Divine Thunder misfire, and the skill value required to guide it exceeded his current remaining skill value, and the guide enhancement ended.

Curse the doll?

Wu Yi knew that this kind of ghost must be a "big gift" secretly given to him by Falling Wings. If it was the undead aborigines, then this kind of method would definitely not be used on him, a holy rank.If it wasn't for Zhao Xueyin's being an angel and her own divine attribute, the success rate of this kind of curse would be too low. Falling Sky Wing would probably use it on Zhao Xueyin. After all, the power she is displaying now poses a greater threat to the undead.

——System: You have been purified by the divine power, and the curse on your body has been alleviated to a certain extent.

Fortunately, he is now in the range of the sacred place, and the power of the holy light is acting on him all the time. It is too scary to fight in such a state. Maybe even cutting his finger can cause a one-hit kill Effect.However, the "lethal" effect of this curse is also related to strength, right?It was a bit of luck to escape the "death" effect this time, but Wu Yi still broke out in a cold sweat.

Curse can be said to be a major feature of the underworld system, it has all kinds of effects, this kind of "death" curse can probably be classified with the fortune-teller's "one word becomes a prophecy", generally it will not succeed, but once it succeeds, then It will completely nail all the possibility of a comeback.

I didn't expect Falling Sky Wing to have such a thing in his hand, and sure enough, these are not difficult to underestimate.

Under the purification of the sacred power, the curse on Wu Yi gradually disappeared, but the Thunder Curse of the Nine Heavens God was forcibly interrupted, and it entered a long CD just like the Glorious Holy City. He can only rely on the Five Thunder God Sword Art and the ordinary God Thunder Curse to maintain output, which can be regarded as completely cutting off the possibility of him making up the legendary powerhouse.

The spirit of death in the space became weaker and weaker. Luo Mengxin set up a huge sealing formation, and Yue Xiangkong also began to attack frequently, stealing and killing many legendary powerhouses on the other side. On the one hand, it is much better.

Now that the altar has been destroyed and the spirit of the undead that has been collected before has dissipated, it is meaningless for the undead to continue fighting, but it is so easy to go anywhere.In the eyes of Wei Huo and others, these undead not only represent military exploits, but also act as a moving treasure house. Demigods are not too poor, right?
However, as the fierce fighting continued, this folded space gradually became unstable, especially when Yue Xiangkong destroyed the altar with too much force, the shallow space crack not only did not disappear, On the contrary, it stretched longer and wider, and the spread of the war caused this space to collapse from all around.

Space... the space is about to collapse!

"Get out of here!" Yue Xiangkong, who is most sensitive to space, immediately moved back to the range of the sacred place, and could not continue to fight. Once the space collapsed and the exit disappeared, it would be difficult for him to survive in such an environment. If the second exit is torn open, then everyone will die together.Maybe he can rely on the ability of space to survive in the turbulence of time and space for a period of time, but there is absolutely no possibility of coming back. At this time, even the boundary breaking teleportation talisman is useless.

The demigods of the two sides separated in a very tacit understanding, mainly because Wei Huo and the others had the upper hand and had more initiative.

"Go! Let's go out first and then talk."

The four demigods took the initiative to cut off the back, of course, they also wanted to bury all these undead directly in this collapsing space.Although the undead have no brains in theory, they are not stupid. Seizing the moment when the other party is afraid to fight them, they made a posture of pulling the other party to die together, and finally won the control of part of the exit. .

(End of this chapter)

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