The best lord of online games

Chapter 1672 The Oracle Passed Down by the Witch God

Chapter 1672 The Oracle Passed Down by the Witch God

Huo Qubing raided the settlement of the Chile tribe, and the Seven Sins League raided Mayi City. Even under the severe cold, the Northland has never been peaceful. Some countries are restrained, after all, no one wants the situation to be unmanageable after the beginning of spring.

Compared with the fierce confrontation in the Northland, the battle of the Northwest Great Wall defense line was also not easy. Xiang Yu paid Lian Po to go south to suppress the rebels, in exchange for the condition of not participating in the battle of the Demon Realm, which also won him a little time to develop in the long and fierce battle .But Yingzheng had no choice. He had to take the blame and let Xiang Yu go. The Hongyu Empire had to send more troops to the Great Wall, and Li Mu had no choice but to go on an expedition.

The two army gods plus a group of demigods, no matter how powerful the Demon Realm is, they will at most wander around the Great Wall. If they win the government, they are negotiating with Xiang Yu recently, planning to cross the Tielin Pass and continue to expand the Great Wall. Part of it can be owned by Xiang Yu, but Xiang Yu has not let go for the time being.As a result, Lian Po, who went south, achieved good results. As soon as he arrived in Xuanwu City, he cooperated with Mengwu's Mengjia army to repel Xu Da's invading army, and then took advantage of the situation to enter Shenmu City.

The current Shenmu City is very chaotic. Although Shenmu City nominally belongs to King Moshan, Liu Bang's army can come and go in and out of it at will, as if it is shared by both parties.

And the sea monsters in the West Sea became more and more rampant, but the strange thing is that neither the sea monsters nor Zhao Kuangyin have ever touched Hongliu City, where the West Sea Fleet sits. With the current strength of the Sea Monsters, the West Sea Fleet cannot stop it.Originally, Hongliu City was separated from the military and the government, Zhou Yu was in charge of military affairs, and the city lord was in charge of government affairs, but now, in a short period of time, the city lord Hongliu has been completely taken over by Zhou Yu, and Zhou Dudu has become the local emperor of Hongliu City. It is self-evident what it represents.

Relatively speaking, the south, which has just ended a crucial decisive battle, is much calmer. Even the East China Sea country in the east is becoming more and more uneasy. More and more undead descended from the gate of the underworld under the Chaochao Cliff to the main world. Even with Wei Liao's continuous onslaught, he still couldn't take a single step into Iron Tooth City.The same is true for Wang Zhongsi who assisted in the battle on the southern front.

It can also be seen from this point that the situation of the Taoist expedition to the underworld is not good, and the East China Sea Kingdom is a huge hidden danger to Calabash City after all.

At this moment, Zhu Rong, who had been dragged back to the Lich before, finally came back, along with Peng Yun, the Great Elder of the Fire Witch Department and Zhu Rong's staunch supporter!This person is currently in the Witch Clan, but second only to the Witch King. If there is no important matter, at this stage, he will definitely not come to Calabash City in person.

Thinking about the mysterious oracle handed down by the witch god avatar before, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of this boss's trip.

"Lord Wuyi, everyone is our own, so I'll just say it straight." At the banquet, Peng Yun said straight to the point.The Witch Clan and the Monster Clan can be said to be two extremes. Although they have a deep relationship, conflicts often broke out between the two sides. It is said that it was like this when they were allies. I don’t know why. The disintegration of the three-system alliance is not just the reason for the Daomen pit.

"Speak! Talk while eating!" Zhu Rong didn't tell him about the oracle, and Wu Yi didn't take the initiative to ask, he didn't want Zhu Rong to be stuck between the two of them.

"My family needs to build a wizard tower on the lord's Ghost Crab Island."

"Witch God Tower?" Wu Yi knew about the Witch God Temple. What is the Witch God Tower?It seems that none of the Wu tribes have such a thing, right?
"That's right! We, the Witch Clan, can be responsible for the construction and materials. The lord only needs to provide some labor. In the future, the Witch God Tower will also belong to the lord."

"What's the use of this Witch God Tower?" The Witch Clan mobilized so many people, this Witch God Tower must not be simple.

"Sorry, this is a secret of our family, but it is definitely good for the lord, and there is no harm. There is no doubt about the presence of the Holy Maiden."

so mysterious?

It seems that the Tower of the Witch God must be related to the oracle of the Witch God this time, but why was it built on the Ghost Crab Island in the East China Sea?Is it just one, or will it be built in other regions?However, Peng Yun was right in saying that with Zhu Rong around, the Wu Clan would not be able to harm him. Even the oracle this time was conveyed to the entire Wu Clan through Zhu Rong's mouth.

If this incident is harmful to Calabash City, then Zhu Rong will definitely stop it. Wu Yi is confident about this.

"Okay, I will order people to fully cooperate with Ghost Crab Island."

In any case, it is a special building. Since it is not harmful to the gourd city, it will be somewhat beneficial. However, he does not know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the witch clan, and what is the oracle passed down by the witch god? What are you planning.Wu Yi didn't know the difference between the God Realm and the main world, but judging from the fact that these gods wanted to come down, their lives in the God Realm should not be easy.

"The business is over, come, come, boss, let's continue the banquet. I specially asked the chef of the Gourd House to cook these, and this wine, which is a specialty of my Gourd City. It is the only one in the world. Part!" The banquet is to bring the relationship between each other closer, otherwise, why would the nobles like to hold banquets if they have nothing to do, wishing to hold eight banquets a day.

"Sure enough, good wine, strong enough!"

"As long as the Great Elder likes it, then go directly to the winery and drag a thousand altars away."

Wu Yi Neng doesn't have much time to stay in the main world. In the next period of time, his main activity area will still be in the Doomsday God Battlefield. Jebe worked hard.Although he is not as good as Zhao Xueyin in the previous missions, he has accumulated nearly 400 million military exploits, which is already half a Zhebie.


In the depths of the East China Sea, the exiled sea area where the Siren King was originally sealed, has left a huge seal of divine power from the Goddess of Tides here. Even if the Siren's momentum is in full swing in the West Sea, even if the Krakens in the East China Sea have not been able to open the situation, the Kraken However, the emperor never left the East China Sea. He spent most of his time in this exiled sea area, using the divine power seal here to repair a vital artifact of the Siren Clan.

But at this moment, from the numerous seals in the exiled sea area, a God-Chosen Siren, Xiaofei, who is very different in appearance from ordinary sea monsters, popped up. .1" up.

"Your Majesty, the task you entrusted to me earlier has been completed." Brother Xiaofei held a simple broken horn with nearly one-third of it broken in both hands, and handed it to the Sea Demon Emperor.

"That's right, it's not in vain that the emperor spent so much effort to send you in." After the sea demon emperor took the broken horn, he looked enigmatic and didn't know what he was thinking, but he threw it to the little girl. Brother Fei has a water-dividing trident with scale patterns.

"Yes, yes, the brat can complete this task entirely thanks to His Majesty's ingenious calculations. If His Majesty has any other tasks, even if you leave it to the kid, the kid will definitely do his best to complete it, oh no, it is a perfect completion." The task is definitely high-end, and the reward is absolutely unimaginable. If not, how could he enter the holy rank so quickly?

"Okay, I do have a small matter that needs to be handled by someone. Since you are willing, I will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I'm determined to handle the matter properly!"

"I hope so." The Sea Demon King took out an unknown beast egg, "Bring this beast egg to within a hundred miles of Mermaid Island in the West Sea!"

"Mermaid Island?" Brother Renfei felt bad all of a sudden, this is almost a mission that must die, and this mission is bound to him, there is no way to ask his cannon fodder brother to do it for him.What a joke, he is now a holy rank, and it will cost a lot to die once.

"You only have one chance. If you fail, then the emperor will never want to see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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