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Chapter 1674 Mao Ziyuan's conspiracy, forcibly standing in line

Chapter 1674 Mao Ziyuan's conspiracy, forcibly standing in line

——System: Li Chunfeng succeeds as the national teacher of the Hongyu Empire.

The sky was cloudless, and the only god in modern times who broke the boundary between man and god also disappeared and went to the legendary god realm.Yuan Tiangang's ascension caused a huge sensation all over the world. For those who are dedicated to pursuing a higher realm, ascension to the God Realm is not a bad thing, but it is endless glory and a lifelong pursuit.

At the same time, Yuan Tiangang's ascension may also be a signal to the God Chosen. Will this world really maintain the "Godless" era?Is it true that the gods of the God Realm will never come down?
The world is too big and there are too many forces, especially when the power of the Chosen One is gradually catching up, to rule the world?That's too far away, even Wu Yi, what he thinks now is just occupying the land and becoming a king. In troubled times, he has the qualifications to become a prince. It will be countless times higher than the current one.

Anyway, this incident touched Wu Yi quite a lot, after all, it was a historical celebrity who went up this time!
In order to make the territory more competitive in the future, Wu Yi decided to start his unreliable plan again, the Sky Island Project!Speaking of this matter, it is also quite unlucky. Hulu City also organized an empty island operation before, but it was sent directly to the wrong place and arrived at an unknown ruined space. "There is more than one empty island. The last time they used the praying platform to "pray" was not rigorous enough, wasting an opportunity in vain.

The Shrine of Dawn, as long as Xu Negative doesn’t go out, he will stay here most of the time. The theocracy of “Dawn—Light of Hope” can help her grow faster. Right now, Xu Negative’s “Intelligence” attribute has reached 97, half a distance away. The god is not far away, but the growth of a fortune-teller is much more troublesome than that of a general, otherwise Xu negative's "intelligence" would have reached 98 in the previous battle of Mayi City.

On the battlefield of Doomsday Gods, Wu Yi has no advantage at all. The only thing to be thankful for now is that Zhebie is "expensive" enough. A Zhebie is about to surpass two super-class generals. Someone thinks about him immediately.But there is still not much time left for Wu Yi to wander around. The combination of one master and one assistant like him and Zhao Xueyin is not unique. The Grand Duke will be more exaggerated than him.

So, this time, Wu Yi only intends to follow the past. Anyway, Xu Negative is the main force. As long as the skill CD of "Moonlight Donkey" is good, he can come back at any time, with a delay of one day at most.

"Lord, I have dragged Yao Yueshan back to the Mermaid Clan to check before, and I have also asked Shui Dongliu for advice. I can confirm that there are five empty islands that appeared in history, also called Sea God Sky Island, four of which belonged to the original Sea God God. The other is the first god general under the command of the Sea God. After the fall of the Sea God, he wanted to forcibly stabilize the situation in the sea. It is said that when the Sea God fell, the Palace of the Gods also collapsed together. The four Sea Gods Sky Island cannot survive."

Xu Negative's meaning is self-evident. The previous time they went to the ruins of the Sea God's Shrine. Unfortunately, the valuable things there had been hollowed out long ago.

"As long as we can be sure."

is not that right!

The "pray" of Qitiantai is not [-]% successful. On the premise of not considering the special purpose, but only the location, the more restrictions are added to the "pray", the greater the probability of reaching the exact destination.It is absolutely impossible to obtain an empty island simply through the "blessing" task of Qitiantai, but if an ownerless empty island can be determined in advance, it will be different.

As long as you find Sky Island's "God's Heart", you can gain control of Sky Island!


Just when Wu Yi was making a new round of "prayer" in Calabash City, Mao Ziyuan of Dongyue City couldn't help becoming active after witnessing Yuan Tiangang's ascension.His White Lotus Confession Hall developed very quickly, and in a short period of time, it had already left Dongyue City, and it was also developing in the next door, Rising Sun City.

It's just that right now he doesn't dare to reach out to Calabash City and Dongping City rashly.

In the secret room of a white lotus confession hall in Dongyue City, Mao Ziyuan sat cross-legged on a lotus, and there was only dim candlelight in the secret room.At this moment, a middle-aged man bowed, walked in carefully, and knelt in front of Mao Ziyuan: "Sect Master!"

"Have you found out everything?" Mao Ziyuan opened his eyes, and Gujing Wubo's eyes gave people a faint sense of oppression.

"It's clear, and now three people have been locked."

"Okay, be careful when you do it."

"The suzerain can rest assured that the most loyal martyrs are selected, and there will be absolutely no mistakes."

"Remember to leave one for him to go back." After finishing speaking, Mao Ziyuan closed his eyes again, and the middle-aged man bowed and carefully exited the secret room.

Mao Ziyuan's Bailian Confession Hall has missed the best opportunity for development. Non-noble territories like Dongyue City and Rising Sun City are fine. After all, the officials here don't have much thought to manage them. If their interests are not touched, generally they will not take care of it.

Yuan Tiangang's ascension made him eager to expand his Bailian Confession Hall, because it was related to his strength, but the more chaos he had, the more chances he would have. Therefore, he absolutely could not tolerate Dongyue City being destroyed. Whether it is Calabash City or Dongping King, it is the same for peaceful acceptance.Therefore, he wanted to use Dongyue City to provoke Calabash City and King Dongping, and use this as a fuse to make the war break out more thoroughly.

This time, Mao Ziyuan chose Calabash City!

Both Gourd City and King Dongping sent many envoys to stay in Dongyue City for a long time. The officials of Yuecheng will definitely make choices first because of fear!Mao Ziyuan did this because he wanted to force the officials of Dongyue City to stand in line, instead of being a fool like they are now.

The reason why he chose to attack the envoys of Calabash City was mainly because with the current defenses of Dongping City and Calabash City, the army of Calabash City could respond faster and enter Dongyue City faster.If the two sides are at a stalemate in Dongyue City, his value will continue to increase. Using this as a bargaining chip, no matter which side he negotiates with in the future, he will be able to obtain greater benefits.

As long as he catches the line of Calabash City or King Dongping, his Bailian Confession Hall can take off directly.

Dongyue City is just a springboard for his realistic ambitions. Mao Ziyuan never thought of spending his life holding Dongyue City in his arms like this!
(End of this chapter)

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