The best lord of online games

Chapter 1676 Poseidon is still alive?

Chapter 1676 Poseidon is still alive?

Poseidon Sky Island
Because the task this time was uncertain, only four people came, Xu Negative, Aunt Gongsun, Shi A, and Wu Yi who might leave at any time, two legends, and two saints.Aunt Gongsun has been promoted because of her previous "military training" expertise, and the exclusive unit Jinghong Sword Dancer can also be upgraded to a level, so after she came back from plundering Guyue City with Wei Qing, she has been transferring to the Gourd City to train Sword Dancer. The leisurely type of people.The same is true for Shi A, he is the intelligence leader of Calabash City, and the dark net has begun to take shape, so there is no need for him to go undercover in person.

Along the way, the sea monsters hardly dared to take the initiative to trouble them, which saved them a lot of effort. They could fly unscrupulously on the empty island, but they also seemed very blind and purposeless. If they couldn't find the right way, I'm afraid there will be no results even if it is transferred like this for a month.During this process, Wu Yi also tried his unreliable divination, but failed directly, without even a vague hexagram.

To be honest, things like divination, feng shui, talismans, including formations, are all used for the time being to get titles for Wu Yi. He is more inclined to Taoism and Taoism. Department of Taoism, and strive to get the title of "Apprentice Lei Fa Taoist" as soon as possible.

"There are gods on this empty island!" Xu negative, who stopped and went, and kept divination, suddenly changed his face, and the fate coins that danced between his fingers were surrounded by circles of pale golden halos.

"Gods?!" At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised, gods, that is real invincibility, not the pseudo-invincibility of Xiang Yu, just the four of them, there is no such thing as a god, and the domain alone can overwhelm kill them.

"How is it possible? If there were gods, our arrogant method would have been dealt with long ago. Moreover, this is in the main world, with the Ascension Formation, which god can stand there." Wu Yi said quickly, let alone the Lord. The world is gone, and even the underworld, which is close to the main world, can't hold God.

"Is it sealed?" Shi A expressed his thoughts. After all, there are two former gods in Calabash City, which is not unusual for them.

"I don't know the reason for the time being, but it is clear that there is an unknown existence on this empty island who is trying to disrupt my divination. It is absolutely impossible to be a demigod who can do it so thoroughly!" Without saying a word, there are demigods who can push her to this level, that is, those who can inherit the title of the National Master of the Hongyu Empire. Whether it is Yuan Tiangang or Li Chunfeng, with the help of the divination artifact, they can Perfectly suppress her.

But according to the background of Sea God Sky Island, there is no divination profession at all, let alone divination-type artifacts.That's why she was so sure that there were existences beyond demigods on Sky Island.

"Then what should we do now? Go back?" Aunt Gongsun has unsheathed her swords unconsciously. She and Xu Negative are quite in tune. She is a high-evasion sword dancer. Ascension to infinite heights, so the combination of her and Xu negative is quite invincible in the legendary rank.

But these attributes are not effective under the suppression of the power level.Just like Zhu Rong's current attribute panel has far exceeded [-]% fire immunity, and he will also suffer fire damage in the god-level domain.

Realm is on another level and is about changing the rules!
If it is prudent, it is undoubtedly the safest choice to go back home immediately. After all, the four of them will lose a lot if they die, but...

"It doesn't matter, in fact, we can try to find this unknown existence, find him, maybe we can find our target."

"Too risky, right?" Wu Yi hesitated. With Calabash City's current advantages, it doesn't need to be too radical or take too many risks. Even if it develops steadily, it won't be too slow.Among the four of them, the other three are okay, but Xu negative is irreplaceable to Calabash City, and absolutely cannot make any mistakes.

"Since the other party has not come out, there must be some problem. It is unlikely to be sealed. After all, the other party can still use power, but if he can escape the level of the Ascension Formation, it means that he is not a real god. It is only through some special means that you can temporarily use divine power!" Xu negative showed a mysterious smile on his face, "This kind of existence is most likely an old man from the age of the gods, although I don't know what he used The method is lingering so far, but compared to its own state, it is very bad."

Only gods have an endless lifespan, which is the characteristic of godheads. Once godheads are lost, the former gods will also die of old age.At this point, the sealed ones are more advantageous. In the divine power seal, it belongs to a special space, and time is almost stagnant.

"Listen to you!" Wu Yi gritted his teeth and said, a desolate god with no godhead, that is definitely a big gift bag.But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and when the other party still has the means to use divine power, it is definitely more difficult to deal with than the skeleton king Wu Yi met in the Doomsday God Battlefield.

It's a pity that I originally thought that there would be no battle this time, it was just a simple search, so I didn't drag Zhu Rong and Li Yuanba. Now even if I wanted to, I didn't have a chance.The "Prayer" task of Qitiantai is only once a month, so if you go back this time, see you next month.

Wu Yi also received information from Dongyue City before. It is true that the Lord of the Chosen One is not on duty and it is difficult to find someone, but there is a private chat system, and the Lord is not the only player in the territory.Wu Yi didn't take this matter to heart, but was a little surprised, because this was also his previous plan. He killed the Dongping King's envoy in Dongyue City and forced the officials of Dongyue City to stand in line. He didn't expect to wait for him to do it. The other party had made the first move, but the result would not be much worse.

There are three people in Gourd City who have the right to dispatch troops. Besides him, the lord, Zhao Xueyin, the wife of the lord, is also counted as one, and the last one is Wang Meng, who is the master of Wu Yi!Army commanders like Wei Qing, Geng Yan, and Huo Qubing only have the autonomy of their own army and cannot command troops in other theaters.Although Wang Meng was on Ghost Crab Island, as long as he received information, he would naturally respond, and he didn't need to bother at all.

Around Xu Ling's body appeared six vertical phantoms of gossip, each of which was superimposed on each other, forming one after another complicated sealing images, which were constantly reborn and disillusioned, and the coin of fate was located in the center, speeding up With all this deduction.Xu Negative's expression was extremely serious. The key to whether she could find the other party was whether she could break through the other party's divine power barrier!This is also a great test for her. Even if the opponent no longer has the real god-level strength, but the level of divine power is there, if Xu negative wants to break through, it means that he has to go beyond two levels.

Although this is not a pure competition of strength, its difficulty can also be imagined.

In this regard, none of the three of Wu Yi could help, and could only wait for the result.

Xu Negative's performance at this time was quite fantastic. It was the first time that Wu Yi saw such a big battle when he saw divination. The six gossip phantoms continued to generate countless hexagrams, some of which were bright and some were dark. , but without exception, every hexagram will shatter and dissipate after a few seconds.With the passage of time, the gossip in the inner circle gradually began to enlarge, and the gossip in the outer circle began to shrink, and finally merged into a golden gossip that was almost realized. Eye.

Then, the eight single hexagrams of the golden gossip were rearranged in the void, forming four new groups of hexagrams. Although it was fleeting, there was a faint sound like glass breaking on the sea god sky island.

"Found it!" At this moment, Xu Negative suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

——System: Xu negative forcibly broke through the barrier of divine power with the power of divination, intelligence +1, and the title "Controller of Destiny" was promoted.

Wu Yi was also pleasantly surprised. This growth came too suddenly. Sure enough, it is easier to trigger growth if you have to do something that matches your major.

Master of Destiny - "Intelligence" attribute bonus effect +10%, divination ability +75%, reduces the price to be paid for abilities such as "Fate Judgment", and increases the probability of beneficial effects of "Fate Judgment" abilities, Strengthen the probability of success of "one word becomes a prophecy" and reduce the suppression effect brought by "divine power".

The attribute of this title has not changed much, the ability of the divination system has been increased by 25%, and the suppression effect brought about by reducing the "divine power" has been added.In fact, artifacts can also be included in the "divine power" system to a certain extent. In this way, it will be even more difficult to block Xu negative's divination in the future.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the key is only one step away!Now Xu negative is only one step away from entering the demigod realm. As long as she enters the demigod realm, the gap between her and the "national teacher" will mainly focus on equipment, and the help to Calabash City will be far A demigod of extraordinary combat type.

"Follow me!" Xu negative immediately turned around and flew to the left, followed by Wu Yi and the other three. However, everyone was quite nervous. After all, if you find it, you will find it. Whether you can beat it is another matter.

Flying with Xu Negative for about a hundred miles, the four of them came to a ruin, which Wu Yi was very familiar with, because when he first came to Sea God Sky Island, he completed the mission here. There was originally a statue of Sea God here. But then it collapsed.Is that mysterious existence really here?

It's not that Wu Yi doesn't believe in Xu Negative, but if there really is such an existence hiding here, how could it be possible for him to easily take away the Sea God's Scepter? Also, the Sea God's Scepter is Sea God's signature artifact, already one of the artifacts. The top-level artifact exists, but this level of artifact is sealed and hidden inside the statue, which is logically unreasonable.

Just when Wu Yi was full of doubts, Xu Negatively stared at the ruins below, "Aren't you going to come out?"

As soon as Xu Negative's voice fell, the surroundings shook instantly, and a light blue halo rose from the ruins, followed by a deafening roar: "The ants of the Taoist sect, while the god is dormant, You stole the god's scepter from the god, and you dare to come here, you are courting death!"

His scepter?Sea God Scepter?Poseidon? !
Sea God is still alive?How can it be! ! !

Wu Yi immediately extinguished the thought in his mind. He was sure that the sea god was dead long ago. Although there were still some remaining problems, such as the black prison in the trench under Mermaid Island, this did not change the essence.Since it can't be the Sea God, it must be the god who once held the Sea God's Scepter, most likely the number one general of the Sea God who built this empty island!

If he had known earlier, he should have brought that teaser Shui Dongliu. Given his grievances with Sea God, it would not be difficult to guess the identity of the other party, and they were all former gods. If the other party had any cards, Shui Dongliu would also It is easier to respond.

Just when Wu Yi knew about it, the light blue halo rising from the ruins instantly formed a huge vortex, and the huge suction force sucked the four of them in instantly, and even Xu negative could only come in. Quickly swiped a few auxiliary states.

——System: You are affected by the "Magic Circle of Stormy Waves", your combat power -50%, all skill damage -50%, and the skills you cast have a certain chance to fail.


This fucker is just useless! With 50% combat power and 50% skill damage, how much more useful will he be?The effect of this divine power magic circle is no worse than that of the domain, and judging from the name of this magic circle, the effect is more than that.

Wu Yi is now a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, he is considered half useless. If he does not activate the secret technique of descending from the gods, it will not work if he switches to support, so he just distracted himself and looked at the surrounding environment.At this moment, they are in a "world" composed of blue light, like a different kind of ocean, with dazzling magic circles superimposed in the sea of ​​light, and there are pieces of blue-gold spar in the distance.

Wu Yi is too familiar with this thing, the crystallization of divine power!
He has obtained divine power crystals more than once, but the colors are different, but the ones he obtained are only the size of the tip of a little finger, unlike the ones here, each piece is the size of a palm, and the pieces are piled together to form a pile of stones. hills.At this moment, the fire of greed almost burned Wu Yi completely. With so many crystallizations of divine power, how many demigods can be piled up?If all these crystallizations of divine power were handed over to Shui Dongliu, it would probably allow him to rush directly to the god rank, right?

But there is also a problem. The more crystals of divine power here, the lower their chances of winning. Not to mention anything else, they can be crushed to death with divine power alone.In the face of absolute power, everything is futile.

"No wonder you have been able to exist until now. It seems to be the reason for this large formation. I didn't expect so many crystals of divine power to survive." Xu Negative was still calm, and she was more aware of the current situation.

"Hmph, I didn't want to expose it so early, but since you are looking for death, then this god will fulfill you!" I still only heard his voice, but I didn't see him, and the voice sounded again: "Little Taoist priest, this god will help you!" God won't let you die so easily, if you don't bring back the God's scepter, I will let him know what a life-and-death dilemma is, don't think that you are God's chosen one, the God will have nothing to do with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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