The best lord of online games

Chapter 1679 God's Heart, the First Flying Territory

Chapter 1679 God's Heart, the First Flying Territory

With Jiang Bo's demise, the surrounding divine power and magic circle fell silent again. This special space fell into a strange calm at this moment. Shui Dongliu looked into the distance and remained silent for a long time. Jiang Bo was too special to him. Yes, although Jiang Bo betrayed him at the most critical moment, and now he has personally settled it, but thinking about it, it is unlikely that he will be happy, and on the contrary, he will be a little lonely.

No, is this the "head" snatched by that bastard Shui Dongliu?
At this time, Wu Yi finally realized that, except for Xu Negative, who was growing up halfway, none of them had gained anything. Although if Shui Dongliu hadn't suddenly killed them, the four of them would definitely be kneeling here, but it was a bit regretful after all. , if it is up to them to make up the sword, the title of "God Killing" is appropriate.

And those dissipated divine powers, just thinking about it makes my heart throb with pain. Just now I saw the Poseidon scepter "swallowed" a lot, and I don't know if I can "vomit" it out again, but at this time, I am not in a good mood to see the flow of water. Let him slow down first, there is one more important matter that has not been resolved.

"Can we find the Heart of God now?" Gaining control of Sky Island is their main goal this time.

"It's right here!" Xu Negative waved his hand, and in this continuous space, countless golden threads appeared, converging towards Xu Negative's palm from all directions, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered into a golden edge shaped crystal.

This is the heart of God! ?It's not quite the same as I imagined.

Xu Negative handed the prismatic crystal to Wu Yi, and when Wu Yi got the "God's Heart", the system information also followed.

——System: Congratulations on obtaining the "God's Heart" of Sky Island and the control of Sea God Sky Island. Sea God Sky Island has become your new territory.

Sea God Sky Island God's Heart (Special): The core of Sea God Sky Island can perform some basic operations by transforming energy.

It's finally here!It was much smoother than expected. The so-called control right is nothing more than controlling the movement of the sky island, and opening and closing of the sky island barrier, which is not needed for construction.

Sea God Sky Island:

Population: 0
Area: [-] square kilometers

Special buildings: a magic circle of "vortex gathering energy", a magic circle of enchantment "tidal strike", a magic circle of "surging waves" divine power, a magic circle of "gathering spirit and nourishing soul", a magic circle of "breaking the sky and sealing demons" One, five "Fixed Wind Barrier" magic arrays, and one ancient teleportation array (seal).

Source: unknown

The current Seagod Sky Island is basically a piece of white land. Apart from being able to fly, there are only a few magic circles. The sea monsters on the island have not been subdued by him, so naturally they will not be counted as his population.If you want to develop the sky island, the first step is naturally to immigrate and subdue those sea monsters. Although the strength of those sea monsters is average, they are the best choice whether as the defense force or labor of the sky island.

"Little lord, it seems that you are lucky." At this time, Shui Dongliu finally calmed down, and once again returned to his usual hippie smile.

"Water God, why did you come here suddenly?" To be honest, Wu Yi was quite surprised by Shui Dongliu's sudden appearance, and he couldn't use the teleportation formation, so how could it be so fast?Even if you want to use "Heaven-Sent Time-Space Transfer", you need to confirm the location in advance.

"I can't help it. I sensed the strength of my old friend not long after I left the customs, and I'm not far away, so I came here." Shui Dongliu seemed to be talking about a trivial matter. It is absolutely impossible to kill a demigod so quickly.Shui Dongliu, a former god, is also a water system. The advantage in the sea is too exaggerated. The vortex gates keep coming all the way, almost catching up with the speed of the space system.

"Not far away? Is this the West Sea?" Wu Yi's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Of course! Otherwise, how could this god save you from the fire and water at the critical moment."


A bolt from the blue!This is definitely the worst news for Wu Yi. If the Sea God Sky Island is hanging in the West Sea, then if he wants to drive the Sky Island back to the top of Calabash City, it is tantamount to crossing the entire continent.The huge energy consumed by the Sky Island movement is temporarily ignored. As long as he dares to do so, he can be sure that he will be robbed by countless forces on the way. You can refer to the original Yu Clan Sky Island.

"It's a pity, it would be more perfect if the god's shrine could be built on this empty island." Shui Dongliu waved the sea god's scepter, dragged everyone out of the space of the magic circle, and looked at the awkward surroundings. Said.There is no rush to change it now, his shrine has been half built in Crystal City, and he is no longer the God of Undercurrent, even if it is a trivial matter to build three or five shrines, he can’t afford it now. So many resources.

"It's okay. Although there is no way to do it for the time being, the shrine can be built first!" Wu Yi said with a smile. If the empty island is to develop, the power of water flowing eastward is still indispensable. After all, the magic circles on the empty island are all water systems. Yes, and, as long as the sky island does not go out of the range of the sea, when encountering the enemy, as long as the sky island is lowered, the combat effectiveness of Shui Dongliu is quite terrifying.If you want to ensure the safety of the empty island, it is best to pull the Taoist gate over again. If there is a Taoist gate to suppress the formation, at least the tragedy of the Yu Clan will not happen.

"That's right!" Shui Dongliu nodded extremely satisfied with Wu Yi's way of speaking.

"Great God, then, shouldn't it be time to share the spoils?" Wu Yi smiled, rubbing his hands, and whispered to Shui Dongliu.

"Divide the spoils? That bastard Jiang Bo is so poor that he doesn't even have any pants left, what can he share?" When mentioning the spoils, Shui Dongliu immediately put away his smile.

"Divine power, and there are fragments of godhead!" Wu Yi could see very clearly that Jiang Bo's fragments of godhead were only blown up in half when he was bitten by fate, leaving a large piece and a small piece, all covered by water Dongliu got away.

But Jiang Bo did die unjustly. He was completely defeated by the Sea God Scepter, and he didn't even have a chance to fight for his life. It was precisely because of this that the two fragments of Godhead could be preserved.

"I'll give you a small piece, so don't even think about divine power. You can't use this kind of unrefined violent divine power." Shui Dongliu threw a small piece of divine power to Wu Yi with some heartache, and followed He also said, "You can give this small piece of godhead to that girl of the mermaid tribe, it is enough for her to complete the inheritance of the mermaid prophet."

Wu Yi knew that Shui Dongliu was referring to Wei Zifu, and the mermaid prophet who passed on to Wei Zifu was "demented", so there were some problems with the inheritance. Although the inheritance was successfully opened, it was only a very small part.If Wei Zifu can really complete the inheritance of the Mermaid Prophet and obtain the complete title of Prophet, her potential will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and Calabash City will have another top-notch powerhouse in the future.

This is a good thing!
Wu Yi carefully put the godhead fragments into the ring of sighs, but he still didn't give up on the divine power, "Can't the great god help you refine it?"

"Don't even think about it. If it's possible, with the relationship between my god and you, I will definitely share some of the sweetness with you." Shui Dongliu smiled cheaply and patted Wu Yi's shoulder, but he didn't want to be beaten. It doesn't feel comforting at all.

However, Dou Bishen is still trustworthy in terms of character, and Wu Yi, who was not reconciled, suddenly thought of a hope, "Can you help me raise the head office of the wind tree?" The wind tree is the same as the gluttony Gu, not picky eaters , As long as it is divine power, eat it!

"You think so far!" Shui Dongliu muttered softly, not knowing what he was thinking, and then said with a bright smile: "But the wind tree is indeed a good thing, forget it, I will help you Take care of it."

It's a pity, it's a pity, it would be more perfect if the wind tree could be planted on the empty island, and I don't know if it can be transplanted.

After the spoils are divided, the matter of Sea God Sky Island has come to an end. This time, apart from Xu Negency stepping into the demigod, Wu Yi got Sky Island, Shui Dongliu's harvest is the biggest, and he will not attract those divine powers. Yes, he doesn't want to enter the God Realm so soon, as long as he increases his "intelligence" to [-] later, the remaining divine power can be used as his trump card at critical moments. As for the piece of godhead, with his ability, It is absolutely possible to create an artifact that fits him perfectly.

In this way, he considers the main world to be one of the top existences, as long as he is willing to explode his divine power, there are only a handful of people in the world who can save their lives under his hands.Also, on Seagod Sky Island, he can still use the top magic circles on Sky Island. When he gathers enough artifacts in the future, even if his divine power is exhausted, he can still walk sideways.

"Great God, the development of the Sky Island depends a lot on you." Anyway, since the Sky Island is in hand, it must be developed as soon as possible, and it is obviously the most suitable for Shui Dongliu to subdue those sea monsters. Yes, thinking about it, he would be very happy, after all, these can be his followers.

The "God's Heart" of the sky island cannot leave the range of the sky island, nor can it be hidden in the space equipment. To ensure the safety of the sky island, the only way to increase the defense power of the sky island is to increase it.

"Don't worry, I will immediately unseal the seal on the teleportation array, but you have to arrange the management personnel and the first batch of workers." As long as the teleportation array is connected with other territories, the rest will be easy.

Wu Yi had already thought about this point, and it happened that Pang Tong replaced Li Bi back, so he simply appointed Li Bi to be in charge of the initial construction of the sky island, and he could also take the opportunity to brush up on the "political" attribute. As for the labor...

"The laborers should let those foreign slaves come. It just so happens that they can't run away on the empty island. If they perform well, they will be given military or craftsman status." There are more than 20 foreign slaves in Wu Yi's territory, except for himself. Those captured on the battlefield were also traded with other forces, and more than [-]% of them were in Crystal City, where they have been continuously "brainwashed" by Shui Dongliu.

After the "brainwashing" is completed, according to their qualifications, they will either be assigned to the Undercurrent Temple to become a magician or priest, or continue to return to the barracks to serve as soldiers. Only a very small number of those with deputy positions will be assigned to various places as craftsmen.

"Alright!" Shui Dongliu didn't object. Even if he got on the line of the Mermaid Clan, he could only rely on Calabash City in terms of trust.

"By the way, isn't the incident on Sky Island known to the whole world?" Wu Yi suddenly thought of one thing. Since Shui Dongliu can sense the burst of divine power from a long distance, what about other strong people?

"Is that true, but it's too soon to think about it, and the sea monster must know." These former gods are a little more sensitive to divine power, and he is very familiar with Jiang Bo, so he can learn more from the breath of divine power, but as long as it is not The only secret that will soon become an open secret.

This is really terrible news!

It seems that regarding the situation of the two seas, Calabash City can no longer continue to work without effort, and must speed up the process. Right now, the West Sea is completely dominated by the Kraken and the Temple of the Sea. Now even if he wants to drive the Sky Island to the Mermaid Island It's hard to get in the air.I don't know how the Sea Clan has mobilized the power of the Trench Black Prison. Now the battle between the two seas must be started as soon as possible.

"Great God, the safety of Sky Island has to be troubled by you in the near future." Now that the whole front is fighting, Wu Yi can really not draw much power, since Xu negative has already stepped into the demigod rank, there is no need He continued to nest in the Dawn Shrine, and even sat on the empty island for a while.

The air island garrison is definitely necessary, but if you want to maximize the role of the air island, it is best to have a commander at the level of "Soldier Saint" or "Military God". However, only Wei Qing has reached the "Soldier Saint" level in Hulu City. It is impossible to let him squat on the empty island.As long as the sky island does not lower its height, there are only a few flying units and strong men who can attack the sky island, and it is almost impossible to be surrounded by a large army. In fact, even a super-class commander can attack the demigod-level enemies. He seemed very weak, so he might as well let Geng Gong sit in charge for a while, just to make a transition.

And there are arms!

If it is a passive defense, there are no restrictions. If it is an active attack, it is best to use flying arms, which are more flexible and changeable.It's a pity that the two flying arms of the Calabash City Griffin Knight and the Five-color Peacock are not large, and they rely more on the pseudo-air force such as Tianzun Daobing and Legion Magician.Like the Yu Clan, although Calabash City also sent special personnel to carry out the strategy, unfortunately, there has been no major progress. Considering the current population of the Yu Clan, under the current situation, it is impossible to open the opening for recruiting troops. Outsiders recruit unlimitedly in the clan.

Last but not least is energy!The empty island is definitely a big energy consumer. Although there is a "vortex energy gathering" magic circle that constantly attracts and transforms energy, it can only maintain the empty island floating in the air at most, and the consumption of some daily facilities cannot save much. Moving across regions, You have to invest yourself.

After doing the calculations like this, it feels like he won a treasure this time, but a big burden!
"Okay, when I go to Hongduan Mountain, I will temporarily stay on the empty island when I come back."

"Hong Duan Mountain? What is the Great God doing there?" Hong Duan Mountain is not very famous in the middle of the empire.

"The ancestral mausoleum of Jiang Bo's family is nearby, and I plan to build a tomb for him there too." Shui Dongliu's tone sank slightly, and he looked towards the east with a bit of vicissitudes in his eyes.

Wu Yi continued to talk more, it seems that Shui Dongliu has not completely let go of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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