The best lord of online games

Chapter 1694 Encounter with legend, fight to the death

Chapter 1694 Encounter with legend, fight to the death

The interior of the Holy Word Golden Pagoda is full of magic wind, and all functions are completed by magic. They are directly transmitted from the ground floor to the 190th floor. This place has obviously undergone special transformation, and the surrounding space is very large. The round walls and domes are engraved with An excerpt from "The Battle of Light and Darkness", there is a spiral-shaped conical staircase in the center, leading directly to the upper floor, which is also the only way, but...

"so much?"

The space on the 190th floor is densely packed with angels of death. These angels of death wave their jet-black wings and sway a strong breath of death. Their weapons are also messy, including heavy swords, double swords, long spears, and sickles...

"Kill first!" Wu Yi roared, and the Thunder Sword in his hand shone with lightning. Although these angels of death were different from the ones he had seen at first, they had not changed in essence, and they were still of the "underworld" attribute.As long as they protect Zhao Xueyin well, Zhao Xueyin's expanded attack range can almost cover the entire space on the 190th floor, no matter how many there are.

But there is one thing, that is, since the Angel Race wants to find all the professions for this test, it is obvious that they want to see the performance of the Angel of Death in dealing with different professions. For the completion of the task, the three of them must not completely rely on Zhao Xueyin's ability to clean up these angels of death, he and Da

"Huyou" stood in front of Zhao Xueyin, holding his whole body shield obliquely. The heavy shield emitted a faint brown light, and the defense range was tripled in an instant. At the same time, it added a layer of "earth armor" to Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin.The ninth-level guardian of the earth can't even think about flying, so if you want to cooperate with him, you can only try not to fly into the air.

Hanging on Zhao Xueyin's shoulders all the time, the four-winged holy light harpie like an ornament also grew bigger, quietly suspended in front of Zhao Xueyin's body, and as she fiddled with her ten fingers, bursts of high-pitched and exciting sounds came out. The sacred power of the harp swept away in all directions with the sound of the harp. Under the double attack of the holy power and the sound wave, white holy flames suddenly ignited on a large number of angels of death, and fell from the sky.

With Zhao Xueyin's current strength and equipment, the Angel of Death is not a problem at all. The surrounding Angels of Death are raining down, and none of them can get close to them within a kilometer.

"It's too fast, slow down!" Wu Yi, who hadn't made a move yet, hurriedly shouted.He didn't know what factors were used to evaluate the completion of the task, but he planned to use every skill except God's Descend, trying to withstand the various skills of the Angel of Death as much as possible.The task this time is to test the angel of death, so there is no need to pursue the speed of climbing the tower.

Hearing Wu Yi's reminder, Kong Hou's voice changed suddenly, and the damage was also greatly reduced, but under the continuous effect, it was still difficult for the Angel of Death to approach them.

"Fuyou, you don't need to defend, you should attack with your skills as much as possible." Wu Yi shouted at "Fuyou" who kept holding up his shield. These angels of death did not pose any threat to them at all, and there was no need for defense at all.

"Understood!" The guardian of the earth's weapon is a shield. They rarely have long-range attack skills. Before the holy rank, they were quite passive against targets in the air. It is the same now. He can only be used as a target to attract the angel of death. It is best to come down , if he doesn't come down, he can only be used to test the attack of the angel of death. Anyway, with Zhao Xueyin in charge, he can't die.

The pace of the battle was slowed down, but it lasted only half an hour, and finally stopped attacking, leaving dozens of angels of death to attack Zhao Xueyin to test their attack effect on the angel race.

"It's so weak!" "Huyou" leaned heavily on the shield, looked at the mountain of corpses piled up around him, and said with a smile, although among these angels of death, not even twenty died in his hands.

"It's just some units of arms, and there is no commander in charge. How can you not be weak in the face of the real strong?" Zhao Xueyin brushed her long hair next to her ear, and the four-winged holy light harp had shrunk again, hanging on her neck. shoulders.More than [-]% of the angels of death at this level died by her hands. As a holy angel performer, under the restraint of attributes, the battle against undead is far more exaggerated than other sacred professions.

"Go up, if the angel family really intends to use this to develop the winged angels, we may not be able to go to the end." Wu Yi didn't know whether he had spent so much time and energy on the mission, but it would be better to do more. Not doing well.

Now that this floor has been cleared and you don't need to reply, let's hurry up and continue.

"Huyou" Kangdun was at the front, Wu Yi was in the middle, and Zhao Xueyin was at the end. Everyone was extremely cautious.Going up to the second floor of 190, the number of death angels here is much less than that below, but the appearance of these death angels has changed slightly. This change is mainly concentrated on the wings, and the outline of the wings has become larger. In addition, there are two continuously flowing dark flames wrapped around the wings.

When "Flicker" just appeared on the second floor of 190th, an angel of death wrapped in dark flames all over his body attacked in an instant, and the pitch-black dragon spear hit the center of the heavy shield. It hit Wu Yi who was following him, and at the same time, the flames spread from the heavy shield to "Fudge" like a gangrene.

Wu Yi, who caught "Flicker", and Zhao Xueyin, who was still on the stairs, reacted very quickly. The purification skills of different systems fell on him almost in no particular order, clearing away the dark flames on his body.

Holy Order!

Saint-level death angels have already begun to appear on this second floor. Sure enough, arms are only the first step!
"Huyou" roared, and rushed up against the shield, his whole body was covered with thick "earth armor", Wu Yi also rushed up, and Zhao Xueyin simply started playing the harp on the stairs, anyway, her Skills belong to the category of sound. Sound does not require vision, and there is no need to consider problems such as locking and obstacles, as long as the target is within the coverage of her skills.

There are only five angels of death in this holy rank, so apart from the first strike, there were no waves after that.As long as Zhao Xueyin, the core trump card, is well guarded, the holy ranks will not pose any threat to their combination, unless the holy ranks can be so large that the superimposed damage can directly kill Wu Yi in seconds!Even if "Flicker" dies in battle, the impact will not be too great. His existence is inherently resistant to damage.

It's a pity that even the death angels of the holy rank use standard equipment, and the value of the loot is extremely low. After each piece is handed over, you can get a few combat exploits at most. If the number is large enough, you should be able to exchange tens of thousands to One hundred thousand military exploits.

After a short rest, the three of them continued to advance to the next level. With the previous lesson, "Flicker" became more cautious. In order to prevent being killed by a surprise attack, he directly activated the strongest defensive skills, and Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin also had There are many auxiliary skills that increase status, and they are quite impressive when added together.

Wu Yi found that the sharpest thing is to bless Zhao Xueyin with the "Mantra of the Five Spirits". The "Mantra of the Five Spirits" comes with an armor-piercing effect and additional Taoist damage, which can greatly increase the upper limit of Zhao Xueyin's damage. The more enemies you face , the extra damage is even higher.

There are more angels of death in the next four layers of holy ranks. Correspondingly, the number of angels of death in ordinary units is constantly decreasing, and the appearance of angels of death in each layer is different, and their abilities vary greatly.

"With this rhythm, I may have no hope of climbing to the last floor."

On the sixth floor of 190th, which is the sixth floor of the test, the three of them had just cleared the angel of death on this floor with difficulty, and they were eating dry food to restore their physical strength. At the same time, they took out any purple-quality tea and wine. The recovery items that can be attached to the temporary BUF were all taken out in one go.

The number of holy angels of death on this level has risen to twenty. If these angels of death hadn't used standard equipment, they would have been wiped out on the previous level.Therefore, if there is gain, there must be loss, and vice versa. Although these standard equipment greatly reduce their gains, the same is true for the strength of the enemy.

But even so, "Flicker" was almost killed by concentrated fire. Fortunately, Wu Yi helped him attract enough firepower. However, judging from the overall strength changes of the death angels on the previous layers, the upper layer is almost impossible for him. It is ten deaths and no life.

"If you die, you will lose one level at most. What are you afraid of? The combat achievements rewarded by the mission can completely ignore this loss." Wu Yi took a sip of Wenjun wine and said with a smile. It's so nice to die once and drop a level.There are more opportunities to level up in the Doomsday God Battlefield, but it is not easy to accumulate military exploits, what are you afraid of dying.

"I'm not afraid of death, it's just that if the boss and the boss's wife hang up once, the price will be too high."

"Crow's mouth!" According to this rhythm, it is indeed impossible for them to reach the end. If they use the Holy Grail of Radiance, there is still some hope, but the consumption of using the Holy Grail of Radiance is too high, and the reward is completely out of proportion to the sacrifice. If you rely on artifacts to crush the task of breaking through the level, I believe the final task score will not be too high, and it is meaningless.

"It's almost done, let's continue, wherever you can go!" Zhao Xueyin tidied up and stood up. As the number of death angels on each floor continued to decline, her role also continued to decline. The essence of a holy angel performer She is still a musician, and she uses a super-large harp, sacrificing her mobility in exchange for superior skill effects and skill coverage. There is a hidden danger of not being able to move at all, but the poor speed in the mobile battle can almost be ignored by the strong.

More of her can only be used as a fixed-point output. Once a powerful enemy blocks her and the person who protects her cannot stop it, it will be difficult.

Still starting with "Flicker", now he can almost be said to be a cannon fodder. When he emerges from the passage, he will be attacked almost [-]% at the first time. However, this passage is also good, that is, in difficult times, Zhao Xueyin can win more. output environment.

But this time "Flicker" didn't have the good luck he had before, and as soon as he stepped out of the passage, he lay dead with a scream.

Was directly seconds?Even the buff state of the whole body couldn't withstand it, and unfortunately, the core equipment of the earth guardian broke out, that heavy shield!
Wu Yi rushed down almost at the same time, and when he entered the 190th floor, a circle of gray light enveloped his body.

——System: You are affected by the domain of the special experimental version of the Angel of Death, your combat power is -10%, the damage you receive from the "Death" system is increased by 25%, and the special curse "Flame of Corrosion" is added.


It's no wonder that "Flicker" will be directly killed in seconds. This has overwhelmed him by two ranks, plus domain suppression, but many of Wu Yi's attributes can improve domain resistance, so the domain suppression effect he received is not great. It is considered strong, and it is within the acceptable range.At the same time, Wu Yi also saw the situation on this floor clearly. There were only about a thousand angels of death flying sparsely in the air. An angel of death with two pairs of wings swung an epee at him and killed him. This angel of death was in the domain In the center, the domain moves with him, needless to say, the legend is him!

"Don't come up, I still have a chance to seal the passage." Wu Yi shouted loudly, preventing Zhao Xueyin from continuing to go up. The appearance of this Legendary Angel of Death is the same as that of ordinary Angel of Death, which means it is also standard equipment.

fine!Fortunately, the death days in the test are all standard equipment. If the opponent has a set of equipment above the holy level, then they can directly raise their hands and surrender!If it is standard equipment, it is possible to fight for it. If it succeeds, it will be a step-slash kill, which is the easiest condition to trigger growth.

The growth of his "intelligence" attribute has almost stopped now, and he has not moved since he was stuck on 92. As long as there is only one legendary death angel on this floor, then with his attributes, he can resist an almost "fruit" angel. The legend of "Ben" is still very hopeful, and it is definitely worth fighting for!At this time, where can we meet the legendary strong man wearing standard equipment?

To defeat this legendary death angel, he alone is not enough, Zhao Xueyin is also the key, so Zhao Xueyin must not come up, she has no output environment.If the active skills of the Holy Grail of Glory are used to suppress it forcibly, the nature of the battle will change. Has he participated in less battles to kill legends and demigods before?Why can't it trigger growth?It is because his role in it is too small!

He and Zhao Xueyin had already obtained the title of "God Killer" in the battle against the Skeleton Monarch, so even if they took part in killing demigods with the strength of the holy rank, they would not be rewarded.

Facing the legendary charge, Wu Yi showed his strongest state. After all, level suppression is there, and if he wants to win, he can only fight to the death!

(End of this chapter)

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