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Chapter 1709 Disintegration of the Temple of Elements

Chapter 1709 Disintegration of the Temple of Elements
When Wu Yi entered the hall, there was a dead silence in the hall, and it was not known whether it was because of his arrival that the meeting was temporarily terminated, or because the talks between the two parties had collapsed.

"May Day is coming too!" Seeing Wu Yi coming in, Lie Yukou smiled and nodded.But what surprised Wu Yi was that Liezi, who was the master of Daofa Peak in the holy mountain, was not sitting on the main seat on the Taoist side, but a female Taoist priest was sitting on the main seat.

Who is she?
"I'm sorry to bother you all. I saw something went wrong in the underworld before, so I came here to take a look."

"Since you're here, listen to it too." Lie Yukou pointed to the last seat in the row where the Daoists were sitting, and no one else objected.

Calabash City will not participate in the affairs of the underworld, nor does it have the energy to participate, but the situation in the underworld is related to the situation in the east, so it is good to listen.

In the entire hall, the members of the Taoist sect sat on the left side, and the great lords of the underworld sat on the right side. On the side of the Taoist sect, he only knew Lie Yukou.It's just that no one has spoken in the hall, and the already dark hall is even more gloomy. What's going on?In this meeting, everyone communicated with ideas?

The atmosphere is too weird!These big guys won't do it directly, will they?

Under Wu Yi's uneasy mood, this atmosphere did not last long. After another tall figure entered the hall, the dull voice of the Great Lord Longling echoed in the hall: "Everyone is here, let's start! "

The tall figure sat next to the great lord, with an unusually handsome face, long gray hair, and especially the pair of jet-black wings behind him.

The Winged Angel of the Underworld! ?

Not to mention, the more you look at these winged angels, the more they look like the shadow of Death's Sky Wing.The one-winged angel came to Dragon Bone City at this point in time, and the meaning of it is self-evident.Are these winged angels really the nails left by the light gods?


While Wu Yi was observing a meeting related to the new structure of the underworld in the Dragon Bone Hall, a major event also happened in the main world.

King Dongping, who wanted to regain the advantage as soon as possible, kept urging the Temple of Elements to send troops and strong men to assist in the battle. Inside the Temple of Elements, there was almost a small meeting every three days, and a meeting every five days. The biggest problems lay in two aspects. It was the Raging Flame Temple who wanted to protect itself, and said that they would no longer draw extra strength to participate in the southern battlefield. In the previous battle of Molten Fire City, they were undoubtedly the ones who lost the most. Not only did the three demigods fall, but even One of the special high-level artifacts that are the background of the power has been lost. The Temple of Flames believes that the reason why they have suffered such a large loss is entirely because these so-called allies deliberately weaken their strength.

Then there is the Yao Clan. The Yao Clan is incompatible with the other three parties in the Temple of Elements. In addition to the recent meeting of the Temple, the Demon Emperor of the Yao Clan has never shown up, so the trust in the Temple of Elements has become even more fragile.

Against this background, the Alliance of Elemental Temples, which had lasted for thousands of years, finally officially broke down. First, the Flame Temple withdrew from the Elemental Temple. The temple, in this way, only the Earth Temple and the Wind Temple are left as the top forces of the Element Temple. However, even so, the Element Temple with only half of its strength still has not fallen out of the top list. It can be seen how terrifying the three major gods that are stronger than the Temple of Elements are.

One operation just dazzled the world. Thinking back, when the Yaozu just replaced the Tidal Temple and joined the Elemental Temple, the strength of the Elemental Temple did not drop but rose. Who would have thought that not long after the Yaozu joined, the Elemental Temple followed. Disintegrated!

As soon as the Raging Flame Temple withdrew from the Elemental Temple, they found their old friends, the Ning clan, the prison king. At the beginning, they killed many forces in Xiaoyue City, and now only two of them are left. Now Xiaoyue The city returned again, and the strength of the Raging Flame Temple has been greatly damaged by this. Thinking about it, it also made the Ning family feel a sense of crisis. Before Xiaoyue City just returned, when it was still in the restricted area of ​​Shenyun, Ning and the Raging Flame Temple teamed up to sneak attack Xiaoyue City, it's just a pity that it didn't succeed.

In addition to looking for old allies, the Flame Temple also set its sights on Demon Realm!
The current handling of the Flame Temple is very embarrassing. They left the Elemental Temple, which indicates that they will completely withdraw from the battle in the south, but they have already offended the Hongyu Empire to death, even if they can secretly conspire with the Prison King, But it is also impossible for the Hongyu Empire to accept them again.

The territory of the entire south and the imperial camp has no way out for them, and there are not many places left to choose. If they go to the north, they will undoubtedly have to fight against the Temple of the Underworld, and the ending will be even worse.The eastern region is almost all the territory of the empire, while the western region is deeply penetrated by Taoist forces, leaving only the Demon Realm in the northwest or the winning government.

In fact, the attributes of Raging Flame Temple and Demon Realm are quite compatible. The home environment of Demon Realm is a volcano, which fits perfectly with Raging Flame Temple.Moreover, for the forces in the main world, the Demon Realm is still an unknown and undeveloped white land. If they can unify the beliefs of the Demon Realm, it will obviously be better than competing with these strongmen in the main world.

If Moyu can't negotiate, then he can only settle for the next best thing and choose to win the government!
However, it is not an easy task to transfer such a huge net worth of the Raging Flame Temple. The Tides Temple is a good example. They fled all the way and almost lost nearly [-]% of their background.Before negotiating with Moyu, Raging Flame Temple plans to invest in some potential God-Chosen forces. These God-Chosen forces can also help them transfer their background faster to a certain extent, mainly in terms of faith.

If the response of the Raging Flame Temple is still normal, then the Monster Race seems extremely strange. After being kicked out of the Elemental Temple, they did not respond or make any major moves, as if this matter had nothing to do with them. If It wasn't in the battle of Molten Fire City, they also suffered a lot of losses, and the dog's brains with the Wu Clan were almost out, and people in the world would think that this was a big show performed by the Yao Clan, just to stage the Elemental Temple. Break up.

As the demon emperor becomes more and more powerful, the demon clan has been reduced to the demon emperor's words, and the demon clan is a former god, he has a lot of secrets, and it is absolutely impossible to do things that harm others and benefit oneself for no reason, so the demon clan The more the emperor was like this, the more dissatisfied the many forces involved.In addition, there are powerful forces who can't sit still, and use the huge sacrifice array, presided over by the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden, to ask the gods of the God Realm for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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