The best lord of online games

Chapter 1713 The Lord of Demon Bone Domineering Appearance, Wei Liao's Tragedy

Chapter 1713 The Lord of Demon Bone Domineering Appearance, Wei Liao's Tragedy
Wu Yi is not worried at all about Zhu Rong going to support the Eternal War. Zhu Rong's equipment is gorgeous enough. Even if he encounters someone who is stronger than her, he can escape without any problem. A strong man who can make Zhu Rong even have no chance to escape is now There are not many in the world.And even if Zhu Rong is really killed in battle, there is a certain chance that he will be resurrected on the spot, stand up again and fight again.

His biggest enemy right now is not competing in the Central Plains, but King Dongping!In the next day of God's Descend, he was fully prepared for the decisive battle that followed.

However, at this moment, a large amount of mist clouds of the sky of death spewed out from under the tide-watching cliff, and at the same time, a large number of skeletons poured out of the tide-watching cliff like a fountain. The shocking scene made one's scalp tingle.

The change of Guanchao Cliff made the death sky above the Iron Tooth City thicker and lower, and a large number of skeletons walked on the cursed land, and a large number of flags of the Eastern Sea Kingdom slammed in the strong wind. With the support of strong aid, the power of the East China Sea Kingdom in the main world finally launched its first major counterattack!

For a long time, Wei Liao has been the main force to suppress Iron Tooth City. As a master of military art through the ages, although his records are unknown in history books, just one "Wei Liao Zi" is enough for him to eat for a lifetime, even if he doesn't have a magnificent record. , It will be difficult to reach the "Military God" level with potential, but "Soldier Saint" is definitely enough, but the growth rate is not enough now.

If it hadn't been for the Donghai Kingdom to spend a huge price to change all the Iron Tooth City into "Cursed Earth", coupled with the uninterrupted coverage of the sky of death above, a perfect "devil" attribute environment had been constructed, allowing the undead to have their home ground. advantage, otherwise Donghai Kingdom would have been blocked back to Guanchao Cliff by Wei Liao.

Now that the undead army of the East China Sea is launching a counterattack, Wei Liao is naturally fighting fiercely with them on the western border of Iron Tooth City without fear.The leader and commander of the East China Sea Kingdom has not changed, it is still the skeleton who has been suppressed and beaten by Wei Liao, even if the military strength has been greatly improved, the essence cannot be changed.What's more, the current battle between the two sides is on the border. As long as Wei Liao doesn't lead the army into the "Cursed Land", the undead will be pushed out, and the combat power will be lost instead.

However, this time the reinforcements from the underworld are obviously not just some cannon fodder skeletons, but also a group of strong skeletons, including the great demon bone lord who has "disappeared" in the underworld for a long time!
The Demon Bone Lord is the ruler of the skeleton clan, and the clan weapon of the skeleton clan is in his hand, and he is one of the strongest peak powerhouses in the underworld!At the beginning, he was defeated quite wrongly. He was completely introduced into the Ghost King City by the golden ghost, fell into an ambush by the East China Sea Kingdom, and was enslaved by the Queen of the East China Sea with the inheritance of the God of Darkness. A trump card of the skeleton family.

As soon as the Great Demon Bone Lord came out, the situation on the battlefield instantly reversed. With the bonus of the skeleton family weapon, the combat effectiveness of the East China Sea army was greatly improved, and no one in Wei Liao's army could stop the Demon Bone Lord, even two and a half Neither can God.In this way, the army of the East China Sea State forcefully pushed out the border of Iron Tooth City.

Wei Liao forcibly summoned the military God of War to defend, and the moment the military God of War appeared, there was a new change.


In the desperate situation, Wei Liao finally took a crucial step. When he reached the "Sage of Soldiers" realm, the fighting power of the military god of war would be greatly improved, especially for a character like Wei Liao, who could perfectly control it.However, his growth was still not enough to turn the situation around. This time, the Demon Bone Lord was not the only powerful member of the Skeleton Clan who entered the main world. fall.

such a pity!Meng Tian, ​​who originally assisted Wei Liao, planned to cooperate with his grandfather to open the gap in the north while the sun was approaching, and had already led the army northward. Otherwise, with Meng Tian around, this battle would not have been so completely defeated.

After Wei Liao's defeat, the army of the undead in the East China Sea had no shackles anymore, and began to expand unscrupulously to the north, west, and south, while advancing and transforming the environment.Especially in the battle line where Wei Liao was defeated, a large number of corpses became the best material for the East China Sea, and they were immediately transformed into a large area of ​​cursed land.

Wang Zhongsi and Hua Mulan have always been stationed on the southern line not far from Iron Tooth City. Almost every time Wei Liao goes out for an expedition, they will send troops from the side to assist.Naturally, they were the first to learn of such a major change, and quickly withdrew their troops. At the same time, they immediately sent the battle report back to Calabash City.

"Why is this!!!" Wu Yi, who was about to use the relationship of the Mieyi League to increase the development of the Yu clan, was shocked when he received the battle report.

The main reason why Calabash City was able to play so freely in the eastern battlefield was because of Wei Liao and Daomen!

But now, Wei Liao was defeated!
Wang Zhongsi on the battlefield in the Eastern Border has "superior first-class" strength, and after a long period of growth, Hua Mulan has also reached super first-class, but since Wei Liao has no chance to escape, it is impossible for Wang Zhongsi and Hua Mulan to be better. results.

The undead came at a really bad time. Also, Wei Liao died in battle, so what about "Wei Liaozi"?Did it also fall into the hands of the East China Sea?Now is not the time to think so much, regardless of whether it is useful or not, first transfer Jebe who is building an army.Now the army of the undead in the East China Sea Kingdom may not necessarily go south. Isn’t there still room for expansion in the west? Therefore, it is still uncertain whether the East China Sea Congress will attack Wu Zhao first or him first.

The best way for him now is to procrastinate!
At present, Zhu Rong has not returned from the battlefield of Fengyan City, and he will not be able to return until tomorrow at the earliest. At that time, Shui Dongliu from Hongye City will come back to support. Strong combat effectiveness.What's more, there are still two days before the sun of the gods, as long as these two days are delayed, when the sun of the gods arrives, the war must be suspended, and the seven days of the sun of the gods are enough for him to deal with it.

Moreover, the new agreement between the Daomen and the great lord of the underworld has been reached before, and the blood sacrifice in the Temple of the Underworld should have ended long after the god descends. At that time, the war in the underworld will directly enter a fierce stage. Whether Donghai Kingdom can continue to defend Donghai City is still a question. Still want to come to the main world wave?Although it is not possible to go to war during the day of the gods, it is not a problem to make some layouts.

Therefore, these two days are the most important. If you can't keep it, the loss will be immeasurable. If the capital of water is lost, it is tantamount to the complete failure of the "peak" guild that has just been born. The blow is still secondary, the key is that now Wu Yi doesn't have a good place for Peak to develop with peace of mind.If Penglai City is lost again, it means that Wu Yi will completely give up all the layout north of Longxiang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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