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Chapter 1727 Wind Realm City, Dragon Vein Initially Determined

Chapter 1727 Wind Realm City, Dragon Vein Initially Determined
"What? Let Zhu Rong return to the Wu Clan?"

When Wu Yi completed two rounds of missions, Calabash City once again ushered in an envoy from the Wu Clan, and it was Peng Yun, the chief elder of the Fire Witch Division, who had the closest relationship with Calabash City.

"Yes, there are some minor problems in our family, and the saintess needs to go back to preside over related matters."

"How long are you going?"

"This...not sure."

"This is not easy to handle. The elders also know that after the sun descends, we may have a decisive battle with the Dongping rebels at any time. The role of the saint is extremely important. I am afraid..." If it is only a day or two, then It's okay, but it's definitely not going to work after a long time.Although Zhu Rong's one-on-one ability is not as good as Li Yuanba's, her role on the battlefield is comparable. She has the ability to single-handedly suppress a partial army.

If Zhu Rong was missing during the decisive battle, it would be equivalent to losing a lot of combat power. The foundation of Calabash City was not as good as King Dongping, and without Zhu Rong, there would be no chance of winning.

"Lord, don't worry, during the time when the saint returns to the clan, our fire witch department will fully support the lord!" Peng Yun said hastily.

Fire witch department?
Wu Yi secretly calculated in his heart that as one of the [-] witch tribes and one of the largest branches in the current witch tribe, Wu Yi didn't know exactly how many strong people there were, but Peng Yun alone was not much worse than Zhu Rong Well, it is definitely not a loss for one Zhu Rong to "exchange" a Fire Witch Department.

"Can you tell me what happened to the Wu Clan?" Wu Yi was doing the mission before, but he also received news that there was a shocking vision in the Wushen Pagoda, but he didn't know exactly what happened.

"This... this is our family's top secret, it's really hard to tell!"

"Alright then! I'll send someone to tell Zhu Rong to return to the Wu Clan immediately, but the elders of the battlefield in Hongye City need to settle in as soon as possible. This is not a joke."

"Lord, don't worry, after I send the saint girl back to the clan's land, I will immediately organize the clansmen to go to Hongye City, and will definitely enter the defense line before the end of the day of God's Descend."

"Thank you, Elder, if you have any requests for logistics, just ask!" The current Wu clan is still very "poor". This does not refer to high-end resources, but basic resources.The belief area of ​​the Wu people has not yet developed, and there are very few forces that can gather resources for them.

Sending off Peng Yun, Wu Yi was secretly thinking, in this way, he and the Wu Clan are completely tied together, with the Fire Witch Department, plus some power from the Taoist sect, even if he is against the Earth Temple and Feng The temple will not be so powerless, unless the opponent is desperate, and the reason is to put all the background on King Dongping, and fight him to the death for King Dongping!
However, there is almost no chance of such a possibility, and in this way, he has a slight chance of winning the decisive battle with King Dongping.It's just a pity that due to the break between the Blazing Flame Temple and the Elemental Temple, they completely withdrew from the battle in the south, and Xiaoyue City also retired.The reason why Xiaoyue City participated in the battle at the beginning was to prevent the death battle of the Raging Flame Temple.

The remaining forces that he can use are Wang Ben from Sanshanguan and Xue Rengui from Southwest, but these two imperial forces will only cooperate with him and are no longer the main force.

Wu Yi continued his last round of missions. As long as he was willing to spend enough time digging out the missions, he could basically get about [-] Faith Contribution Points for each round of missions. After the spirit stone, there are still two or three contribution points left. Even if you can't change the "Seed of God Source", you can still change some materials or brush the longevity tree.

After the last round of missions was completed, Wu Yi set foot on Hulukong Island again through the teleportation array.After many days of construction, the place has changed a lot. There are large buildings row upon row, and there are several magnificent Western temples mixed in the dense oriental fairy-style buildings, but this does not destroy the coordination.

The new city on Sky Island was named "Wind Realm City" by Wu Yi!This is based on the name of the wind tree transplanted to the sky island. The wind tree transplanted to the sky island by Shui Dongliu is planted in the center of the sky island. The whole city is built around the wind tree and takes root in the wind tree. In the place, a large area was specially left, which is the area reserved in advance for the Tianchi Birth Pool in the future. In the future, the Wind Realm Tree will take root in the Angel Birth Pool. It is said that this will accelerate the growth of the Wind Realm Tree.

After Shui Dongliu's divine power gave birth, the current Fengjie tree is already taller than a person, but compared to the "adult" Fengjie tree, it is still just a seedling, and the growth of this thing is far more difficult than expected .

At this time, Fengjie City is only the size of a fifth-class city. Kuaixiang will continue to expand on this basis. It will be built according to the scale of the royal city, so before that, there will be no cultivation of the city wall, and [-] slaves will work in rotation. I believe that it will not be a problem to reach the level of a second-class city in half a month.The Shrine of Dawn in Sky Island has been completed, and the throne of Dawn—Light of Hope has been moved from Gourd City. The core of the shrine is this throne of theocracy. It will fail.

However, this Chenxi Palace supervised by Kuai Xiang himself is much stronger than the previous one in Calabash City, the great master is not joking.

Shrine of Dawn: The temporary shrine where the theocracy of "Dawn—Light of Hope" is placed.The skill effect of all holy units in the whole territory +50%, and with a constant state "Holy Spirit Body".It can condense the power of faith, improve the recognition of the people in the territory, and can draw power from the sun and transform it into holy water.The Shrine comes with a "Light of Hope" enchantment, which currently covers Sky City.Through the power of faith, the ninth-level legendary special unit "Dawn Rider" can be transformed, and the "Dawn Light" that can cover the entire territory can also be transformed through the power of faith.Special random attributes "Sword of Daybreak", "Holy City of Dawn".

The Light of Dawn—With powerful healing and purification effects, it produces a primary holy light environment, and at the same time has the effect of stabilizing people's hearts and giving people hope.

Body of the Holy Spirit—Sacred skill consumption -50%, "Purification" level +1, "Holy Flame" level +1, "Curse" negative state resistance +50%.

The Sword of Daybreak - a powerful blow that combines the power of faith and the power of the divine.

Holy City of Dawn——By consuming the power of faith and sacred power, summon the projection of the ancient holy city of Dawn.

In addition to the improvement of the basic attributes, the new Dawn Shrine also has two more skills and a state, which are added through Kuai Xiang's ability, but once the "Dawn——Light of Hope" throne of theocracy is taken away, it will still will fail.With the addition of Chenxi Shrine, the strength of the sacred units in the territory is getting stronger and stronger, which makes Wu Yi eager to get the birth pool of Tianchi and raise the angel units.

Now that the Dawn Shrine has more means of attack, there is no need to say more about the "Sacred City of Dawn". Like the "Holy City of Glory", it is one of the seven ancestral lands of the angel clan, but the "God of Dawn" summoned by the Shrine of Dawn Palace" is bound to be stronger than the "Holy City of Glory" summoned by the Glory Holy Grail, because the former needs to consume the power of faith!
The "Sword of Breaking Dawn" is somewhat similar to the "Magic Light of Time-Space Purgatory" of the Eye of Time and Space. Like the "City", they all need to consume the power of faith and the power of the sacred. Presumably, the amount will not be small. The sacred power is okay. After all, the Dawn Shrine itself can transfer the holy water by itself, but the power of faith is difficult.

There are already many gods under Wu Yi's command. Taoism, Undercurrent Temple, and Wu Clan. The southern part is all promised to Taoism, the sea area is given to Undercurrent Temple, and he only has one Mayi City in the north, which is used to comfort the Wu Clan.Moreover, in order to develop the faith of the sacred department, there is no one who can preside over the preaching.

no!If there is not enough power of faith reserves, then most of the attributes of Dawn Shrine can be seen but cannot be used. In terms of preaching, Xu Wei, an angel, is undoubtedly the most suitable, at least half of Sky Island's faith must be given to the light The gods will do.Even if he can't jointly develop faith with the Temple of Light, he can do it himself.

If the Wind Realm Tree can be raised in the future, then the Wind Realm City will have at least four layers of barriers, one for the Sky Island itself, one for the Wind Realm Tree, one for the Chenxi Shrine, and one for the Wind Realm City!Even if you encounter a demigod siege, it is enough to last for a while.

However, Wu Yi's purpose this time is not to inspect the construction progress of the city, but to see Zhang Ruilin's progress.The matter of dragon veins is related to Jianguo, and if he can start one day earlier, his advantage will be even greater. The reward for the first Jianguo, even if not mentioned, can be imagined.As long as the founding of the country is successful and the south and southeast are stabilized, he will be able to sit back and watch the world go by.

If Sky Island doesn't work, we have to find another way.

As long as Xu Ling is around, Zhang Ruilin will usually hang out with her, even if they can't talk a few words together in a day, they will "squeeze" together. The "Dawn—Light of Hope" divine right throne can speed up the speed of cultivation. Although Xu Neg has reached the semi-divine state now, he has not reached the summit, so he still lives in the Dawn Palace.

Sure enough, when Wu Yi came to Chenxi Shrine, both Xu Negative and Zhang Ruilin were there.

"Lord, the Dawn Palace is not suitable for me to stay for a long time. I have sent someone to send a letter to the holy mountain, asking my uncle to ask for a blueprint of the 'Star Palace' for me."

The Hall of Stars is the top secret of the divination peak of the Taoist sect. There have always been only two of them, the one on the holy mountain and the one in the imperial city of the imperial capital.Among them, many functions can force divination ability. If she can get blueprints, it is indeed more suitable for her than Dawn Shrine.

But is it really that easy to find?This thing, to some extent, is a status symbol!
"According to what you want, when the blueprint arrives, you can tell Kuai Xiang to choose a site for construction." Wu Yi didn't object, it's all trivial.

"Ruilin, what's the matter? Is there any result?" If there is no suitable place on Sky Island, then the plan to cultivate dragon veins may have to be delayed until after defeating King Dongping, and then choose a suitable place in the south.

"I have surveyed several places. Although they are not perfect, as long as enough Feng Shui circles are built, it is still possible to accumulate dragon veins."

"That's good! You're going to stay on the empty island recently, and get this done." As long as it's feasible!It may be difficult to transform the fortune of his territory into a dragon vein at the moment, but it doesn't matter, step by step, lay the foundation first, after all, transformation does not happen overnight. "By the way, if you have time, you should stay in the Dawn Shrine for a while. It will help you grow up here."

Zhang Yufeng is already the peak master of Fengshui Peak, and with his status, it is impossible to join Calabash City again, but if one side wants to have no loopholes, a strong Fengshui master is indispensable.Training Zhang Ruilin is the best choice at the moment, and Zhang Yufeng will also send resources to his son, without the help of Calabash City.

"I will."


The morning sun rises from the end of the East China Sea, and the breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger. The snow accumulation in the north is getting faster and faster every day. It is so fast that the snow water is drained from the rivers, forming a waterlogging. The strongest cavalry in the north is almost Turned into a navy.

There are only two days left in the last two days of God's Descending Day, and all major forces are extremely busy. After the God's Descending Day, wars will break out in all major areas. At this time, everyone wants to make the arrangements as perfect as possible.At the same time, today is also the second day of Zuo Ci's mission. Compared with yesterday, the number of participating teams has decreased by [-]%, but it is still an exaggerated number, and there is no room for slack.

In the northwest, the Raging Flame Temple has been secretly negotiating with the Demon Realm in secret. The envoy of the Raging Flame Temple went to the Demon Realm through the cross-boundary space gate. Just now, the final negotiation was finally completed.The Dragon Flame Empire of the Demon Realm allows the Flame Temple to spread faith throughout the Demon Realm, as does the area occupied by the Demon Realm in the main world, and the price that the Flame Temple needs to pay is to fully help the Dragon Yan Empire invade the main world.

After completing this negotiation, the Flame Temple has planned to temporarily abandon the existing belief area. After they left the Elemental Temple, the belief area they controlled was continuously encroached by the Earth Temple and the Wind Temple, and they did not care about the past at all.Moreover, if they want to help Demon Yu fight with all their strength, they will definitely not be able to hide it, and it will attract the same hatred from all over the world.

Anyway, sooner or later, it will be impossible to keep it, so it is better to evacuate actively, at least to reduce the loss, transfer all the resources that can be transferred, and transfer the resources that cannot be transferred, half-bought and half-gifted to the territory of the God's Chosen.Against this background, the three guilds of Purgatory, Eternity, and Three Realms became popular, and the Raging Flame Temple invested a lot of money in them, just in exchange for faith.

If it can be exchanged for investment from god-type forces, God's Chosen will never be stingy with those useless beliefs. In just a few days, the strength of the three guilds has increased by as much as [-]-[-]%.

Helping Demon Yu to invade the main world will indeed become the common enemy of the world, but this does not include God's Chosen, there is not such a deep hatred between God's Chosen and Demon Yu, as long as there are enough interests, they will not care so much.That's why the Raging Flame Temple can safely use the God's Chosen's foundation to preserve his strength. In their view, the Demon Realm army plus them, relying on the home field advantage of the environment, has no possibility of failure!
(End of this chapter)

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