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Chapter 1744 The Battle of the Doomsday God Begins the Decisive Battle

Chapter 1744 The Battle of the Doomsday God Begins the Decisive Battle

Cao Zhi and Pan An went to Hongwang City together with Princess Qingxue. Pan An was going to participate in the Wenhui, and Cao Zhi would start his own journey after the Wenhui. Wu Yi specially arranged for him a legendary These literati travel around the world, and it is impossible for them to go to any dangerous places. They seldom go to the wild. A legendary strong man is enough to ensure his safety.

"Hey, in a blink of an eye, the little guy has also left his teacher." Wang Xizhi, who accompanied Wu Yi to send Cao Zhi to travel abroad, caressed the three strands of black beard on his chest and sighed softly.

"Finally left, hey, it's tiring to teach a disciple in the world." Although Du Fu said that he was tired, his face was full of pride.

"It's good to go out for a walk. If you don't see the world, the chick will never become an eagle." Sima Xiangru's eyes were a little red. It is also a blessing to be a master to have a talented disciple.

"It's all right now, the little guy has also left his teacher, and it's a troubled time now. With our small bodies, if we want to survive in the future, it seems that we can only stay honestly in the territory of Lord Wuyi." Wu Daozi said. Free and easy, the self-made folding fan in his hand opened with a "swish", gently flapping on his chest.

"That's right, I asked the lord to take it in before."

"Where are you talking! What are you talking about! It is my honor for the four gentlemen to respect my three-acre land!" The affairs of these people can be said to be a matter of course. Since they accepted Cao Zhi as their disciples together, it is equivalent to They were tied to Gourd City, even though they hadn't joined Gourd City in name before, they never refused if Wu Yi had anything to do, and they were willing to obey the assignment. Now it's just the last step.

What's more, Sima Xiangru's wife, Zhuo Wenjun's natal Xilin Chamber of Commerce, also deliberately fell to his side after defeating King Dongping in Calabash City.

——System: Sima Xiangru, Wang Xizhi, Wu Daozi, Du Fu, and Zhuo Wenjun joined Calabash City.

——System: Calabash City has more than three historical figures with exclusive "Holy" titles, and the special territory title "Four Holy Township" is opened, and the prestige of the territory is increased by 30.

Of the five people, except Zhuo Wenjun, a historical beauty, the remaining four have corresponding "sage" titles in history. The "Sage of Fu" Sima Xiangru, the "Sage of Calligraphy" Wang Xizhi, the "Sage of Painting" Wu Daozi, and the "Sage of Poetry" Du Fu, these four are all famous figures through the ages, and they are all top-notch in the cultural world. "The Prosperity", their works are quite expensive, even in the circle of aboriginal aristocrats, they are quite well-known, just like in the past, even the giant dragons of the dragon clan wanted to ask for an authentic painting by Wu Daozi.

Four Sacred Townships - The bonus effect of the prestige of the territory +25%, attracting talents of chess, piano, calligraphy, painting, poetry and prose +100%, strengthening the "wisdom" of the leaders, and slightly increasing the potential of the leaders.

Another territory title that strengthens the potential of the people has started!Don't underestimate the "slightly" in the attribute. Many characters are blocked from the gate of super class or holy position because of the slightest difference. This "slightly" is less than [-]% when converted into an accurate value, but as long as it is an attribute related to potential, it is definitely the best.

Wang Xizhi and the others are all special talents, and their combat power cannot be simply calculated by the attributes and levels of famous generals. On the contrary, Zhuo Wenjun is the strongest. After all, Zhuo Wenjun has a career in the Le Ji department, which is similar to Li Shishi.But when it comes to the overall strengthening of the territory and the battlefield, it is definitely the "Four Saints" who are stronger. The "Four Saints" may not be able to beat a demigod together, but their role on the battlefield is far greater than that of a demigod. It has been verified more than once that an ordinary demigod is stronger.

It just so happens that the war with the Hongyu Empire is about to start, let them follow the navy to clean up Zhenhai City and the East China Sea Fleet, just as a practice, and then they will live in Calabash City if they want to live in Calabash City, and go to Sky Island if they want to see it Sky Island, as long as it is not such a dangerous war, Wu Yi does not need to drag them into the battlefield. Their growth does not need to be carried out through battle. The layout of the south has been completed.

By the way, Li Jing died in battle in Hongye City before, and his military book "Six Armies Mirror" also fell into the hands of Calabash City. This is the second real military book that Wu Yi obtained, and Wu Yi has already handed it over to Geng Well, after all, Geng Yan is about to step into the realm of "Sage of Soldiers", and if he wants to fully display the strength of "Sage of Soldiers", he must have a real military book.

In this regard, Gourd City has a great lack, or not only Gourd City, but all forces in the world are like this. After all, there are thousands of manuscripts, but the real military book is unique!There are many people who can be called military gods in history, but there are really not many who have written military books.It's a pity that Lao Cao's "New Book of Meng De" was too far away, and the Gourd City couldn't reach it. In the end, I don't know whose hands it fell into. Regardless of the strength of the attribute, as long as it is not the real copy, it can be strengthened" The strength of "Bing Sheng" or "Military God" cannot be replaced by manuscripts.

Now there are two authentic military books that are relatively close to Wu Yi, one is "Wei Liao Zi" in the hands of Wu Zhao or Donghai Kingdom, and the other is "Sun Bin's Art of War" by Sun Bin! Putting "Wei Liaozi" aside for the time being, he would get "Sun Bin's Art of War" no matter what, and it would be best if he could get Sun Bin together!

"The decisive battle is starting on the Doomsday God Battlefield, do you want to come?" Just after Wu Yi made arrangements for Sima Xiangru and others, Zhao Xueyin suddenly sent a private chat message.

"So fast?" Wu Yi was a little surprised. He hadn't paid much attention to the Doomsday God's Battlefield recently because of the territory. He didn't expect that the Doomsday God's Battlefield would also start a decisive battle, which can also be called a battle of gods.

"It's not too soon. I still have tasks on me, so I won't tell you more." Doomsday God's Battlefield and the main world cannot communicate directly in private. Obviously, Zhao Xueyin came back to inform him.Zhao Xueyin is not like Wu Yi, her focus is on the twilight barrier, through the identity of an angel, and a lot of tasks, she is now a seventh-rank general, and has gained a lot of power in the twilight barrier.

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Originally, I wanted to try the first-class "Path of the Counselor" dungeon first, but now it seems that I can only postpone it again.Wu Yi took the first reward of "Super Class" and the first reward of "Legend Rank", but he didn't get the first reward of Super Class of Famous Generals.

There are many "No. 1" rewards given by the system, such as the first in the general category and the first in categories. For example, the first sub-professional grandmaster, no matter which item he relies on to get the No. [-] head, he will get it. The biggest reward, after that, if someone reaches Grandmaster, if they are not in the same sub-profession as the first one, then they can get the first place in the category, and the reward will definitely be much worse than the general category.

Like Wu Yi before, the "intelligence" attribute reached 95, reaching the limit of super-class, and he was also the first player to reach this limit, so what he got was the "super-class" overall first reward, but at that time he took The title he received was "Superior Spellcaster". Underneath, the commanders, military generals, counselors, and civil servants related to the four famous general attributes were classified as the second tier. Much better than those after that.

However, because of a god descending on the sun, many players who had a lot of gaps with Wu Yi have stepped into the ranks of "Super First-Class". Just two days ago, Fu Xi of the Hetu Guild successfully cleared the level Road", won the first super-class title in the famous general category.There is no way around this, the generals fight for pure combat power, but the copy of "Road of the Counselor" is too brain-intensive. He was very lucky in the "first-class" "Road of the Counselor". The first attempt at the "superior" "Road of the Counselor" also ended in failure.

Now that the rewards of the second echelon have been snatched away, he is not in a hurry. Although he is far more than the only player with an "Intelligence" attribute of 95, including Zhao Xueyin, who also traded with major forces on the last day of the God's Descend Day, rushed to He has been included in the "super class", but how much better can other players be than him?

The Doomsday God Battlefield is now the largest "treasure house" of high-level resources. Wu Yi naturally doesn't want to give up, and every point he can win is a point. Anyway, the territory has passed the most critical moment and is on the right track. With him or without him, there is no difference. Hey, he'd better go to the Doomsday God's Battlefield to continue fighting, so it's not in vain for him to carefully build his own combat power.

After explaining to Xun Yu, Wu Yi followed through the teleportation array to the Twilight Barrier.

Coming to the Twilight Fortress again, Wu Yi clearly felt the tense atmosphere in the fortress, a decisive battle!This means that both the Twilight Barrier and Hades Fortress will have gods participating, and there may be more than one or two. On such a battlefield, even demigods may be lost at any time, let alone small soldiers.

Zhao Xueyin now has a lot of military power in the Twilight Barrier, but her profession is a holy angel performer, which is quite rare even in the Twilight Barrier. She will be dispatched by the Angel Clan, and Wu Yi can only go to Wei Huo.But after inquiring in the barracks, he found out that all the foreign troops had already gone to the front line, so he could only mess around by himself for the time being. Fortunately, the ninth-rank generals can get a hundred angel soldiers as subordinates for free during the decisive battle. If you want it again, you can only exchange it in the military camp for military exploits.

This time, Wu Yi didn't mix it up, but directly chose the blazing angel with the highest explosion of [-]!On such a large battlefield where the total strength of the two sides may exceed tens of millions, the strength of an individual is too small, and even a god is not truly invincible.

Wu Yi didn't dare to choose outposts [-] to [-], the central battlefield area, but went directly to outpost No. [-] in the northwest. Outposts [-] and [-] are definitely the best choices for players and foreign troops , The side battlefield should always be easier.

The ten angel outposts built before the twilight barrier are the foundation of the "Holy Angel Domain". On the eve of the decisive battle, the Fortress of Hades had been attacking these ten outposts, but they were all guarded by the twilight barrier.With the protection of the "Holy Angel Domain", the Twilight Barrier side will have to fight "away" in the decisive battle.But even so, the advantage of the Fortress of Hades is still there. The vast sea-like death sky above the sky is not a joke. To maintain this "Holy Angel Domain", the Twilight Barrier consumes a lot of resources every moment .

"When the battlefield in the main world can reach this scale, it will be really awesome." Wu Yi sighed when he arrived at the front line and looked at the scene in front of him.Even if it was just a side battle, it was more powerful than the decisive battle between Wei Qing and Li Jing before, and the army of undead was overwhelming.

"Huh, May Day? I thought you wouldn't come this time, have you dealt with the matter of your territory?" As soon as Wu Yigang arrived at the No. [-] outpost, he met Wu Jiutian and the eternal Li Yunlong.Now nearly half of the players from the Twilight Barrier faction have gathered in Outpost No. [-], so it's no surprise to meet them.

"The affairs of the territory are handled by the commander, the military adviser, and the magistrate. Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged, and it will be the same without me."

"Niuuuuuuuuu It seems that you are sure of the south!"

"In the future, please ask Wuyi Boss to take care of my younger brother." Li Yunlong had hoped that Calabash City and King Dongping would suffer both defeats, so he kept dragging on like that, but now it is obvious that Calabash City's footsteps are unstoppable. In this way, His Eternal Guild is a bit embarrassing. After all, the area where his guild is located is close to the southwest. If May Day intends to go west in the future, Eternal will bear the brunt of it!
At that time, the identity of a mere ally may not change much.Therefore, the question he has to consider now is the same as that of Fatty Jin before, whether to cooperate with Purgatory to allow the guild to develop further west, or to open the door and surrender directly when Calabash City calls in the future.

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. It depends on luck." Wu Yi didn't talk too much, although he had absolute confidence in winning the south.

"Xueyin can't come here because of the mission, do you want to come with us?" Zhao Ziyun was in the Fortress of the Underworld, and Wu Jiutian could only find other people to cooperate. She is also a ninth-rank general, but only a hundred angels, in such a battle, It's just a drop in the ocean, so tiny.

"Okay! If we unite, we can achieve even greater results." Wu Yi came to the No. [-] outpost for a round with people from Tianyan Studio and Peak Guild. Now that we unite, everyone will not suffer. After all, this time is not a competition mission.

"that is!"

"How many people have you united now?" Wu Yi asked more, too many people will not work, firstly, command is a problem, and secondly, if there are too many people, internal conflicts are easy, who will stand in front, who will stand behind, who will be cannon fodder, who will output is a problem.

"It's just me and Li Guild, and now with you, the tripartite alliance, everyone is a deadly alliance, it's fine to discuss it on the battlefield, and it's fine for outsiders." Wu Jiutian obviously had the same idea as Wu Yi.

"That's what I meant too."

"You should hurry up and accept the mission on the battlefield. After accepting the mission, we will set off immediately. There are already many people who are one step ahead of us."

(End of this chapter)

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