The best lord of online games

Chapter 1746 2 Angels

Chapter 1746 Twenty-Five Thousand Angels

——System: The army under your command took the initiative to attack Zhenhai City of the Hongyu Empire, and it was regarded as a rebellion. You and your territory were transferred from the Hongyu Empire camp to the rebel camp. "Hongyu Empire Dongping Gong" is invalid.

——System: Calabash City is self-reliant, territory fortune +5%, please customize a new faction battle flag as soon as possible.

——System: Yu Dayou successfully captured Zhenhai City, increased his prestige by [-], and his territory's prestige by [-].


Early the next morning, when Wu Yi went online again at Angel Outpost No. [-], dozens of system information popped up. This is nothing new, after all, this happened last night, and relevant information has already been sent to Arrived at Wu Yi's desk.Depending on the battle of Zhenhai City, the generals of the entire East China Sea Fleet, from top to bottom, were all imprisoned. So far, the entire southeast has fallen into the hands of Wu Yi.

However, this is only the beginning!
The Hongyu Empire has been guarding against Gourd City, and the garrisons in various parts of the central region have been continuously deployed to fill the two lines of entering the east and the south. It's just that they didn't expect Wu Yi to do it so quickly. After all, the round of conscription in Gourd City has just begun , the replenishment of troops everywhere has not yet been completed.Originally, Xiao Chenguang wanted to wait for all preparations to be completed before taking action to force Wu Yi to rebel. In any case, he must not lose his righteousness, but he is the emperor, and it is very simple to force Wu Yi. It only takes a few days. Dao imperial decree ordered Gourd City to rebel, as long as the other party didn't do his best, he could take the blame for disrespecting the imperial decree at any time.

But it's too early now, and all the countermeasures he has arranged have not yet been in place. He will never give up on the south, which is equivalent to three-ninths of the country. He can't afford to lose it, and he doesn't dare to lose it. !
As soon as Zhenhai City fell, Sun Bin, who was ordered to reorganize the defense line in the east, immediately forced the unfinished Guanhai City. Wu Zhao was fully supported by food, weapons and other materials in the rear. Wu Yi's neighbor, she has no way out.

Compared with the aggressiveness in the east, the power of the Hongyu Empire in the south shrank. Wang Ben guarded the Sanshan Pass, Xue Rengui also withdrew from the Peacock City and retreated to the newly built Melting Fire City.Because Peacock City bears the name of the royal family, Xue Rengui couldn't take anything away, and Xiao Chenguang didn't want to make too much trouble with the relatives, but obviously, he was fed up with the gang who didn't do business and dragged their feet. Relatives, they can fall on both sides in the civil war of the royal family, and it is not good for everyone to encroach on their interests, otherwise these rascals will go to the clan to make trouble, but at this moment when the Hongyu Empire is declining, will other forces take them into consideration?
The imperial army couldn't shrink back, so how could Calabash City allow them to drag on like this!Wei Qing and Geng Yan's soldiers split into two groups, Wei Qing's soldiers knocked on Sanshan Pass, while Geng Yan pointed directly at Melting Fire City.There are only these two forces left in the Hongyu Empire in the south. As long as these two armies are wiped out and the Sanshan Pass is occupied, the south will be completely settled.

Wu Yi doesn't need to worry about these things, he has already made arrangements before, and he has done everything he can do, and the result depends on these generals!

"Boss is so early? Oh, I heard that last night your territory was at war again. Now the entire East China Sea is yours. By the way, don't you need to go back and watch at this time, Boss?" Not long after Wu Yi went online, Li Yunlong also arrived , the forces that can be mixed in the front, the intelligence systems in their hands are not bad, the fall of Zhenhai City, the rebellion of Calabash City, such a big event, has long been known to the world, let alone the resumption of war in the east and the south .

The stronger Calabash City is, the more imminent the Eternal Guild's choice will be.

"That's not necessary! I can't control the situation of the battle by myself, so it's better to feel at ease here." Wu Yi intends to take this opportunity to exchange some high-end technology with military achievements to go back. Zhao Xueyin's side is hopeless, and her 3000 Wan's task is not easy.

"Then shall we continue today?"

"Wait until Wu Jiutian comes." For most of the day yesterday, even with the help of "internal traitors", the efficiency is really mediocre. If this continues, the efficiency will only get lower and lower. If other forces have a hand in it, it will be even worse. up.

"Why can't we talk about it until I come?" While speaking, Wu Jiutian brought a group of people over.

"Of course it's a good thing! Today we're not just messing around, we're going to hug our thighs." One day is enough for him to find out the location of Wei Huo. It's impossible for them, foreign troops, to go to the most central battlefield, as that would disturb the angels. family arrangement.Moreover, the Angel Race is also afraid that there will be spies in these foreign armies!Even the Angel Race itself cannot avoid being infiltrated and corrupted by the Hades, let alone these foreign troops.

Therefore, now the No. [-] outpost to the No. [-] outpost have been banned, and only angels can enter and exit.

"Thighs? You still have this way? Now that the generals of the Angel Clan are nailed to key positions, they are unlikely to move, right?"

"It's not an angel, just follow me! But I said it in advance, if you want to gain a lot, the risk will definitely not be small. If you want to be together, then the loss will be big, so don't make trouble with me." Wu Yi has already determined the location of Wei Huo, which is at the No. [-] Outpost, which is quite close to the main battlefield, and the undead over there are far stronger than those at the No. [-] Outpost.

Although the death of a player below the holy rank is just a loss of one level, given the current situation of the Doomsday God Battlefield, it can be made up soon, but if the exploded equipment and items cannot be retrieved, the loss can be great or small.

"What are you talking about! Even if all of us are dead, how much loss can we have?"

"That's right, hugging your thighs isn't looking for a nanny, and you're afraid of losing money?"

"Then let's go to the No. [-] outpost first, this time we must do a big ticket!"

There are basically no players at outpost No. [-], and the battle here is too unfriendly to weak players.The decisive battle between the Twilight Barrier and Hades Fortress was indeed launched just yesterday, but before the decisive battle, the battle between the two sides has never stopped, and foreign troops like Wei Huo have been on the battlefield for a long time.

Coincidentally, last night Wei Huo led the army back to the outpost to rest, and Wu Yi could also catch a ride.

"Haha, Brother Wuyi, long time no see!" When we met again, Wei Huo was still as enthusiastic as ever. In his team, Wu Yi also saw many familiar faces, but more people he had never seen before. .

"Haha, it's been a long time. Isn't this the matter of the territory that has been dragging away? It's you, brother, but you have been promoted to the sixth general in a short period of time." The ninth general's functions are assigned to For one hundred angels, [-] can be allocated to sixth-class generals. This is only the standard for foreign generals, and the generals of the angel family have higher rights in all aspects.

"This is all for the help of my brothers. Hey, I was given [-] birdmen. If the loss is too big, brother, I will have to be criticized in the military department. You know, do I seem to be a person who can lead the army? Before I was afraid that I would bury all these bird men outside, so I didn't dare to bring any of them. In the end, the military salary had to be counted on my head. Originally, I was looking for those uncles in the military department to retire, but those in the military department The bastard said, this is the old rule, and the rule cannot be broken, isn’t it clear that I want to eat Lao Tzu!” Wei Huo became more and more angry.

None of these foreign troops in the Twilight Barrier can command the troops. They all rely on their personal strength to fight. Angels, the ninth-tier legendary arm, are really too weak for them, and it is also difficult to command them on the battlefield. The problem, if it is not done well, it will become a mess. Not only will it not help, but it will hinder it.

"Hmph, it's your trash! But since May Day is here, let him lead these angels." Luo Mengxin interrupted.

"That's right, brother, haven't you led the army before? You're the lord again, why don't you let me take care of these birdmen for now, you can't let these birdmen do nothing for nothing, right?" Wei Huo's eyes lit up immediately, It's not that he doesn't want to use the [-] angels, there's really no way, he can't use them as cannon fodder!Staying in the outpost, once the battle here gets tight, the guardian of the angel clan will definitely activate emergency measures to temporarily force the angel army, and then he will be able to benefit from it, right?

But now it's different, since there are capable leaders in his team, these angels will naturally use them to create greater value on the battlefield!
"Okay, no problem! I'll make up for you later on, no matter how much you lose at that time!" This is an unexpected surprise. His current "command rate" value has reached 88, not to mention how high it is, but the [-] angels are here At least he won't hold back his hands, and it will be useful on the battlefield, so he won't be in a mess.

No, there are more than [-] angels. Luo Mengxin's leader level is not as high as Wei Huo's, but he is also assigned to the top-level troops of [-], [-], and they are pure flying troops. This is not a small force.

"If you die, you're dead. How can you make up for it? Anyway, it's all forced by the military." Luo Mengxin's words hit all the players. This is the gap. Ten thousand angels are not too many, but they only have one hundred, so they can exchange their military exploits by themselves, and it is too expensive to bear.

"Yes, yes, you can let it go, this time the twilight barrier is rare and generous, the combat achievements in the decisive battle have a lot of bonuses, and the items that can be exchanged are far from what they were before. This time, we brothers fuck him One vote!" Wei Huo said vigorously.

"Okay! Let's all follow the big brother and fight those undead on the opposite side!"

"What else do you need to prepare? When we are ready, we will set off as soon as possible. If it is late, the guard will come to remind you." The more rights you get, the more you have to pay. Foreigners like Wei Huo General, you can go back to the city to rest, but you can't stay for too long, unless the army suffers heavy casualties and is unable to fight anymore, otherwise, after a long time, your military exploits will be deducted.

"We have everything we need to bring with us, and we have nothing to prepare for." It's not about dealing with any emergencies, what should be prepared has already been prepared.

"Then let's set off now. The battle here is quite tense. If it weren't for the support of the Holy Angel Domain, the outpost would have been flattened by those undead. At that time, everyone should be careful. When there is a big battle, many things will be very serious." It's hard to take everything into consideration." Leaving the outpost, Wei Huo reminded.

"Don't worry, brother, I will be careful."

"After the war, try to stay as close to me as possible." Luo Mengxin also said, after all, she is a sealer, and the area she can take care of will be larger.However, she is also the main force in the team, and there are many times when she can't help herself.

These two people have taken good care of Wu Yi. Although he invested a lot of resources and helped Wei Huo before, in his opinion, those are just things of mutual benefit. Wei Huo and Luo Meng To be able to repay him in this way, to be honest, he was very moved.But it's a pity that the Doomsday God's Battlefield will be closed one day, and it's quite sad to think about it.

"Thank you, Sister Mengxin!"

The people of Wei Huo's team are in the front, and they are strong. With them, they are not afraid of being attacked. Wu Yi leads the Angel Legion and a group of players to press back.With such a lineup, it is impossible to play around like they did before.

"Boss Wuyi, I didn't expect you to know such a local tyrant. With a big wave of your hand, there are [-] angels directly. These are real angels, not the high imitation version of the Yu clan." Li Yunlong smiled cheaply. He leaned close to Wu Yi and muttered in a low voice.

"It's just a [-]-tier ninth-tier legendary unit. Don't tell me you're still lacking in this as a leader?"

"Can it be the same? This is the Doomsday God's Battlefield, and 500 angels are equivalent to [-] military exploits! This is the same as before, and you can change a dozen super famous generals."

The exchange of arms in the Doomsday God Battlefield is indeed a pitfall. One angel with a thousand military exploits is nothing to change. If you want to become an army, it is really not enough to go bankrupt.What's wrong with exchanging 500 military exploits? Who would exchange [-] angels? If you can't bring them back to the main world, even if you can bring them back, it's not worth it!

How much does it cost to train 3000 ninth-tier legendary units?The task that Zhao Xueyin accepted, the angel birth pool is only 500 million!Twenty-five million military exploits are enough to forge a few sacred artifacts in the Twilight Barrier.

"You'll get cheap and act good. You really have to be careful this time. With such a good foundation, don't give it all away." Wu Jiutian reminded from the side, she knew Wei Huo, after all She had been with Zhao Xueyin in Wei Huo's team for a while, but she didn't establish much contact. She also developed contacts with other foreign troops. Unfortunately, there was no good opportunity, and it was not so easy to make friends with these people. of.

"I know."

But if you know it, you know it, but now that you haven't even seen the enemy, how do you know how many wins you have, and how do you know what the result will be? When there is really no way to retreat, why can you not fight?This time is an excellent opportunity for him, but whether he can achieve what he wants depends on the result of the subsequent battle.It's a pity that Zhao Xueyin can't be with him, otherwise, with her equipment and abilities, these angels will be [-]% stronger, and their safety will be somewhat guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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