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Chapter 1759 The task of founding a nation begins

Chapter 1759 The task of founding a nation begins

The Angel Birth Pool was sent to Hulukong Island at the first time. The construction area is in the center of Fengjie City, and the location has been reserved for a long time.Wu Yi also used his military exploits to transfer a sealing cannon and an enchantment generator through the teleportation array of the twilight barrier. The blueprints belong to the top secret of the underworld fortress. There was no chance to get it, so I had to get the finished product and ask Huang Yueying to disassemble it for research.

With the high-end technology introduced from Xiaoyue City, Huang Yueying had already upgraded all the standing war equipment in Calabash City, but even so, she still couldn't see the threshold of a great master.

In the past few days, Wu Yi has not been doing well in the Doomsday God's Battlefield. His military power has been maintained at [-], but the speed of harvesting military exploits is also among the best among players.Without the exchange quota for historical figures, all players are more or less "slack" in the Doomsday God's Battlefield, and they are not so urgent for military exploits. Moreover, although there are many top-level resources in the Doomsday God's Battlefield, more than [-]% of them are for the sacred and The same is true for the equipment of the professionals of the two major systems of the dark system, resulting in a lot of spoils that cannot be directly used. The customization and modification of the equipment of the two major fortresses require a lot of military exploits. The attributes of equipment of the same quality are far inferior to sacred and The two systems of the underworld.

But it's not as good as it is, but it is precisely because of the Doomsday God's Battlefield that the current player's equipment has risen by more than one step.But equipment is not as important as the foundation of the main world after all. Although there are more and more players in the Doomsday God Battlefield, the high-level leaders of various forces are not as active as before.

Taking advantage of another round of post-war rest period, Wu Yi plans to take advantage of this time to start the mission of nation-building, and everything that should be prepared is almost ready.Now just wait for the task to start, and then see if the personnel need to be configured in this way.This task cannot be done by him, it must be presided over by him. As for the issue of Xihai City, the newly dispatched fleet has entered the West Sea, and is now rushing to the southwest half moon bay to pick up Xiang Yu's army. In this matter, the leader is Xiang Yu , Calabash City does not need much force except for the navy, but just to be on the safe side, Wu Yi temporarily transferred Zuo Ci and the Haizu Legion there. It's safe, he just needs to wait for the result.

Wu Yi stood on the praying platform and started following the steps Xu Negative said.As long as the dragon veins transform, they can generate the "National Destiny". Only the founding of the country can carry the national destiny. Therefore, the two are actually complementary to each other. After the completion of the founding of the country, the dragon veins will also complete the first transformation.

——System: Since your forces have bred "dragon veins" and met the conditions for nation-building, the task of nation-building begins.

——System: Please choose the difficulty of the nation-building task, complete the nation-building task of different difficulty, and you will get the corresponding national luck bonus.

"Mission Difficulty..."

At this moment, Wu Yi received a lot of systems, all about nation-building tasks. The task difficulty is divided into five levels, from high to low, they are S, A, B, C, and D. This is nothing special. I don't know the difference in difficulty between levels, and I don't know how much national luck bonus you can get after completing each difficulty, so more choices can only be made based on self-feeling.After the difficulty is selected, the nation-building mission will start to be randomly generated. It can be said that each time is different, but the difficulty of the same level of mission should be about the same. If you can't pass it once, you will definitely not be able to pass it the second time unless the strength of the territory has been greatly improved. Don't even think about it.

In terms of self-feeling, Wu Yi has absolute confidence in his own territory. Maybe the background is not as good as the old Donghai Kingdom and Golden Wolf Kingdom, but the cards are not bad.He is definitely the first player to start the nation-building mission. The difficulty of the mission is not only related to the basic rewards, but also related to the "first" extra rewards.It can be said that there is a large gap in the extra rewards between each difficulty level.


Must S!It would be best if the rewarded "National Luck" could directly upgrade the dragon veins.

His territory is currently fully defended, and no matter who is needed for the mission, he can temporarily change it. He doesn't know how long the nation-building mission will last. Even if it makes him give up the military power of the Twilight Barrier, he will not hesitate to do so. Which one is more important to him? It is still clear that the country will be established one day earlier, and his advantage will be greater.Only in Jianguo can he take off the hat of the traitor on his head as quickly as possible, and he can justify his name.

——System: Select "S" for task difficulty, and the task is being generated...

Anyway, Xu Negative has already said that even if he fails for the first time, the background of his territory is enough to keep the dragon veins intact. As long as the dragon veins are not damaged, why not gamble?

——System: The serial mission "Rise of Great Powers" was successfully generated, (1/9) reunite the soul of the dragon vein in the ancient dragon climbing platform within one day, and the mission is limited to a maximum of nine people.If the task fails, [-]% of the territory fortune contained in the dragon veins of one's own side will be cut off.

As the task was generated, a portal of teleportation light appeared in front of Wu Yi's eyes.The serial missions of the Nine Rings are not too many, but there are definitely many. Except for a few inheritance missions, it is rare to hear that there are more than the Nine Rings.

There is not much information about the task itself, but since it is related to the dragon veins, Zhang Ruilin must go. He is now a proper second generation. Although he is only a holy rank, as the only seedling of the Zhang family, the equipment on his body is absolutely worthy of the title. Gorgeous, and Zhang Yufeng has already obtained Xu Negative's consent, and after Wu Yi's country is established, he will marry them as soon as possible.

Now that there is a Feng Shui master, Wu Yi himself can be counted as a formation master, plus Li Yuanba and Pei Min, two top fighters, there are still five places left.Unless she has to, Wu Yi will never touch Xu negative. As long as she is in the sky island, she will try her best to avoid the crisis of sky island exposure. Generals like Li Yuanba and Pei Min who are stationed in various defense zones In just two or three days, there is no need to consider the impact, and no outsiders will be able to find out, because generals of their level will not be assigned to patrol missions unless they are in wartime, and they usually repair them in the barracks. practice.

It is impossible for Wu Yi to bring all the demigods to the task of the upper limit of nine people, and there are not so many demigods in Calabash City. With Li Yuanba and Pei Min, the combat power is enough. There are five places left. Wu Yi must find as many as possible. Talents for all kinds of situations.

Lu Xiangyun, a person who was almost forgotten by Wu Yi!There are too many historical figures that Gourd City needs to cultivate, so Wu Yi can't spend extra resources on these aborigines with unknown potential. This also caused the sad Lu Xiangyun. Still being stuck just outside the legendary threshold, an "intelligence" of 94, is pretty embarrassing.

But even so, he is still the strongest space magician in Gourd City. This imprints a little, how scarce space magicians are, and there is only one holy rank in the entire Gourd City. An old man who lost his teeth.However, after this time, Wu Yi intends to let Shang Gong, who has been hiding in the dragon statue, activate the hidden dragon blood in his body for Lu Xiangyun. By activating the dragon blood, his potential will be improved a lot, and he will step into the Legends are not a problem.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wu Yi added Li Shishi, Xu Wei, Ma Zhong and Sun Ming from the five-color peacock clan.Among the four, Ma Zhong has a strong ability to "draw prizes", and Li Shishi has also stepped into the legend not long ago. There is no problem with the probability. As long as musicians are protected, they are super effective.Xu Wei has grown rapidly since entering the Dawn Shrine, and has also entered the legend. Although Sun Ming is only a holy rank, he has strong racial ability and potential. It is enough to fill the last spot.

Among the nine, there are three saints, four legends, and two demigods. They can also cooperate well with each other. There is no shortage of attack, support, and investigation, which is enough to deal with various emergencies.The mission location is Denglongtai, so there will definitely not be a Jedi environment such as the sea or lava. This is the most suitable lineup he can form, and the rest depends on the specific mission scenarios.

 The plot is sorted out, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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