The best lord of online games

Chapter 1765 Preparations for Ambush

Chapter 1765 Preparations for Ambush from Ten Sides
Just as Wu Yi's mission of establishing the nation on the sixth ring was in progress, the situation in the west was further changing. Unwilling, Zhao Kuangyin wanted revenge, so he immediately sent two envoys to contact King Moshan and Zhang Jiao.In the face of interests, there is no permanent enemy. Even though Lao Zhao and Zhang Jiaogou were almost out of their minds before, but Xiang Yu came to the door, everyone inevitably had other ideas.

Given the current relationship between Zhao Kuangyin and Zhang Jiao, Old Zhao would definitely not dare to send Li Si to negotiate in person, but he couldn't just send one, so he had to settle for the next best thing and send Wang Xuance to the capital of Shu.

Ever since Zhang Jiao and King Moshan were completely united, although the power of the gods in the two-in-one force has not completely overwhelmed the kingship, the two have become equal. Many people can't understand why King Moshan would do this. After all, it may happen at any time in the future. Being dominated by anti-guests, and the divine power overpowering the king's power, at that time, even if it is not completely emptied and reduced to a puppet, it will be very fast.Those who raise the flag to rebel in troubled times, who would like to have multiple fathers on their heads, unless it is a last resort.

Therefore, people all over the world are very curious about the relationship between Zhang Jiao and Mo Shanwang, Mo Shanwang and Liu Bang.

"My lord sincerely invites Mr. Zhang to join hands. After the matter is completed, we will only recover the coerced civilians, and the rest of the results will belong to the adults." Wang Xuance is still young, but he has already begun to emerge in all aspects. He can get This mission also reflected Zhao Kuangyin's importance to him from the side.

"The Duankong mirror has been taken away by Xiang Yu, right? Even if I can persuade King Moshan to send troops, even if I can really defeat Xiang Yu, but I can't keep Xiang Yu, what will I get in the end?" On Zhang Jiao's side, Cui Hao glanced silently Zhang Jiao, who was silent, shook his head and answered instead.It is too risky to fight Xiang Yu. The tragic situation in Xihai City before further proved Xiang Yu's ferocity. At present, the demigods are the most important combat power of all forces. If there are too many losses, the foundation will be shaken.

In fact, the risk is secondary, Xiang Yu's team, apart from the top powerhouses, what else can make Zhang Jiao look up to?If these people run away by then, they will definitely lose money by sending troops this time.Undoubtedly, the biggest problem in this interception lies in one of the Nine Great Soldiers, Duankongjing, Duankongjing plus a demigod-level space magician, not to mention taking away the entire army, but sending away at a critical moment It is absolutely easy for all the high-level figures, even Zhang Daoling's Wentian map is difficult to restrain.

"Master Zhang, don't worry, there is a powerful seal on the Duankong mirror, and it definitely cannot be lifted in three to five days. As long as Xiang Yu is seriously injured, it will be good for you, right?" Wang Xuance
Why was Lian Po under Xiang Yu's command in the west?Is it because Xiang Yu has reached a secret agreement with the empire and Yingzheng? If Xiang Yu can be hit hard, then the powerful magic prison can ignite the flames of war to Tielin Pass again, then the rebels in the west will not be restrained by the Hongyu Empire. Whether to go east, go north, or go south, there are more choices, and Zhang Jiao, who is closest to the northwest, can use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Hongyu Empire. After all, they directly threaten the rear of the Northwest Army Zhang Jiao will not send troops to pinch the imperial army in the northwest at this time, but the deterrent force is there, so the Hongyu Empire has to have an idea.

"That's it..." Cui Hao hesitated for a moment, and looked at Zhang Jiao who was on the main seat again. Even though Duan Kongjing was restricted, there were still demigod space magicians who could lead people, but at least he could fight.If it works properly, the power of the formation can temporarily block the power of space in the entire battlefield.

"It's okay to jointly encircle and suppress Xiang Yu, but the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces must be ours!" At this time Zhang Jiao spoke up, and taking the position of commander-in-chief meant that he had absolute initiative in this joint operation.Zhao Kuangyin's disaster is indeed a good thing for Zhang Jiao, at least the other party has no right to bargain with him right now.

"Yes! But pay off, Mr. Zhang, send troops as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late to chase after the navy of Calabash City receives Xiang Yu." Wang Xuance paused and then nodded. In fact, before sending Wang Xuance, these Zhao Kuangyin It was already expected that Zhang Jiao's conditions were all within his acceptable range, so Wang Xuance naturally didn't have to send messages back and forth.

"As long as Xihai City sends troops, we will follow suit!"

"It shouldn't be too late. I'll go back to Xihai City right now, and I hope to borrow the teleportation array in the city." Zhao Kuangyin and Zhang Jiao are still in a hostile relationship right now, and the teleportation array in the city is naturally not just for the enemy to use.

"Jing Si, you take him there."

After Wang Xuance left, Cui Hao said to Zhang Jiao again in a low voice: "My lord, I think it would be a good idea to take advantage of the current situation to flatten Xihai City. With Zhao Kuangyin destroyed, we will have the power to unify the west."

"It's not that easy!" Zhang Jiao shook his head and stood up, "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If the Sea God Temple wants to intervene, we will lose a lot by forcing a war, not to mention that there were sea monsters in Xihai City before." Emperor Beast. Before the end of the battle of the underworld, it is impossible for the Holy Mountain to give us more support. A little carelessness may ruin the current good situation."

In fact, it was Wu Yi's mistake that Zhao Kuangyin was able to recover a dog's life this time. If he could pull Zhang Jiao again in the previous action, then even if the main force of the Sea God Temple could arrive in time, Xihai City would completely fall. The upper echelons were wiped out.But Wu Yi thought that the plan was foolproof, and he didn't want to share more benefits. What's more, Wu Yi also had a little selfishness, and didn't want to let Zhang Jiao take the lead.After all, in Wu Yi's mind, when he is strong enough in the future, he can directly incorporate Zhang Jiao's forces without a big fight, but if Zhang Jiao is too strong, his plan will obviously not work, even if it can still be achieved in the end, he The price to be paid will also be greater.

Unexpectedly, he hesitated for a while, but it gave Zhao Kuangyin Xianyu a chance to turn around, and also caused Hulucheng's harvest this time to be greatly reduced.

After sending off Wang Xuance, Zhang Jiao decided to go to Moshan City himself. If he wanted to gain something from this battle, it was not enough for him to send troops. Xiang Yu was sealed to death in the mountains in the west, it was like an ambush from all sides!As for the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, it is enough to directly let Tan Daoji, the strongest under his command, go up. On this point, even King Moshan would not let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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