Chapter 177
"Rush! Rush! Rush!"

The coalition forces, who had been suffocating for a long time, finally got their chance. At this moment, unprecedented enthusiasm broke out. Except for the coalition forces blocking the back lake, players from the other three parties all rushed to Bishui Village.There are only two gates in Bishui Village, one is the front gate that was just smashed into pieces, and the other is a small gate on the back, surrounded by the big lake.I don't know why the small door was opened. The backside is completely surrounded by a big lake, so I can only swim out without a boat.

It was Yu Hualong who took the lead in the charge. Zhu Rong did not go with him this time, but rushed to another gap with three hundred knights from Hulu Village. Ma Zhong was mixed in with the brigade, and he preferred to shoot cold arrows from a distance.As for the militia archers who followed, Wu Yi was not in a hurry to let them go, they were much weaker than the cavalry, so there was no rush, wait until the arrow tower fell down.

Li Su, another famous general in the coalition army, was also mixed in the brigade, and was heavily protected by the people of the dynasty, and he had never seen his ability until now.The staff of Xingyue Live Broadcasting sent six people to follow the live broadcast from different directions at the same time.

The main reason for rushing so early was to suppress the trebuchets in Bishui Village, and absolutely not let the trebuchets on the opposite side affect the trebuchets attacking the arrow tower behind.

"I will also go to the front to have a good time, and I will leave it to you later."

"I am coming too!"

In the end, all three presidents ran away, leaving only Wu Yi and Zhao Ziyun who were nervous about their war equipment.The five catapults that had been disassembled had already been assembled immediately, and the rest of the catapults were being disassembled nervously. The water battle crossbows were escorted to the front by two hundred elite players, looking for opportunities to attack.

While the rear was still preparing, the battle had already begun in front of Bishui Village. The ballista that had been removed from the city wall before was once again showing its power. Twenty arrows fell into the player group at a time. The current ability of the players is still unable to withstand this kind of attack. At the level of the war ballista, those who were hit by the arrows were killed in seconds, and the first wave of abnormal penetration took away the lives of nearly a hundred players.

Boom, boom...

Then there was a series of explosions, Wu Yi and Zhao Ziyun were too familiar with this explosion, it was the attack of the Explosive Ballista, as expected, Bishui Village still had a back hand, and the previous tentative battle did not show its full strength.The explosive ballista's attack came too suddenly, causing the unprepared players' coalition forces to suffer heavy losses immediately, and the number of casualties was more than that of ordinary ballista.

When the ballista was launched, the trebuchets in Bishui village also launched an attack. Stone bullets fell into the crowd, killing many players who could not dodge. The effect was far inferior to that of the two ballistas.But now that there is no view of the city wall, the bandits in Bishui Village don't know the situation behind the coalition forces.

The warmly "welcome" coalition forces were immediately adjusted by the united front command of all parties. In addition to guarding the shield guards, every 12 people formed a team, and each team was separated by a certain distance, not to mention that they could completely avoid the ballista. damage, but at least it can dodge the attack of the trebuchet very well.

Yu Hualong was the first to rush into Bishui Village. Behind him were two hundred knights and players. In addition, there were three special teams. The special team consisted of priests, magicians and shield guards. Their mission was to ensure Yu Hualong's safety.

The wolf cavalry team led by Zhu Rong also rushed into the Bishui village from another direction, and the special team of the Holy Sword Guild assisted in the support. The role of the famous generals at this time far exceeds that of hundreds of players. host.However, the professional configuration of Holy Sword's special team is somewhat different from Yu Hualong's. The main force here is to protect shield guards and priests. The magicians only have four wind magicians. Zhu Rong's own AOE is extremely strong, so magicians are not needed at all. To make up, there are four wind magicians plus shield acceleration is enough.

Two famous generals cut into the battlefield, and the war equipment in Bishui village was immediately affected. In order to relieve the pressure, [-]% of the arrow tower's attention was placed on these two teams.During the battle, the former lightning magician never dared to use the levitation technique anymore, and he was still at Yu Hualong's side. The lightning magic was too conspicuous, and the area damage was even more domineering. However, the player knight almost They were emptied, and with the damage from the arrow tower, few members of the special team survived.

At this moment, the catapults behind the coalition forces were finally assembled. Five catapults were launched, and five stone bullets flew into the sky towards the arrow tower. Four stone bullets hit successfully, and one missed completely and fell into the battlefield.The attacks of the catapult and the ballista did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and this stone bullet did not know how many of our own people were killed.

After a brief adjustment, the five trebuchets started to attack again, and all five stone bombs hit the upper middle of the arrow tower.

"Okay! Continue to attack!"

The battle was ten times more tragic than imagined. I thought it would be easy to win by breaking down the city wall with a trebuchet, but now it has turned into a real bloody battle.A large number of bandits flooded into the battlefield. When the coalition forces smashed the city wall, the bandits also made arrangements in the Bishui Village, making the coalition's attack more difficult. At least a thousand players were killed in this short period of time.

Finally, the remaining seventeen catapults were assembled at this moment and joined the ranks of attack. The 23 trebuchets were aimed at the sixteen arrow towers, and the targets of the attack were mainly placed on the five towers in the middle. The five arrow towers were taken down first to clear the way for the coalition forces.

The blood was still going on, and the water battle crossbows found positions one after another and began to shoot at the arrow towers. Xingyue's live broadcasters who were mixed with the coalition forces and concentrated on live broadcasting were also killed by three arrows flying from nowhere.Not only did Yu Hualong fail to rush in, but he began to retreat slowly after all the surrounding players were killed, waiting for the support from the rear personnel. He has no way of questing.


After receiving a lot of attacks, the first arrow tower finally collapsed. The huge roar seemed to be the turning point of the battle. Soon, the second arrow tower also collapsed. The defense ability of the arrow tower was far from that of the city wall. It can withstand the attacks of so many trebuchets and water battle crossbows.


Two arrow towers collapsed one after another, and the morale of the coalition forces was immediately boosted. With the loss of two arrow towers, a big gap was opened in the defense line of Bishui Village, and a large number of players rushed into Bishui Village through the gap.Yu Hualong, who was supported, finally broke through the bandit's defense line and killed in.

Zhu Rong on the other side was much more relaxed. Without the obstruction of the thunder magician, her side was the first to rush out of the attack range of the arrow tower, and the casualties were naturally less. Not many died.There is no way, Zhu Rong's flame clears up ordinary bandits too quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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