The best lord of online games

Chapter 268 Xue Qiqi and Brother Hui's Liangzi

Chapter 268 Xue Qiqi and Brother Hui's Liangzi

My name is Xue Qiqi, a sophomore at Yeji University. I originally planned to find an ordinary job after spending the last four years of my student life, and marry an ordinary woman who is not disgusted. This is the life trajectory of most people now.

The reason why the game market is getting more and more popular is because more and more boring people are always looking for something to pass the time and vent their emotions. "Golden Age", a game that claims to give people a "new life", how could I miss it as a college student with nothing to do.However, Xue Qiqi, who has been in decline for 19 years, suddenly changed his luck in "The Prosperous Age". Wanruan sister coin, seeing the double-digit deposit in the bank card suddenly surged to five-figure, Xue Qi came to his senses, and wanted to change his unchanging life, this is the opportunity!

Xue QiQi is a true lone ranger, whether in reality or in the game, Xue QiQi does not intend to change, he has a unparalleled general, and he can break through the world by himself.After getting General Wushuang, everything about Xue Qiqi in "The Prosperous Age" became extremely smooth, leading everyone's level, and becoming the first player to pass the God's Trial. Gradually, he was attracted by more and more people. As we all know, he became a moderate figure in the "Golden Age", and the so-called Grand Council began to send invitations to him, but he refused them all. Since he can make money by himself, why should he join them? Why not invite in ordinary times?
Xue Qiqi's way of making money was not smooth, the food expenses of General Wushuang were too expensive, and the coins he could save every day were too little, but soon he was lucky enough to get on the bandit's line again, and by dumping the things in the bandit's hands Made a fortune.But on that day, he suddenly met an abominable guy, Brother Liaohui, a local tyrant who loves to show off very much. Xue Qiqi didn't like such a person. Surprisingly, an NPC brought by Brother Hui almost killed his Wushuang Admiral. Although Wushuang Admiral managed to escape in the end, his beloved staff exploded.

He wants revenge!But Xue Qiqi is rational, if he can't beat Brother Hui now, he should work hard to accumulate strength.The goddess of luck still favored him, and soon he discovered the neutral city of Sin City during the mission, and met Cheng Yaojin on the Hero Mountain. Will this become the second famous general in his hands?

Damn it, the news about Hero Mountain was exposed very quickly, more and more players came to Hero Mountain, and it seemed that the famous generals who joined Hero Mountain couldn't be subdued.Fortunately, in the City of Sin, in the City of Sin, you can buy some rare items with high prices in the market and sell them at a high price, and make a huge difference in price, but this business will soon be impossible, because there is no Know who has found a second neutral city and announced it.

However, as the first player to discover a neutral city, Goddess of Luck once again showed him his thighs. In the city of sin, he found Shi Xiu, the Tianhui star in Water Margin, Shi Xiu, known as the desperate Saburo, through a series of tasks After successfully subduing it.I don't know if it's because there are too many heroes in Liangshan. Xue Qiqi always feels that Shi Xiu's quality is not good, but he is still a celebrity. In the reappearance stage, when most players don't even have a famous general, he already has two. Xue Qiqiu I am still very satisfied. If the quality is not high, just invest more resources in training, and it will always improve.

Being a bandit is not bad, at least you can get into a good position, and Purgatory Hui also appeared on Hero Mountain with his NPC, and stood on the opposite side of Hero Mountain, this is an opportunity, as long as he kills his NPC , Brother Purgatory Hui is just a tease.Pan Feng couldn't beat alone before, but now he can't beat two of them.

But at this moment, Xue Qiqi's plan was disrupted by a sudden war. This war is obviously a big plot, can he still participate after becoming a bandit?Certainly not, as soon as they entered the city, they would be hacked to death.The plan is postponed, and we will see if we want to join Hero Mountain after this war is over.

Huh?Isn't the one in front of you Purgatory Fai?He also wants to go to Seven Star City?It seems that on the battlefield, you might be able to find a chance to make a shot.Even if you can't meet Brother Hui at that time, there are many people in the Purgatory Guild, so you can charge some interest first.


Brother Hui, who had been fighting around Wang Yanzhang for almost a month, finally got his wish today. Wang Yanzhang, who had been in the ring for almost a week, withdrew from the stage decisively after mentioning the news of the invasion of the Demon Realm, and expressed his surrender to Brother Hui. Brother Hui was overjoyed. The rush is worth it.

"In the past, I always felt that the name of the village head is too trifling, not a person who can do big things, but during this period of time, I found that the village head has a broad mind, and Wang Yanzhang can't do anything. From now on, I can work under the village head with peace of mind." It's Wang Yanzhang's original words. Brother Hui burst into tears after hearing this. If he had known earlier, he would not have listened to the ridiculous idea of ​​Wings of Judgment, and added some guild prefix to the ID. How much wronged brother has suffered!
However, Wang Yanzhang still has another request. His refugee training plan has failed. He needs a team of thousands of people to go to Seven Star City to fight against the demon army.Brother Hui is fooling around outside all day long, and the development of the territory has been half-dead. However, for Brother Hui, a local tyrant, it is not difficult to pull together a team of a thousand people.

The militia team of 2000 people in the territory has already been led by the younger brother to the Seven Star City. Before there is no general who can train troops, even if the territory is rich, it can only play the militia. This is impossible. Fortunately, Wang Yanzhang There is no requirement for the types of troops, and now they only need to go to Seven Star City to meet up through the teleportation array of Iron Tooth City.

Brother Hui is very satisfied with Wang Yanzhang's strength, which is as high as rank nine. Although he can't beat Cheng Yaojin on Hero Mountain for the time being, he is better than Zhao Ziyun's Yu Hualong.The cultivation of famous generals is no longer a secret among players. As long as he can kill a few powerful bosses in this war, Wang Yanzhang can still make it to the top. After all, he is also the No.2 general of the fifth generation. He has great potential for growth. It's still pretty good.

Huh?That person looks familiar, and the strong man with the ax next to him, isn't it the player who was related to bandits that he met in Yuwu Mountain before?That strong man escaped from Wang Yanzhang's hands. It's not surprising that Brother Hui guessed the identity of that strong man.Judging from his appearance, he should also go to Seven Star City to participate in this war. Maybe he can make a shot in the wild battlefield. As long as he kills that strong man, Wang Yanzhang's strength should be improved!Blame it on him that his weapon is also an axe like Cheng Yaojin.

 Ask the editor to help you unlock the chapters related to the work and update the character attributes, but you didn't dump me...

(End of this chapter)

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