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Chapter 813 Clearance

Chapter 813 Clearance
Jing Ke's killer army was countered. Originally, it was the best choice to withdraw from this open square at this time, but this withdrawal is equivalent to giving up the final customs clearance reward, and tasted the sweetness of arrogance in the ancient city of Chongsheng How could the king give up!

Chen Dao and Bai Mujun may not be as famous as Gao Shun and the trapping camp, but their abilities must not be underestimated. Chen Dao is not only good at training soldiers, but also has outstanding personal force. Judging from the "deterrence" effect of generals' skills, Chen Dao has already He is a second-rate general, but Chen Dao's ability to command troops is not outstanding. Perhaps with the continuous growth of the Baimai Army, his final achievement in command can rank among the first-rate generals, but in terms of talent and specialty The bonus of the army is not strong, and it is almost impossible to become a commander who can stand alone.

A qualified commander is not only looking at the command value!
The battle between the two sides is constantly moving towards the tower of dominion, and the casualties of each other are not small. The disgusting curse of the curse priest has restrained the energy of a lot of Wu Yi's method arms. , Combat power still cannot be underestimated, the killer's instant explosive power is very strong, and when they fall, they will also drag some unlucky golden wolves on their backs.

I can't stop it!

At this time, the scene of the battle seemed very chaotic. Jing Ke was being hunted down by Zhu Rong, but his killer army also restrained part of the output of Wu Yi's two magic armies. Chong and Chen Dao took the lead, and the magicians of the legion also gave up their protection and fought desperately on the front line.

There is almost no difference in the strength of the two sides, and the other side rushes forward regardless of losses. If they can keep dragging on, Wu Yi's side will surely win, but the battlefield is not far from the tower of domination.Block the door?The Tower of Dominion has no gates at all, only enchantments!
When approaching the tower of dominion, Chen Dao and Bai Mujun disappeared in a burst of golden light, and the arrogant king also flew into the barrier with a group of cursed priests under heavy protection.

It's not surprising that the Baimai army will have a pass for Wu Yi, but I didn't expect the arrogant king to have it too. The chosen ones now have almost no ability to command troops, and they can only fight more due to the attributes of the troops themselves.The Cursed Priest and the White Sorrel Army cooperated really well, but in the battle just now, their number was not much, and the two legions combined were less than a thousand.

"Wei Qing, Xiang Yun, you also enter!" At this time, we must not fall behind, and the remaining enemies outside are no longer a threat.

After receiving Wu Yi's order, Wei Qing immediately entered the enchantment of the Tower of Dominion, and Lu Xiangyun also led the Air Magic Guide Corps to break away from the brigade and fly in.

The legions qualified to enter the Tower of Dominion from both sides have already entered, and the magician of that legion was subsequently wiped out, and Jing Ke escaped in the end. It is difficult for the killer to be completely strangled in a chaotic situation.

The battle was fierce, but it didn't last long. The wolf cavalry with the worst loss was almost completely wiped out. If Wu Yi hadn't given up the formation at the end and rescued the two golden wolf cavalry, Zhu Rong had already appeared, and now the wolf cavalry The cavalry regiment can be used as a combat force, and only Zhu Rong is alone.There are still more than [-] Dao soldiers left in the Tianzun Legion. The killer's "sacrificing his life" is too shameless, and Qin Liangyu's white-armed soldiers only have about [-] left.

With the current strength, if Wu Yi and his party meet the ruling guard again, there is absolutely no way out. It is impossible to collect the pass again. They can only wait in front of the enchantment of the ruling tower. The legion that has not arrived at this time Most likely there is no rush, or there is simply no hope of going to the third floor.

I hope Wei Qing and the others can succeed!In terms of military strength, the two legions of Calabash City still have the upper hand, mainly the Habayashi Army, and there are still about 300 troops. At this time, it reflects the value of a first-class commander and high-level troops.Lu Xiangyun's air magician army was much worse. When they entered the Tower of Dominion, there were only two or three hundred people left, but those who survived were all ninth-level earth-level magicians who had previously been promoted with promotion stones.

At this moment, the ancient city of Chongsheng seemed to have quieted down. It was already the fourth day since Wu Yi entered the ancient city. After the legion was destroyed, as long as the legion was weakened for 24 hours, it could immediately replenish its troops and come in again. Except for some unlucky and powerful legions, they generally won't continue after they come out, and the price is too high, just like Wu Yi's Tianzun Legion, how many Tianzun Dao soldiers in the entire Calabash City?There are still some of them who haven't completed the promotion, one thousand at a time, enough to do several times!
The unlucky guy in Judgment Wings knelt down on the first floor. I heard that Guo Ziyi hadn't appeared yet, and Chang Yuchun, but I don't know where these people are now.

The waiting time seemed extremely long, and Wu Yi's heart was extremely disturbed, and he would pay attention to the time from time to time, one hour, two hours... As the time passed, Wu Yi became more and more restless, Walking back and forth under the Tower of Dominion, looking up from time to time at the top of the Tower of Dominion, as if to see through it.

"Brother Wuyi, are you annoying? You've been walking back and forth, and my eyes are blurry." Zhu Rongzao was also a little anxious, and he was even more annoyed when he saw Wu Yi's appearance.

——System: Lu Xiangyun successfully killed the phantom of Emperor Chongsheng, rewarding intelligence +1.

——System: Wei Qing and Lu Xiangyun led the legion to successfully clear the ancient city of Chongsheng, and the dungeon score will start to be counted...

——System: Congratulations on getting a "B-" grade in the ancient city of Chongsheng. The reward for your unit is ?

——System: Zhu Rong and the Wolf Cavalry Legion obtained a "B" grade in the ancient city of Chongsheng, and the reward for the arms was ?

——System: Ma Zhong and the Dragon Slaying Legion obtained a "D+" grade in the ancient city of Chongsheng, and rewarded the Legion Baoyin Brocade Box (green)╳1.

——System: Wei Qing and the Yulin Legion obtained an "S" grade in the ancient city of Chongsheng, and the reward unit was promoted to stone? .

——System: Lu Xiangyun and the Kong Magical Legion obtained an "A" grade in the ancient city of Chongsheng, and the reward unit was promoted to 100 stones. ╳1.

——System: Chongsheng Ancient City has completed the customs clearance, and the teleportation will start in ten seconds.

Wu Yi, who was pacing, suddenly stopped, and a series of system information dazzled him.He only has ten seconds, and it's too late to check the specific rewards, but he knows that Wei Qing and Lu Xiangyun succeeded, that's enough!However, what surprised him was that the legion that did not enter the Tower of Dominion to complete the final mission could also receive corresponding rewards. This is really an unexpected harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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