The best lord of online games

Chapter 837 The Flying Map of the Goddess of Wisdom

Chapter 837 The Flying Map of the Goddess of Wisdom
Seeing off Geng Yan, Wu Yi's face was full of regret. In his eyes, Geng Yan is the real big boss!Unfortunately, if the Geng family's requirements cannot be met, then this big boss belongs to another family.

The Geng brothers all have their own legions, and Geng Gong has experienced many battles in Xiaguang City. However, he has always been holding a group of scum soldiers. His "iron blood" legion has reached level five and passed the legion trial. , having the legion totem saved Wu Yi from a lot of trouble.As for Geng Kui, his legion is only at the second level, but he will be the deputy general of the wolf cavalry legion, and he doesn't need his own legion at all.

It seems that there are quite a few legions with the word "Iron Blood" in their name. I don't know which unlucky guy will be the first to hit the muzzle of the gun. Geng Gong's talent will definitely make the opponent want to die in a small-scale team battle!

After sending Geng Yan away, Wu Yi arranged a mansion for the Gunn brothers in the city, and then personally sent the two of them to the Weiqing camp. With the combination of these two, there will be almost no problems in the southern battlefield. However, the only thing Wu Yi needs to worry about is the navy.


pegasus city

Hongfu immediately brought Wu Daozi's painting to Lengfu. This dragon master who was deeply poisoned by Wenqing had already stood in front of the painting for half an hour.

"Beautiful! So beautiful! As expected of Master Wu's painting, judging by the brushwork used in this painting, Master Wu should have already touched the threshold of a master."

"My lord, I brought the painting too, you can see about the sea of ​​burials..." Hong Fu couldn't help but said.She also likes Wu Daozi's paintings, but she doesn't appreciate art enough, she just thinks it looks good and beautiful, but she will never delay her work because of this.

"It's a small matter. After all, the Deep Frost Dragon Emperor has been away from this world for many years. It will take some effort to open his lair at most. The restriction of the dragon lair will not be fatal to the dragon clan. Oh, I forgot, you are not a dragon clan!" Leng Ling has become very talkative now, but his eyes are still on the painting when he talks.

Hong Fu's face suddenly turned dark, Nima, isn't this nonsense!
"It doesn't matter, you don't have the ability to drive anyway, you just follow me honestly when the time comes." Leng Ling waved his hand and said indifferently.

Hong Fu is completely speechless about this dragon's character, he can definitely piss off a person with his words, but this kind of dubious character is very easy to win over, as long as he likes it.After figuring out the joints, Hongfu's desire to subdue Wu Daozi became even more urgent. As long as Wu Daozi was around, the dragon was almost her personal bodyguard, and Wu Daozi's paintings were also "tickets" to enter the circle of upper class aristocrats. "!"
However, now that Wu Daozi is squatting in Calabash City, who is not up to date, thinking about Wu Daozi's purpose, Hongfu also seems very powerless.

"My lord, is there any noise about opening the Dragon's Lair?" Hong Fu asked cautiously.

"It goes without saying that it's big, of course it's big! At that time, the sea water will pour back into it, forming a terrifying vortex, which will affect at least a hundred miles! As an envoy of the Dragon Clan, you must firmly believe that products produced by the Dragon Clan will definitely shake the world." Leng Ling glanced at Hongfu with disgust and said.

Produced by the Dragon Clan, it must be earth-shattering!
Go Nimei's earth-shattering!Can't you just open the door quietly?
what to do?Do you want to mention Hulucheng in advance?At this time, Hongfu is extremely entangled. As an adventurer, she has never had any enmity with any superiority. Coupled with her reputation among adventurers, once she speaks, as long as it does not affect her own development, all major forces are willing to sell her. She is a favor, just like she was in Calabash City before.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Hongfu gritted her teeth, and decided to keep it a secret. Besides, this is a legendary dragon in front of her. Even if something happens, it will be covered by this big head.If Calabash City discovers the secret of the Dragon Clan, it will have a considerable impact on her interests.

"My lord, can we do it at night?"

"what ever!"


In the early morning, the newborn sun shines on the tall old trees, and the dewdrops on the leaves are like dazzling pearls in the sunlight.At this time, the Calabash City is like an ancient forest city, with green trees, blood, vines, small bridges, large ancient buildings and surrounding water networks, which are amazingly beautiful.

After the Qixi Festival, the climate in the south has finally dropped, and it is no longer as hot as before. Hulucheng, which is located on the banks of the Rose River, has spent the fiery summer in the refreshing river breeze.He had also received information from Ghost Crab Island before, but since the tsunami had passed and Ghost Crab City was fine, he was not in a hurry to go to Ghost Crab Island again.

Aunt Gongsun, Li Shishi and Wei Zifu got together and the result was a bit beyond Wu Yi's expectation. The three of them couldn't wait to cooperate for a while last night. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Wu Yi would appear on such an occasion, so they didn't have the chance to meet.Before, Wu Yi also visited Wu Daozi again in the Gourd Tower, but he didn't even give him a task, and he didn't get in at all.

After that, Wu Yi temporarily gave up and planned to attack Aunt Gongsun. Wu Daozi followed Aunt Gongsun to Calabash City. As long as Gongsun is dealt with, maybe Wu Daozi will have a turning point.Compared with Wu Daozi's "coldness", Aunt Gongsun is much more talkative. With the help of Wei Zifu, Aunt Gongsun directly gave the conditions.

"My lord, the little girl likes the environment of Calabash City very much, and she can settle here, but the main reason for the little girl's trip this time is for a painting. Before she gets it, her heart can't calm down."

"What painting?" Wu Yi was a little surprised. Aunt Gongsun's condition was actually a painting. Wouldn't it be enough for Wu Daozi to paint any painting you want!Even if his current level has not reached the level of a grandmaster, but with the addition of his talents and specialties, he will not be much worse than the paintings of the grandmaster.Aunt Gongsun wanted to speak, but Wu Daozi couldn't possibly refuse.

"The legendary "Flying Map of the Goddess of Wisdom"!"

"The Flying Picture of the Goddess of Wisdom"?I haven't heard of it at all, and, judging by the tone, this should still be an ancient relic.

Seeing Wu Yi's bewildered expression, Aunt Gongsun explained with a smile: "It is said that "The Flying Picture of the Goddess of Wisdom" was drawn by a priest of the Wisdom Shrine when he watched the Goddess of Wisdom perform miracles, but the little girl only wrote it in ancient books. I have seen a very vague sketch in the picture, and the figure of the goddess in the picture inspired me a lot in dancing, so I want to see the real picture, hoping to find another breakthrough from it.”

It turned out to be a god!Moreover, it is a god that no longer exists. The Goddess of Wisdom no longer exists. Where can he find it?
"Don't worry, Mrs. Gongsun, I will try my best to help you find it." Wu Yi gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Then it's up to Mrs. Lao, the little girl will bother you in Calabash City for a month."

(End of this chapter)

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