The best lord of online games

Chapter 845 Amazing news

Chapter 845 Amazing news

Another day has passed, and the opening of the Tower of Dominion has entered the final countdown. The joint, negotiation, and exchange have all been completed early. At the moment when the Tower of Dominion is opened, there is no outbreak of power among these Chosen Ones. At this time, no one can bear the occurrence of accidents.

But at this moment, Wu Yi received an astonishing news from the Haiceng clan.


The only demigod powerhouse of the nine sea tribes, the saint of the mermaid tribe was seriously injured, and now recuperating in the mermaid's hometown, the mermaid tribe immediately sent a message to all the sea tribe.This saint has a special status, and she can be regarded as the spokesperson of the tide goddess, with a transcendent status.

"Could it be..."

At this time, Wu Yi immediately thought of the terrible tsunami that happened in the East China Sea!Is there any connection between the two?Since the last Tide Goddess Sacrifice, this lady saint has gone to the Sea of ​​Exile to strengthen the seal of the Sea Demon King. It is unknown whether the seal has been strengthened successfully, but at least the Sea Demon King has not yet broken through the seal.

However, what kind of existence could seriously injure this lady saint?You know, not only does she have the power of a demigod, but she also holds a complete artifact. The rest of the equipment is also top-notch. With the blessing of the goddess of tides, she is above the sea. As long as she is not ambushed, she can fight at the same level. Picking two, or even one picking three is not a problem.

There is a seal of the Goddess of Tides against the Sea-Monster in the Sea of ​​Deer Fighting. When the Sea-Monster enters that sea area, its fighting power will be suppressed by at least [-]%. Even a demigod-level sea-monster is not qualified to fight a mermaid saint!

Who exactly?Apart from the sea clan, sea monsters, and sea beasts, is there any force in the sea that has such abilities? Even if the sea beasts have a huge number, they do not have a ruler, and their IQ is not high. They have always been among the three major forces in the ocean. The existence of the bottom, the object of enslavement, the sea monster is restrained by the sealed power of the Sea of ​​Exile, and the only possibility is to exclude these two major forces, only external forces, but the fighting power of land races in the sea is far less than that of sea races. , even if it is a water-type occupation, the same is true.

too weird!

This matter is not just as simple as it seems on the surface, it affects the situation of the entire sea. Without this demigod's action, no one can guard the seal of the Sea Demon Emperor. A joint team was formed among the Sea Clan to sit in Sea of ​​Exile.But now, even the spokesperson of this god has been seriously injured, who would dare to fill in this hole?
In the West Sea, it seems that Zhou Yu's West Sea Fleet has an absolute advantage, but most of the beheaded are "cannon fodder"!The sea monsters in the East China Sea have been hiding all the time. Once this power erupts, it will be a terrible disaster.

At this time, Wu Yi felt a huge pressure. Originally, he united with the Sea Clan and the East China Sea Fleet, and the situation was very good, but after this incident, everything ceased to exist. Integrating all sea monsters, as long as most of them can be integrated, this is a force that can dominate the sea. At that time, the power of the Tianzunguan line is not enough for him to reverse the situation, and he has the advantage of leading all the gods in the sea. It is completely vulnerable to these.

"No! You must find a capable master in a short period of time!" Wu Yi thought a little uneasy, and at present, the most promising person he knows is the Queen of the Mermaid Race. As long as she can go one step further, she will be promoted A demigod, then she can replace the role of the saint to a certain extent, and delay the current situation for a period of time. When the saint recovers from her injury, the two demigods will be enough to suppress the sea of ​​exile.

But is it that easy to be promoted to a demigod?No one can guarantee when the mermaid queen will be promoted, maybe it will be tomorrow, or it may be forever.

In addition to the mermaid queen, there is another person who can make the gods flow eastward. It is easier and easier for him to be promoted than the mermaid queen. As long as he has enough faith, he can reach the god level all the way without any bottlenecks.Moreover, investing in Shui Dongliu would bring him more benefits than the Mermaid Queen, Shui Dongliu is now alone!
The Temple of Undercurrent is located on the northern outer island of Ghost Crab Island. The entire island is assigned to the Temple of Undercurrent. Now the people living here are all believers of the God of Undercurrent. There are people and sea monsters. out of place.In order to pursue efficiency, Shui Dongliu has been hiding in the temple, planning to get a group of fanatics out first.

"Water God, is the temple still satisfied?"

Shui Dongliu recently stayed in the temple for the rest of the time, except for the incident of burying the gods to draw a wave of hatred. He tried every means to increase the piety of the believers. more.

"Barely force it! It's far worse than the main temple of my god back then."

"Great God, now that there is a temple, when will you recover your strength?"

"It's very simple, as long as there are [-] million powers of faith, I can recover to the legendary level."

[-] million! ?

Hearing this number, Wu Yi almost turned around and left, Nima, this is too exaggerated!Take the current Tianzun temple in Calabash City as an example, the power of faith that can be collected in a month is less than 3000 million, most of which will be used for the daily consumption of the Taoist temple and the transformation of Taoist soldiers, and the division will also take some of it every month. Not much can survive.

However, you must know that Gourd City has a population of more than 10, and there is only Tianzun Temple in the entire Gourd City, which can develop and collect beliefs. The building of the gods, coupled with the promotion of the lord Wu Yi, the entire city residents in Gourd City are Tianzun Temple Faith, the current Undercurrent Temple is simply incomparable. According to the current speed, even a year can not collect enough power of [-] million beliefs!

The power of [-] million beliefs is only the condition to restore the legend, and it is nowhere in sight to become a demigod!If Shui Dongliu wanted to return to a demigod, he would have to monopolize the entire coastal towns on the east and west seas. As for restoring him to the god level, Wu Yi didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Where do you promise my believers?" Now the beliefs on Beiwai Island are all captured by Shui Dongliu, and some of the city dwellers and sea monsters rowed by Ma Zhou, the number is less than [-].

"I'm going to find the sea clam queen and ask them to borrow the sea monster slaves in their hands, but those sea monsters can't stay in the North Island forever, they still have to carry out construction." Wu Yi said with a headache, it seems that Shuidong This way of flow is completely dead.

"Hmph! Those stupid sea people actually believe in a mermaid!"

"Shh! My great god, don't talk nonsense like this. If the sea tribe hears this, my island will be completely chaotic, and your temple will also be finished."

"Communication with those stupid sea people will lower the IQ of the god."


(End of this chapter)

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