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Chapter 857 Yue Fei + Ban Chao VS Bai Qi + Han Xin

Chapter 857 Yue Fei + Ban Chao VS Bai Qi + Han Xin
Dragon soul crystals are legendary materials, and only dragons have a very low probability of being formed when they die. Therefore, in the Hongyu Empire, the symbolic value of dragon soul crystals far exceeds its own value!However, as long as you have a relationship with the Dragon Clan, it will be much easier to obtain the Dragon Soul Crystal.

In other words, didn't Hongfu go to deliver a letter to the Dragon Clan, it has been more than three days, and there is still no news, so there must be some accident, right?Let Zhao Xueyin ask in private chat for a while.

The main thing that limits the output of Bone Dragon Cliff is the corpses. If there are no corpses that meet the requirements, no matter how fast the transformation speed is, it is useless.


Two hours later, with the sound of a strange dragon chant, fifty bone dragons, whose body was wrapped in a cloud of dark green mist, spread out their tattered bone wings and flew up.

Venomous Bone Dragon:

Level: Ninth Tier Heavenly Level

Attack: 450
Defense: 420
Life: 8000
Skill: 6000
Feature 1: Toxic mist - the body is surrounded by a layer of poisonous mist, causing continuous poison damage to enemies within a radius of 15 meters.

Feature 2: Weakening Longwei—Suppresses 50% of the combat power of the enemy within a radius of 5 meters, and has a certain chance to make the enemy lose their fighting spirit due to fear.

Feature 3: Skeletal Body—Significantly immune to physical arrow attacks, +20% damage from heavy weapons.

Feature 4: Curse of Aging - Each attack will have the effect of "Curse of Aging", making the enemy's attack -8%, life limit -10%, physical strength -20%, there is a 12% chance to double the effect of the curse, and the effect of the curse Cannot stack.

Characteristic 5: Undead Creatures - Regardless of friend or foe, the morale of non-undead species on the battlefield -20%, damage received by holy light +20%, night combat power +10%.

Skill: slightly

It is also a ninth-tier heaven-level unit, and the basic attribute of the poisonous bone dragon is stronger than that of the Habayashi army, but the cost of a poisonous bone dragon is enough to train two and a half habayashi troops. Of course, this is not the Habayashi army. The guard suit on the army.Infantry, cavalry, legal units, flying units, the cost of flying units is the highest, the same level is not counted as equipment, and the cost of one flying unit can train at least five infantry units. Therefore, this price is not exaggerated, but the Habayashi Army Wei Qing's performance was extremely exaggerated, which made people feel worthless.

"These highly poisonous bone dragons will be handed over to you in the future. After integrating the legion, report to Marshal Wei."

In the entire Gourd City, only Concubine Xuerong is suitable for recruiting these fierce bone dragons. Her blood demon army is also a fifth-level army with a legion totem. Flying ability, Concubine Xuerong's Blood Demon Legion will be as highly mobile as Ma Zhong's Dragon Slayer Legion. At the same time, due to the characteristics of the undead, she will be used as a mobile force more often and will not fight with the army.

"Thank you, sir!" Concubine Xue Rong was overjoyed. With these highly poisonous bone dragons, her legion was the second strongest army in Calabash City except for the Habayashi army.


Under the joint attack of Bai Qi and Han Xin, Yue Fei's encirclement was gradually torn apart. Although Yue Fei was not the only commander-in-chief in the Northern Imperial Army, there was a huge gap compared with Bai and Han.Although Li Shimin didn't express his resentment directly on his face like Xiang Yu did, he kept making small moves in secret. The answer is that they have suffered heavy losses and are unable to fight anymore.

The actions of the rebels were as if they were cooperating with Li Shimin. After the "big victory", once Li Shimin retreated, they did not pursue them, but only stared at Yue Fei's coalition forces. Unable to retreat, Yue Fei could only shrink his formation and defend several major passes with difficulty.

Yue Fei never hated the aristocratic system of the empire as much as he did now. Xiang Yu back then, and Li Shimin now, the intention of these two people to rebel has been clearly revealed, but he has nothing to do with them. Can't guard against these two people.The situation in the northern field, which was originally good, has taken a turn for the worse. The northern land has few dangerous places, and there are not many places that can be defended. Once these key positions are broken by the rebels, the situation of the battle will be completely out of control.

At this moment, reinforcements from the empire arrived, not many in number, only [-] cavalry, under the banner of "Squad".

Ban Chao!

The Ban family is also a great nobleman in the Hongyu Empire, but it is not as exaggerated as the Liu family in Shenyu City, but the starting point is far beyond that of Yue Fei, who has no background. When he first brought Yue Yun to join the army, he really started from the bottom. To be able to get to this point today is not only due to strength, but also a lot of luck.But Ban Chao took the imperial decree directly to Yue Fei's army and became the deputy commander!
But with Ban Chao joining, Yue Fei's pressure is much less.

Yue Fei + Ban Chao VS Bai Qi + Han Xin!This is undoubtedly a peak duel, not to mention that there are Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yue Yun, Gao Chong on the battlefield... These fierce generals, most of the reporters from the radio station have gathered here, and there will be several wonderful duels here almost every day .

After Ban Chao's arrival, Yue Fei changed his previous defensive posture and took the initiative to attack. Yue Fei led the main force to face Han Xin, while Ban Chao led the partial division to detour around half of the battlefield and blocked Bai Chao.With the abilities of these four people, it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker, but in terms of troops, the Imperial Army has the upper hand, and the average level is one or two levels higher. There are some special methods to solve it, but it is not possible to achieve the level of elite in a short time.

The situation that the rebels had just made a little improvement was suppressed back in an instant, but the strange thing is that the power of the Temple of the Underworld has not appeared wantonly. With the background of the Temple of the Underworld, as long as they are willing, the disadvantages in terms of arms are nothing at all.

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the Temple of the Underworld?

At the beginning, the Temple of the Underworld supported King Yongan. After the Battle of the Black Prison City, it sold Xiao Rongxuan decisively and gave King Xue Rong a big gift package. At this time, the Temple of the Underworld had no other choice except Xiao Hongming!What are they waiting for?
The Temple of Light has always been worried that the Temple of the Underworld will be bold, so most of its attention has been put on the northern battlefield. If you strike with all your strength at the right time, as long as the Taoist gate does not move, the entire north will completely say goodbye to the Hongyu Empire.

It is precisely because of this that those who can understand the current situation can't figure out why the Temple of the Underworld is still moving. Is it because they are afraid of triggering a holy war between the gods?
(End of this chapter)

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