The best lord of online games

Chapter 859 The Envoy of Xuerong City

Chapter 859 The Envoy of Xuerong City

The No. [-] warehouse area of ​​Calabash City is the largest warehouse area for war preparations in Calabash City. Carloads of supplies are sent to Wei Qing's camp through the "Material Transmission Array". However, soldiers and war equipment cannot go through this teleportation array. With the current ability, it is still impossible to build a formal teleportation array in the wild camp.

There is no way for war equipment to go through the teleportation array. Lu Xiangyun led a thousand space-type legion magicians, a hundred latest god-destroying demon phases, two thousand war guard demon phases, and five thousand nine-level infantry with a large number of war equipment. Setting off, Concubine Xue Rong's army can delay for a while because they don't have to act in unison with the army, waiting to transform into more poisonous bone dragons.

Everything was going on in a hurry. If there was no mission from the Geng family, Wu Yi would never have put all his eggs in one basket for a mere Xiaguang City. Fortunately, Zhenhai City gave him good news. Lin was still very concerned. Upon hearing Wu Yi's plan, Yunlin immediately dispatched his first guard, the legendary rank Lu Zhengshan, to find Cao Cao with a golden token in his hand. With such a great god around, even if Cao Cao wanted to do something Small moves are not so easy.

This reassured Wu Yi a lot, not afraid that Cao Cao would play "pig teammate" at that time!
But at this time, Wu Yi received an extremely unexpected news.

"My lord, the envoy of Xuerong City seeks to see you!"

An envoy from Xuerong City? !

Wu Yi's complexion changed instantly. Xiao Hongming, Xuerong King, since Xiao Rongxuan was sold by the Temple of the Underworld, he is the representative of the Temple of the Underworld, and he is also the most powerful rebel king now. Don't look at Xiang Yu who looks awesome now It's fried, but compared with this one, it's far behind!How could Xiao Hongming send envoys to see him?

Gourd City is indeed quite outstanding among the forces of God's Chosen now, but in the entire Hongyu Empire, it is just a small wave.Just look at the diplomacy of Calabash City. Liu Bei, Sun Ce, and Ma Teng are not big forces. At the beginning, they were not as good as Calabash City. Therefore, it is not difficult for Wu Yi to establish diplomatic relations with them.As for Zhang Jiao, it is more because of the relationship between the teacher, Yue Fei is because of the friendship between the two sides at the end of the century, and Zhenhai City is more because of the force of the war situation. Not to mention the Haizu, Hulu City is still in the Hongyu Empire. influx of power.

Wu Yi has been paying attention to the northern battlefield, and Changshan League has participated in the whole battle. Therefore, he can get the latest news on the northern battlefield at any time. The lineup there is luxurious, but in terms of how fierce the fight is, it is actually not as good as Hongye City .

However, since the envoy came to the door, it is still necessary to meet the previous one.

The identity of the envoy of Xuerong City is too sensitive, especially now that the relationship between Gourd City and Zhenhai City is delicate, as long as it is discovered that he secretly met the envoy of Xuerong City in Gourd City, the whole situation will collapse, and then Gourd City will only be able to Can jump backwards.

Kou Xun directly arranged people on White Shark Island. Because of Ghost Crab Island, White Shark Island, a small island that was originally planned to be developed as a sea base, was completely meaningless. Now it has been changed into a closed aquaculture base. The secrecy is higher than that of Calabash City. The most important thing is that if it is in Calabash City, it is easy to be discovered by Mingying in Tianzun Temple!
On White Shark Island, in the vault built by the original water thief, there are only three people here, Wu Yi, Kou Xun and the envoy from Xuerong City.

"Meet the Earl of May Day!"

This emissary was dressed in a black robe, the skin on his face was dark gray and wrinkled, very thin, his cheekbones were high and protruding, and his hands were even more terrifying. From this exaggerated appearance, it could be seen that this was a person from the Temple of the Underworld. Not some historical celebrity.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?" Wu Yi asked straight to the point. He hadn't been able to understand the other party's purpose on the way here.

"This old man is here to borrow the sea power of Calabash City from the Earl on behalf of the prince."

"Impossible!" Wu Yi refused without even thinking about it. The situation in Calabash City is pretty good now, but all of this is based on his image as a "loyal minister". After all, he has the Golden Dragon Medal, which makes him It would be more advantageous to hug Hongyu Empire's thigh tightly.If he dispatched the navy to help Xuerong City break through the empire's blockade from the East China Sea at this time, then Yunlin of Zhenhai City would definitely destroy him first on behalf of him!

"I'm afraid you are looking for the wrong person. As both of us, I didn't kill you in the first place. You should be lucky. You dare to make such a request with me. You are really looking for death!" Wu Yi said sharply.

"Quack, my lord, don't rush to refuse, you didn't kill me right away, and you even pulled away to meet me, haha..." The old guy smiled very sinisterly, and the meaning was self-evident.Obviously, he is not professionally working on the other side in the temple, otherwise, even the priest of the temple of the underworld would smile quite kindly.

"Think about our conditions first?"

Wu Yi didn't say anything, the "loyalty" of God's Chosen is famous, even if he wanted to play a loyal minister, not many people would believe him.

"We have also heard about the relationship between your lord and Zhenhai City. We don't ask your lord to turn against Zhenhai City. As long as your lord can take over the blockade task and give us some convenience, that's enough."

This is not difficult!
There is a fleet in Zhenhai City blocking the coastline in the north. Wu Yi knows this. After all, the caravan in Hulu City runs to the north all day long. Without their release, they can't even get to the shore.But now Yunlin is worried about the hidden dangers of the Kraken, and most of Zhenhai City's power is also deployed in this direction. If he wants to take over this task, he can still do it as long as he puts more effort into it.

"What do you want to do?" It's not difficult, but Wu Yi must also understand the other party's purpose. If something goes wrong in his hands, he can't shirk his responsibility. He can't afford to take the blame. !
"Don't worry, my lord, we just need a hidden business route."

"Business route? All of this can be handed over to my caravan, so there is no need for such trouble!"

"Hehe, my lord, some things are inconvenient!"

"Then what can I get?" Wu Yi didn't care about contraband or anything, as long as the overall situation didn't go wrong.

"A Promise from the Lord"


"That's right! No matter what the situation is in the future, as long as Calabash City doesn't target us, we won't take the initiative to attack Calabash City."

"I don't want Xiao Hongming's promise, I want the Underworld Temple!" Xiao Hongming is just a puppet, as long as the Hongyu Empire is over, he may be over at any time.However, this condition does have a lot of temptation for Wu Yi. The Temple of the Underworld is definitely stronger than the Hongyu Empire. As long as Wu Yi takes off his "loyal minister" coat, the two sides can have further cooperation in the future.

The messenger thought for a moment and said, "Yes!"

"If it's just like this, I agree, but if you want to mess around in the East China Sea, then don't blame me for turning your face!"

"That's natural!"

(End of this chapter)

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