The best lord of online games

Chapter 864 The "suicidal" siege of the demon army

Chapter 864 The "suicidal" siege of the demon army

The activation of the Sea Emperor Cannon was unexpectedly complicated, presided over by Lu Zhengshan himself, and with the assistance of the five hundred legion magicians, after a full 3 minutes of fiddling, the magic symbol on the barrel of the Sea Emperor Cannon finally appeared on the Divine Blood Jade. Under the arousal, bursts of blood light were emitted.

It is so evil that such a big "root" is standing here, and it is still glowing red!

Just as Wu Yi was observing the changes of the Sea Emperor Cannon with great interest, the Sea Emperor Cannon was fired without warning!Wu Yi, the "cannonball" of Haihuang Cannon, didn't pay attention. He was directly knocked to the ground by the huge movement, and at the same time, he also suffered a huge shock effect, and his health dropped by half in an instant, and the conditions of other people around him were not too bad Wonderful, Cao Cao also rubbed his forehead with a bitter face, but his strength was stronger than Wu Yi, and he was not as embarrassed as him.

Nima, it's a bit exaggerated!Not to mention the lethality of the Sea Emperor Cannon, just the movement of the launch almost wiped out all the high-level regiments of the coalition forces!

"Holding...Sorry! This is the first time this old man has used the Sea Emperor Cannon. I didn't know there would be such a big commotion." Lu Zhengshan was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled up Wu Yi who was sitting on the ground, who was somewhat confused, and at the same time waved a group of people hydrotherapy and meditation.

Can't you!This kind of super cannon has not been used since it was placed in Zhenhai City, and it has no target!Moreover, the consumption of this thing is too expensive, and it is impossible to drag it out for a drill if there is nothing to do, so the effect of the Sea Emperor Cannon only exists in the legend, and there is no detailed instruction manual, how does he know that such a cheating situation will appear.

Fortunately, the most vulnerable lord of Gourd City did not die, otherwise it would be embarrassing. Maybe the army of Gourd City would "talk" to him before the siege battle started, and that would be a tragedy.

Wu Yi, who was pulled up by Lu Zhengshan, was full of roaring sounds at this moment. He turned his head to look at Xiaguang City conditionally, only to see that the enchantment of Xiaguang City was still distorted. The power is not powerful!
"We... let's step back a little bit!" Wu Yi said a little depressed, it's really embarrassing!
"Mr. Lu, you are welcome, please continue!" It is indeed a treasure of the same level as the legendary battleship. If it is not necessary to activate the blood jade, as long as this requirement is lowered by one level, the energy spar can use chalcedony crystals, which is enough for the Zhenhai City cried for Xiao Mingsheng.

"No problem, watch me blast the other party's garbage enchantment!" Originally, Lu Zhengshan was still heartbroken and exhausted, but now, as if to make up for his previous mistakes, he patted his chest and promised.

Wu Yi and Cao Cao retreated to a distant place with a group of people. As long as they can break the barrier of Xiaguang City, the siege battle will be much easier. Suffer too much.

"It's really an exaggerated weapon of war!" Cao Cao whispered as he stared at the activated Sea Emperor Cannon with strange eyes.

"Yeah! But I can't afford it!" After personally experiencing the previous cannon, Wu Yi was extremely suspicious that the Sea Emperor Cannon not only needed the Divine Blood Jade, but most likely had to be hosted by a legendary powerhouse to launch it.This thing, in his hands, can only be handed over to the teacher.

"what a pity!"


Amidst a huge roar, the ground trembled slightly, and an extremely unstable huge blood-colored energy ball flew out, about three points faster than the energy cannon shells.What is the weapon of the energy cannon system, the range!Especially in siege warfare, as long as there is an advantage in range, then only I will fight for you, you can't dodge with a city!

The 12-meter-long barrel of the Sea Emperor Cannon is really not a decoration, and its range is twice that of the large Magic Cannon. However, the interval between launches is sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it. It only takes 3 minutes. It's a good thing that the power is exaggerated, otherwise this thing really doesn't make much sense, and the CD is too long.

The defenders in Xiaguang City really held back and didn't make any movement, but under these few shots, the morale of the defenders must have dropped at least 20% of their morale value, which is all fighting power!

Nearly half an hour later, Xiaguang City's city defense barrier was finally completely shattered under the seventh cannon, which also indicated that the strongest defense of Xiaguang City was broken.

"Mr. Lu, if you fire a few more shots, the opponent will definitely come out." Wu Yi shouted to Lu Zhengshan in a good mood. The siege of the city was much easier than he expected.As long as they defend the city and leave the city, the coalition forces have too many ways to hang them. The Feng family has no problem running away, but I have to leave all the soldiers and population behind!

"My lord, it's better to send troops to attack the city. The blood jade brought this time can at most be used once more!" Lu Zhengshan said with a bitter face.


Wu Yi managed to resist taking out the piece of stock in his hand. It seems that it is unrealistic to use super weapons to force the defenders out.

"Then let's shoot at the center of the city!" If you are lucky, if this cannon can kill the city, it can also achieve the same effect.

As the last cannon blasted into the air, Wu Yi looked at a God-Chosen who was wearing a space magic robe not far behind him, "Magic Heart!"

"Understood!" Moxin smiled and gave Wu Yi an OK gesture.

Moxin is now the most important God's Chosen in Calabash City, and he is also one of the highest-paid members of the studio. This is not because of his career as a space magician, but because of his talent in magic appearance. His deputy puppeteer has been at the intermediate level for a long time, and is currently attacking the advanced level. With Huang Yueying's guidance, it shouldn't be a problem.

Huang Yueying usually would not leave Gourd City, because the heavy responsibility of leading the Demonic Legion fell on him, and Mo Xin was also jokingly called the unofficial leader of the Calabash City Demonic Legion by the people in the studio.

However, in Wu Yi's eyes, he, a space magician, is really...disgraceful!Although Demon Heart doesn't have Huang Yueying's powerful bonus ability to Demon Phase yet, but these can be found slowly. The profession of space magician allows him to have strong survivability, flexibility and attack ability on the battlefield. Ability, but as a space magician, he always wears a suit of garbage on the battlefield. He simply treats himself as cannon fodder, and his skill level is also hovering below level four.

If this guy is a little more powerful, Wu Yi will consider building a real demon army!but……

In addition to the newly brought demons, the number of demons in the army has reached [-]. This is the first time that Gourd City has dispatched such a large number of demons. The speed of the siege vehicles is too slow. At this time, the demons Going out is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although the cost of the demon phase unit is much higher than that of the arms, as long as you can win the final victory on the battlefield, get the right to clean the battlefield, and recover the broken pieces of the demon phase, you can recover most of the cost.

Therefore, this kind of death is the most suitable for the devil!
(End of this chapter)

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