The best lord of online games

Chapter 866 The last battle

Chapter 866 The Last Battle


When the whole army approached, Concubine Xuerong had already escaped from the Blood Demon Legion and quickly circled to Dongcheng District. There is still "death", there is no way, the body is too big, and it cannot be hidden at all.However, there are not only defenders in Xiaguang City, but also a large number of civilians. For the Lord of the Chosen who has been short of population for thousands of years, it is impossible for Wu Yi to massacre the people, but to create chaos, starting with the civilians is undoubtedly the way to go. It is an excellent method, which is easier than dealing with soldiers, but once the civilians in the city riot, the morale of the defenders will also drop significantly.

The only one who can do this is Concubine Xue Rong. Common people have a natural sense of fear of the undead, which is why Wu Yi reluctantly "sells" the newly transformed highly poisonous bone dragon.

Concubine Xue Rong, who was hiding in the east part of Xiaguang City, poured out a large amount of spell-casting materials from the space ring, and began to summon skeletons, the skeletons with the lowest ability among undead units!Skeletons are enough to drive away civilians. Not only Wu Yi did not dare to massacre civilians, but even Xiao Mingsheng did not dare. Tumin’s blow to prestige was too serious. Even if the Feng family wanted to take risks in order to escape, I believe that as a general of Dongping City Zhang Han will also stop him.

A total of [-] main forces of the coalition army entered Xiaguang City and began to suppress the defenders. The magic tower was knocked down, and the arrow tower was also collapsed. The coalition army was like a tiger in a flock, unstoppable.

The combat effectiveness of this defender is too weak, right?Most of these soldiers on the frontal battlefield don't even have the eighth rank. What's the situation?What about Zhang Han?What about the elite soldiers of Xiaguang City?
"My lord, a rebel army has escaped from the west city gate." At this moment, a Tianzun Taoist soldier Yu Jian flew to
"Finally withdrew? Hmph, just run now, how can you not pay a price?" Wu Yi sneered, it seems that the Feng family did not plan to defend to the death from the beginning, and the current defenders are just cannon fodder to cover their retreat .

Wu Yi turned his head and nodded to Xiao Mahe: "Catch some leaders alive as much as possible, and the waste of the Feng family will ignore them. Let them go to Dongping City to be rice worms!" Of course, Wu Yi cared the most. Zhang Han is still the one, but with Zhang Han's current ability, if he wants to capture him alive, he can only do his best and obey the destiny. The main force must stay here to suppress Xiaguang City first, and Xiao Mohe will take Ma Chao to pursue him.

"Understood!" A meaningful smile appeared on Xiao Mahe's face. Wu Yi had already explained his mission to him clearly. Apart from the other party's generals, there was also the wealth of Xiaguang City!The Feng family must have swept away most of the wealth in Xiaguang City, and if they don't leave some "buy road wealth", don't even think about going to Dongping City to enjoy the blessings easily.

The coalition forces invaded from the north city, and the undead rebellion broke out in the east city. The entire Xiaguang City was in chaos. All the legions with the ability to fly in Calabash City began to gather civilians in the name of the Imperial Army, and the frontal battlefield was also trying to recruit the defenders. .A city with no famous generals, no city defense barrier, and the city wall that has been breached is like a piece of tofu, which cannot withstand several rounds of slashing and killing. is the most troublesome place.

Both Wei Qing and Huo Qubing went to the city. Wu Yi never expected that the Feng family would give up so simply. If they had known this earlier, leaving Huo Qubing to assist in the pursuit would definitely have brought greater rewards.Outside the city, Wang Meng is giving orders for the time being. Now it is time to clean up the mess. The undead can withdraw first, otherwise the chaos will never calm down.

But now that I think about it, it is most likely that the Sea Emperor Cannon defeated Feng Anjun's last resistance. Otherwise, if he wants to give up directly, the wealth and power he can take away will be stronger, and he will not leave in such a hurry as he is now. .

The dark clouds in the sky are slowly dissipating. This is the first time Wu Yi has seen the use of celestial phenomena in the war. With the continuous appearance of top strategists, it is expected that there will be more and more such applications in future wars. powerful.

——System: Congratulations to your army for successfully occupying Xiaguang City, and your reputation has increased by 25.

At this time, the prompt of the system information is like the sound of the sounds of nature. Taking Xiaguang City is equivalent to taking down the Geng family. No, Xiaguang City does not belong to Wu Yi now. After all, the Hongyu Empire has not yet collapsed, so it is impossible Whichever town is conquered by the nobles will belong to whoever it is. However, Wu Yi, who has already taken care of the top and bottom, is full of confidence. Just waiting for the emperor's reward, Calabash City will be able to recruit more generals.

Generally, the prestige of 25 will not be rewarded for capturing a city. This is a special case. In the Hongyu Empire's long-term war against chaos, except for the big victory in Heilong City, only Xiaguang City is still able to win. Although a mere Xiaguang City does not have much impact on the overall situation, it is enough for the empire to inspire the hearts of the people.

Therefore, Wu Yi had a good time. With the extra 25 reputation, his reputation level should not be far from "famous".At this stage, for the lords of God's Chosen, territory and military power are the factors that can most distance them from each other, but likewise, reputation is also one of them. The higher the reputation, the more famous generals they can subdue. At one level, on the same famous general, the difficulty of receiving tasks is likely to be different.After the reputation is high, the probability of famous generals from the same "camp" coming to work is also higher.

The sound of the battle in Xiaguang City gradually dissipated. Except for the completely collapsed city walls and defenses in the North City, the damage suffered inside Xiaguang City was not serious, and it could be repaired within a week at most.After the war, Cao Cao's army withdrew from Xiaguang City in an orderly manner, and Wang Meng had already entered the city to appease the civilians and stabilize people's hearts. This is a third-class city that is one level higher than Calabash City. Huge value, not to mention that this is not just a blank city, but also has a large number of subordinate villages and towns, with a territory far larger than that of Calabash City.

"Haha, brother Wu Yi, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!" After Cao Jun slowly withdrew from Xiaguang City, Cao Cao approached Wu Yi again, smiling very brightly, how could Wu Yi not understand what he meant.

"My little brother will never forget the previous promise! In terms of war horses, is it still the same place?" Wu Yi also smiled. Although this battle was not as difficult as expected, he did not lose money. Regarding the previous transaction, he naturally I will not go back on my word.

"No! It's better to choose my brother's Calabash City, and I will send someone to receive it when the time comes!"

There has always been a trade of war horses between Cao Cao and Calabash City. Before, Cao Cao exchanged population and supplies for war horses. The location of the transaction was in the coastal area north of Zhenhai City. Now it is changed to Calabash City. Open up Zhenhai City's sphere of influence and prepare for his independence.

"no problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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