Chapter 902

"5 yuan, let's die!"

Facing the left hand of the god of death rushing up, Wu Yi immediately chose to give in. The left hand of the god of death is different from the warrior who overshadowed him. He is not only stronger, but also has the ability to fight in the air. If he descends from God, he will die!

In the later stages of the Taoist profession, it is indeed claimed to be able to play and resist energy milk, but there is also a huge problem, lack of control!And the means by which the Taoist sect makes up for this shortcoming is the array!As long as Wu Yi is given time, he is now capable of deploying a formation with a strong control ability, but this is unrealistic in a temporary battle, and can only rely on the formation diagram, but the formation diagram does not mean that he can deploy this formation. Formation, you can create a corresponding formation map, the difficulty is several times higher.

"It seems that after this event, it's time to focus on improving your combat power!" Wu Yi thought in his heart as Yu Jianfei retreated.Now all the affairs of the territory have been on the right track. Except for a very few negotiations that require him to come forward, he is completely "free", and the level can be put aside first. He has this condition, yes Time to spend some time on this.

Divine Armor Talisman, Evil Ghost Mantra, Mantra of Five Spirits
At the moment when Yu Jian flew back, Wu Yi raised his hand to bless himself with a series of auxiliary states, and at the same time, he was also using the states to limit the left hand of the chasing Reaper.

——System: You are affected by the "Death Qi Corrosion" from the left hand of the god of death, the god of choice, defense -10%, movement speed -10%, life recovery speed -30%, lasting for 3 minutes.

——System: You have been affected by the "Curse of the Underworld God" from the left hand of the God of Death...

——System: You have received...

As far as the negative state is concerned, it is definitely the strongest profession in the Hades department. Even a knight has a lot of abilities in this area.

In addition to having the ability to make people sick, the Nether Knight also has a certain long-range strike power!Looking at the bloody scythe flying towards him, Wu Yi directly cast the Five Thunder God Sword Art after blessing himself with a "Taixu Spiritual Qi".

The control ability that Wu Yi possesses is the "paralysis" effect attached to the thunder system Taoism. It sounds a bit shabby, but with the addition of Tiangang Thunder Sword, the probability of triggering this special state is quite high, as long as it can affect his actions , then there is a chance!


Amidst the rolling thunder, there was also a huge battle sound from the direction of the osmanthus tree, accompanied by bursts of roaring dragons. Looking at the time, the previously agreed 10 minutes had already arrived.

The final battle has begun!

At this time, even if Wu Yi didn't want to, he could only go to the "agreed" place. Only the more chaotic he was, he would have more chances. If he had to fight the left hand of Death, his chance of winning was not high.Moreover, apart from the mortal enemy who was chasing behind, the left hand of the god of death, Wu Yi had no enmity with others among the masters who could name him, especially Hong Fu, whose chance of being besieged in the past was extremely low.

"Cut! You run really fast!" Under the unique paralysis effect of the thunder system, the speed of the god of death's left hand suddenly slowed down. The ghost knight has many skills that bless the negative status, but he has no ability to remove the status for himself .

But there is no skill solution, you can take medicine!Isn't this one of the characteristics of God's Chosen One!
After drinking a bottle of purification potion, Reaper's left hand continued to chase after him with various attacks. As long as Wu Yi was dragged into the skill and potion CD, his chance would come.If there is no advantage in speed, it is extremely difficult to kill a high-level ascetic who is desperately running for his life.

"Haha, here are two more!" Gao Fushuai, whose whole body was covered by starlight, looked extremely insolent. His current opponent was Hong Fu, and Wu Yi didn't look embarrassed at all as he expected.
"Left hand! You'd better leave the stage first, the ability of the Underworld Knight is too disgusting."

As soon as Wu Yi "holds" the left hand of the god of death, the ice black tea will kill her. Her profession is the judge of the earth, which is half physical and half magical. Far, near, and air combat are not a problem, and she has a very strong defense.

"My R, no matter how disgusting my ability is, can I be more disgusting than an astrologer?" The one on the left hand of the Reaper is depressed. The Knight of the Underworld still has an advantage in fighting ascetics, but it is [-]-[-] to fight the Judge of the Earth. There is absolutely no chance of winning! "Iced black tea, you are sick, why don't we kill Wuyi first!"

"But people think you are more threatening! Lord Wuyi, let's join forces to send this guy out first." Iced Black Tea's tone was a bit charming of a little woman, but her attack was quite violent, and she directly said "gravity force" Field" pressed on the left hand of the god of death, followed by the "rain of stone arrows".

"Okay!" Wu Yi was overjoyed. Being a "master" always attracts more hatred, and he is much easier to "bully" as a lord, so he can naturally be placed at the end.

"Damn!" Reaper yelled with his left hand. Only after he endured Wu Yi's attack would he realize that that guy is not as weak as he imagined, but now he can't turn the situation around no matter what he says. Under the effects of gravity suppression and the paralyzing effects of lightning-type Taoism, he would definitely die quickly if he fought recklessly.

But Reaper's left hand is not stupid, he turned his head and rushed directly to the battle group of Hong Fu and Gao Fushuai, as long as these two fierce guys are drawn into the melee, he may have a chance!
But the result of his rushing over was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Hey, left hand, you are trying to trick my buddy, but you forced me, so I can only let you exit first." Facing the impact of Death's left hand, Gao Fushuai took the initiative to retreat a certain distance, followed by The attack locked on Death's left hand.

Logically speaking, an astrologer should be the same as a fortune teller. It is a late-stage profession. Only after the level and skills have grown in all aspects can it have a strong combat effectiveness. It can't be said that this tall, rich and handsome man can have such a fighting power, and he definitely has a key professional equipment on him!

"Stir the dead stick, don't give it away!" Hong Fu also made the same choice at this moment, attacking the left hand of the god of death like the sitting dragon on his body.

"Fuck!" How could this happen!At the moment when Death's left hand was beaten to death by four people, he couldn't figure out why this happened. As long as one of the two seemingly strongest people was not so straightforward, he would have a chance to deal with it, but ...

"What an unlucky guy!" A gloating smile appeared on Wu Yi's face. As for why everyone's opinions were so unified, it's not hard to imagine. At that time, no matter who rushed over, the result was the same, so good Opportunity, can solve a competitor, why hesitate?
(End of this chapter)

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