Chapter 904 Divine Blessing Scroll (Holy)
Two levels in one day, no, it should be close to three levels. With Wu Yi's current level, it is only possible to appear in the event or the battle of the gods.

After a day of hard work, I got 24 gift packs, a total of [-] drops of osmanthus sap. Not every gift pack can give out osmanthus sap. It still depends on the results of each task, like the grand slam. The gift pack contained three drops of osmanthus tree juice at a time.In addition, there are many blueprints, materials, equipment and so on.

All the osmanthus sap has been given to Sun Simiao, such a rare thing, even the medicine king has to be careful, it may take some time to obtain the complete elixir.

However, the biggest gain today should still be the tenth-ranked "Moon God's Blessing Treasure Chest"!
Wu Yi opened the treasure chest with some trepidation. There were three items in the small treasure chest. One of them was an emerald green crystal bottle that kept the osmanthus sap. There were five drops of osmanthus sap in the crystal bottle. In addition, there is another item that Wu Yi also knows, a blood-colored crystal the size of a palm, the Divine Blood Jade!Purple quality energy spar is one of the most scarce resources in Calabash City.

It's a pity that there is only one piece!However, the Divine Blood Jade is different from the Divine Osmanthus Juice. In the hands of those who don't need it, it is just a purple quality material. Acquisition, Divine Blood Jade is too important to Calabash City!
Apart from these two familiar items, there was only one silver scroll left in the treasure chest, emitting a faint glow.This was the first time Wu Yi saw that the rolled scroll was still glowing!

Divine Blessing Scroll (Holy) (Special): It can upgrade a piece of gold-level equipment to a holy level.

"Damn it!" Wu Yi carefully read the attributes of the scroll three times, and finally determined that it wasn't his dazzle, but there was such an awesome scroll!Upgrading gold-level equipment to holy-level, gold equipment is nothing to the current players. If there is no probability written in the attribute, it means that it is [-]% successful. However, if you want to choose the upgraded gold-level equipment, you have to choose carefully.

However, his No.10 has a divine protection scroll, so what is No.1?
"Beauty Hongfu, you haven't slept yet!"

Hong Fu retained her number one title with an advantage of [-] points. This time it was a big show, and she also took away the first prize of this Mid-Autumn Festival event.Now is the time to distribute ranking rewards. Even after twelve o'clock in the morning, the online rate is still quite scary. For a full-time gamer like Hong Fu, if you don't read the rewards, you will definitely not be able to sleep.

"I didn't expect you, a lord, to be able to squeeze into the tenth place. Okay! Tell me, the great lord will definitely not contact me if he is fine!"

"Hehe, I want to buy the Divine Blood Jade in your hand!"

"Haha, let's talk about business, I like this! I have three pieces of divine blood jade in my hand, what do you want to exchange for them? Scrolls of Divine Blessing?"

"Don't make trouble, you know this is impossible!" How could it be possible to exchange three pieces of divine blood jade for a scroll of divine protection!This is equivalent to changing a piece of holy equipment. Nowadays, holy equipment is still priceless in the player market. No matter how important the sacred blood jade is to Calabash City, it is not worth the price. As for now, it is not worth the price.

"I remember that the sacred blood jade is extremely important to the Taoist formation masters, right? Don't try to cheat these three sacred blood jades from me with the price of cabbage!"

Those who don't understand the sacred blood jade may sell it as a rare purple material, but it is impossible for a top adventurer like Hong Fu not to understand the value of the sacred blood jade.

"You don't want to blackmail me, do you? How can we say that we are also allies now, and I have to spend a lot of money to study the medicinal formula of osmanthus tree juice!" Wu Yi replied with a smile, ranking among the top ten There were only three adventurers with no guild background, and the guilds all had territories. If the blood jade was to enter the hands of the lord, it would be difficult to get it out, but it was fine if it fell into the hands of these lone rangers.

"You old stingy guy, you're actually waiting for me here! Forget it, I'll exchange these three pieces of sacred blood jade for a batch of top-notch treasures, isn't there any problem?"

"Of course there is no problem! If you come to Calabash City tomorrow, I will definitely prepare the best for you."

"That's good! The dragon clan is too pitiful!"

Adventurers are not like lords, it is impossible to store a large amount of resources in their hands. To Hongfu, the dragon clan is an uneven pit. If you want to buy top-level treasures from the market temporarily, the price will undoubtedly be two times more expensive than the exchange. More than [-]%.

"Give me Feng, what level is the divine protection scroll in your hand?" Wu Yi was very curious about this, the first reward must be at least two levels higher than his tenth, the divine protection scroll in her hand Wouldn't the spell scroll directly reach the legend?

"Holy +2!"

"What is holy +2?"

"After upgrading to holy equipment, two additional attributes will be randomly added."

This property...

It's really two levels stronger than the one in his hand. If the two random attributes are matched well, then it's awesome. Maybe the attributes can be close to the legendary equipment that is a little bit rubbish!Hungry!It's a pity that he is only No.10, the second and third may be Saint +1, and the ones after the third should be the same as him.

He had already thought about the scroll of divine protection in Wu Yi's hand, either to upgrade Xiao Mahe's weapon, or to upgrade the Three Treasures chain on him.If the Three Treasures Magic Chain is upgraded to the holy rank, the newly added attributes are enough to increase his survivability by several levels, needless to say to upgrade Xiao Mahe's weapons, and strengthen the highest combat effectiveness of Calabash City to the greatest extent.

In the next period of time, he will learn formations and talismans in the territory. It is a waste to upgrade his equipment. He will upgrade Xiao Mahe's weapon to the holy rank, and his equipment can be regarded as "graduated" temporarily. Three pieces of holy equipment!
However, the attributes of the weapon in Xiao Mahe's hands are not very good, so he has to find a gold-ranked fine horse lance.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are still three days left for the remaining activities, which are all small experience tasks. Wu Yi seized the last opportunity to raise the level by one level again, reaching the eighth level and the third level.Moreover, on the last day of the event, Wu Yi ushered in another huge surprise. The envoy of the Underworld Temple came to Calabash City again with the "Flying Picture of the Goddess of Wisdom".

"Marquis Wuyi, so our cooperation should officially start?"

"Of course! Of course! Haha!" Wu Yi laughed and finally got it.

"Flying Picture of the Goddess of Wisdom" (Special): Drawn by Bai Mu.

This property!I can't understand it at all!There is only one name of the creator, and he originally thought it was a special piece of equipment!

But as long as the "Flying Map of the Goddess of Wisdom" is available!With "The Flying Picture of the Goddess of Wisdom", Aunt Gongsun is finally from Calabash City!

(End of this chapter)

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