The best lord of online games

Chapter 914 "Watching Aunt Gongsun's Sword Dance Picture"

Chapter 914 "Watching Aunt Gongsun's Sword Dance Picture"

The Qiqing meeting lasted for three hours, and after that there was a thank-you banquet, and a small gift from City Lord Shen, of course, for Wu Yi, who is a fan of food!
"My lord, thank you for taking care of me these days. This is my sympathy, please accept it."

"Mr. Wu is leaving?" Wu Yi took over the work completed by Wu Daozi and the three of them, but the meaning of Wu Daozi's words made Wu Yi's heart skip a beat.

"Brother Wang invited me to visit his house."


At this time, Wu Yi's mind was running crazily, and he couldn't find any reason to refuse Wu Daozi's choice!Nima, as a result, not only the combination of the three saints disappeared, but now even the painter who was already in his pot has also run away!This time, the Qiqing meeting is simply losing my wife and losing my army!
But what can I do?Not to mention that this is Pegasus City, he has no reason to force Wu Daozi to stay, and if he uses force on Wu Daozi, he will also hate Aunt Gongsun, which is even more harmful than the gain.

I can only let people go!
But Wu Yi is not without gains, at least he knows Wang Xizhi's mansion, he comes from a small family in Kowloon City, and now he is the head of the family, with a hereditary title of earl on his body, there are no commoners in the imperial capital!As for Du Fu, he is a bachelor who eats enough for himself and the whole family is not hungry. As long as he masters this line, the line of Sansheng has not been completely broken, and Wang Xizhi has not been exposed in the player circle yet, just like Wu Yi couldn't figure out how many historical celebrities came to these Qiqinghui, Kowloon City is still not a "vegetable market" for today's players, even if it is the top power, it is difficult to deploy in Kowloon City. Staying in Kowloon City, he still has a chance.

Not many people participated in the final thank-you banquet, but Wu Yi stayed because he wanted to make friends with more people, but the final effect was not good. The upper floors of Pegasus City were quite "closed", and there was no way for "foreign" nobles. Without a very good attitude, coupled with the special status of Ma Fei City, this group of people are all local tyrants.

Back in Calabash City, Wu Yi took out the scroll that Wu Daozi gave him.There are paintings and poems, the painting is still the picture of Gongsun Da Niang's sword dance, and there is a poem in the upper right corner written like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing.

"Guan Gongsun Da Niang Sword Dance Picture": It was composed by Wu Daozi, Du Fu's poem, and Wang Xizhi's pen.Large combined sword dance effect +100%.

This is not just a work of art, but also a special piece of equipment!nice one!With this sword dance picture, the combined sword dance effect of Jinghong Sword Dancer can be called terrifying!With this thing, Jinghong Sword Dancer's establishment must be expanded again, otherwise I will be sorry for this treasure.

Unexpectedly, the combination of the three saints can have such an effect!
No!This is most likely just a special case. Think about it. In history, Wu Daozi used Aunt Gongsun as a prototype for his paintings, and Du Fu watched Aunt Gongsun's disciples dance swords and wrote a poem "Watching Aunt Gongsun's disciples dance swords and weapons". There is one more Wang Xizhi, but this is equivalent to restoring historical events to a certain extent. If it is painted in other words, even if there are special effects, it is impossible to be so strong. It has been increased by 100%.
Wu Yi handed over this picture to Aunt Gongsun for safekeeping. Even if she doesn't go to the battlefield at that time, she can just hand it over. Anyway, this picture is only valid for Jinghong Sword Dancer, so it is right for her to keep it.


The central shrine is opened, and today is the last moment of the second round of the ruling tower. The number of teams that have obtained customs clearance certificates this time is at least [-]% more than the last time. Today will be an extremely tragic battle.Wu Yi and nine people stood on the praying platform, and they passed into the central temple almost in seconds.

"May Day!?" Almost at the moment when Wu Yi and his party appeared in the central temple, an angry voice came from not far away from them.

"Chasing the wind and chasing shadows?" It's really fate!Unexpectedly, he met Fengyulou again, and it was still the word "brave". However, the people in Fengyulou were not his opponents last time, and this time it is even more impossible to be his opponents.Even among the players, Fengyulou can only barely step on the top [-] line, looking at the entire Hongyu Empire, it is not popular at all.

"The Wrathful King!" Wu Yi turned his gaze to the other side. There were quite a few teams that came to the "Yong" level, at least fifty teams, which was almost twice the number of the last time, but they could really enter Wu Yi For the most part, there are only members of the Seven Sins League.

The Seven Sins League is the largest among all player guilds, and they also have the most resources of famous generals in their hands. This time without the restrictions of war, they definitely have the strength to double open.

"Hmph!" The angry king glared at Wu Yi and just snorted coldly. There was nothing to say that the two sides were mortal enemies.There is no shortage of generals within the League of Seven Sins. Last time they did not choose the pass close to the brave, but in the end they opened a strange thing. So this time, in order to ensure that the embarrassing situation last time does not happen again, they double opened, One team chooses "courage" and the other chooses "li".

It is impossible for the strength of the two teams to be completely equal. The strength of the team he leads is stronger, so he chooses "courage", and the weaker team chooses "li". .Originally, they planned to put the biggest bargaining chip on "wisdom", but found out that Zhao Ziyun put all his wealth on "wisdom", so this choice can be regarded as temporarily avoiding the edge.It's a pity that the information on Calabash City is not as good as that of Changshan League, but what really surprised him was Hetu and Dynasty. The choice of these two guilds, the 007 they placed did not find any news.

Regarding Gourd City, the furious king didn't take it very seriously. After all, the highest force in Gourd City is known to be unable to enter the gate of the ruling tower. The rest of Wei Qing?Wang Meng?Don't be ridiculous, these two people are not as good as the last aborigine!The rest of Zhu Rong and Ma Zhong are not enough to look at, and only Shi Wansui is okay, but Shi Wansui, who died once, still can't afford to be the leader now.

Wu Yi, however, was seriously looking at the team on the Wrathful King's side. The League of Seven Sins was formed by the fusion of seven guilds. It was known as the guild with the most chaotic management and the easiest way to place eyeliners. None of them!But likewise, there is also an advantage in this chaos, that is, it is extremely easy to hide the hole cards. Inside the Seven Sins League, when there is no major event, the seven bosses are all doing their own things, and it couldn't be easier for each to hide a hand.After all, on the battlefield, their forces are all dispatched in a unified manner, and they will not be in short supply like other forces. As long as they want to hide, it is difficult to find them out. Therefore, even the Baitongmen who claim to have the strongest intelligence ability will not be able to find them. Dare to say that he has completely figured out all the strengths of the Seven Sins Alliance.

Sharucci!Long and!Luo Shixin!

(End of this chapter)

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