Chapter 918
Li Siye's legion was named "Shenwei", it was level three, and the maximum number was only [-], but the training had to be at the standard of [-]. With the scale of the current battle, only a few battles would be enough to raise the legion to level five.However, as far as Wu Yi knows, there are no less than ten legions named "Shenwei". The difficulty of refining can be imagined, but Wu Yi has absolute confidence in Li Siye. In the army battle of thousands of people, the combat effectiveness of the army leader himself can still play a big role.

I don't know if the Qiqing from Pegasus City is really that effective. Anyway, the falling snow is gradually getting smaller. As long as it can continue to get smaller, this snow disaster is expected to end before February.As the southern part of the empire, the smaller area affected by the snowstorm is expected to resume the rhythm of the war in January.

On White Shark Island, a huge sea turtle surfaced, and with the sound of bursting water bubbles, fainted civilians were thrown ashore one by one.

"Boss Wuyi, happy cooperation!" Hu Fei smiled and looked at Wu Yi who had finished counting.During this period of time, he gained a lot from burning, killing and looting along the coast of Rising Sun City, but he has no use for many things, such as population and some resources. After all, his pirate group mostly stays underwater. Excess resources are a drag on them, and the target of selling stolen goods is naturally Calabash City, which is "in collusion with him".

Using the population and those resources that he can't use in exchange for the supplies and armaments he urgently needs in Calabash City, so that he doesn't have to worry about logistical supplies at all.

"Happy cooperation! However, you'd better keep a low profile during this time. The snowstorm has affected the war on land, and many people's eyes are fixed on the sea. The East China Sea Fleet will definitely allocate more forces to encircle you recently!" Inventory After picking up the trading items brought by brother Fei this time, Wu Yi reminded him.

"Thank you! I recently moved to the vicinity of Dragon God City, don't worry, it will definitely not affect you!"

Dragon God City is very similar to Gourd City. Gourd City is next to the Rose River and close to the mouth of the East China Sea. The same is true for Dragon God City, which is next to the Bailong River and not far from the mouth of the sea. However, the power of the two cities on the sea is not at the same level. of.

"That's good!" Wu Yi nodded in satisfaction.Dragon God City is the territory of the Chu Army, and has always had business contacts with Calabash City, but so what?He is not an ally who has signed the death alliance agreement. He has no obligation to remind the Chu army to pay attention to pirates. However, with the power that Brother Xiao Fei has, it is impossible to capture Dragon God City. Without war equipment, it is impossible on the Bailong River. Launch a tsunami, by the way, does he have the power to launch a tsunami?In any case, as long as they entered the river, his pirate group could only make small troubles, which was why Wu Yi dared to use White Shark Island as a trading point for both parties.

It is absolutely impossible for White Shark Island to have an outside eyeliner. Moreover, for Hulu City, White Shark Island is not very important, so what if it is lost?But Brother Xiaofei has been attacking White Shark Island secretly, Wu Yi will definitely let him come and go!You know, the Rose River flows into the East China Sea, which happens to be the Sea of ​​Burying Gods. As long as Wu Yi makes a little noise here, the Dragon God Guards guarding the Dragon Emperor's lair will blast these evil sea monsters into pieces. The Divine Guard has now become the "city guard" of Calabash City. This sense of security is awesome!After the sneak attack on White Shark Island, unless you have the ability not to cross the sea of ​​burial gods, you will encounter these "door gods" as long as you make any big noises.

"By the way, is there any news from the Siren?" This is Wu Yi's most concerned question at the moment, but it is absolutely impossible for the Siren Emperor to come out of the mountain if he does not return to his legendary strength. It's just the sea and human races, and there are many ambitious kings among the sea monsters!

"No! The Sea Demon Emperor doesn't know where he is hiding!"

No news is the best news!However, it is impossible for Wu Yi to completely believe in Brother Xiaofei. Even if the Sea Demon Emperor really jumped out, as long as Zhenhai City is still there, the East China Sea Fleet will help him prevent disasters. It is absolutely stable, Linhai and Linjiang are completely two concepts!If the sea monster wants to attack the city, the limitations are still too great. Therefore, the biggest harm of the sea monster is still in the sea, and most of it affects the coast. Once it goes deep into the inland, it is completely courting death!
As soon as Wu Yi returned to Calabash City, he received news from the studio members. Each caravan and fleet in Calabash City will arrange two to three players to ensure that they can send back news as soon as possible in case of emergencies.

"Boss, our caravan was robbed by pirates on the way to the North."

Fuck!There are still pirates who dare to rob Calabash City's caravan!You know, after Yu Dayou's repeated cleansing, the pirates in the East China Sea have long since disappeared. Even if there are still, they are just floating in some remote areas, and they dare not wander on the commercial roads at all.

"What's going on? Is it a sea monster?" Wu Yi was furious, what the hell, is it Xiao Fei?No, he just left, no matter how fast the sea monster is in the water, it can't be so fast!
"It's not a sea monster, it's a human race! They all use four-masted sailing ships, but they sail very fast, and they can catch up with our magic gold battleship. The caravan's guards are not strong, so we can only escape all the way, but in the end Three magic gold battleships were towed away by pirates."

Three magic gold battleships were robbed!
After the completion of the two main fleets, many magic gold battleships were replaced in the caravans at sea, but not all of them were replaced. Some of the remaining four-masted sailing ships were disposed of at low prices, and some continued to be sold. Follow the caravan and maintain the caravan's carrying capacity.Up to now, Calabash City already has five sea caravans. Except for the main caravan traveling between the east and west seas and between the sea tribes, the other caravans have not arranged any escort fleets. After all, their transportation routes are all in the coastal areas. , did not go deep into the sea. After the East China Sea Fleet and the Calabash City Fleet jointly cleaned up for a period of time, there was no possibility of encountering enemies in these areas.

"Where are you now? The pirates are still chasing you?"

"The pirates directly dragged the three magic gold warships away, and did not continue to chase us. The loss of the cargo is not great. Now the caravan will soon be able to enter Chen Lin's cruising area."

Dragging three magic gold warships and leaving directly?

It seems that this pirate team has a lot of brains!Keep chasing, once you run into Chen Lin, you will die!
"You guys complete the deal in the Northland first, don't rush to return, I will send a fleet to pick you up!" You must not be careless in this matter!The warships of the pirates are far behind Calabash City. Once they have a better fleet, their disgusting ability will increase by several levels.

However, what is the identity of this sudden pirate?Will it be the player's team?This matter must be clarified!


 I originally wanted to give Wen Tianxiang to the protagonist, but I checked for a long time, Wen Tianxiang seems to have no experience in naval battles, and the Yashan sea battle is also a spectator.

(End of this chapter)

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