The best lord of online games

Chapter 926 Special territory title: singing and dancing

Chapter 926 Special territory title: singing and dancing

The general of Gourd City, the holy rank dragon knight Xiao Mahe bumped into the east gate of Peacock City!This is definitely the biggest news in the entire southern part of the empire recently!

No way, Peacock City's reaction was faster than Wu Yi expected. In order to cover Shi A's departure in time, Xiao Mahe had no choice but to wipe his face into his pocket, buying time for Shi A in this way.

Fortunately, there was no danger. As for Wu Yi, who was squatting in front of the City Lord's Mansion, he made an appointment with Wu Zhigang for the next transaction, and they will discuss it after the new Peacock City City Lord succeeds.

Generally speaking, this operation is not meticulous. After all, Wu Yi's four guards provided too much cover for the assassin during the pursuit, but so what?If the Hongyu Empire is still the old Hongyu Empire, Wu Yi will naturally not be able to escape layers of investigation. Although the evidence is a big problem, don't forget the existence of a fortuneteller. If a city lord is assassinated, it may be possible for the national teacher to take action. Ah definitely can't escape.But now, hum, who cares about this!
"Thank you, sir, for avenging the little girl!" Li Shishi, who received the news from Peacock City, knelt down in front of Wu Yi and cried bitterly, venting the grief in his heart.

"Please get up quickly, it's only because I acted too late."

Fortunately, the relationship with Li Shishi was strong enough in the early stage, otherwise a mission would be delayed for half a year, and she would have already invested in the forces of Dongping City. If Dongping City's competition in the Central Plains can seize the opportunity, it will not be too difficult to grab this mission.

"Not too late! Not too late!"

——System: Li Shishi, a historical beauty, joins Calabash City, and the prestige of the territory increases by [-].

——System: Calabash City has historical beauties Wei Zifu (Singing Girl), Li Shishi (Le Ji), and Gongsun Auntie (Jinghong Sword Dancer), successfully activated the special territory title "Singing and Dancing", and the reputation of the territory increased by 25.

With the appearance of the system information, Wu Yi finally heaved a long sigh of relief. Finally, he didn't have to worry about Li Shishi running away. Moreover, as expected, the three historical beauties activated the special territory title together.

Peace through singing and dancing—freedom from all negative effects of war on the people of the territory, the impact of natural disasters on the territory is weakened by 25%, and the attraction to people with special abilities is +20%.

It is a very simple attribute, but it is very important for the war in the later stage. This can be seen from the snow disaster that covered the entire Hongyu Empire. Under the influence of natural disasters, the resources produced nationwide will be more and more The less, as the war continues to consume, in the later stages, various materials will become more and more scarce. Similarly, in the later stages, various natural disasters will appear more frequently.The impact of this snowstorm on the north is even more serious, but what about the subsequent droughts, insect plagues, tsunamis, and earthquakes?

In the later stage, the fight is not only about the strength of troops, but also the resistance of the territories of all parties to natural disasters.It can be said that with the bonus of this title, under this continuous snow disaster, all kinds of production around Calabash City will hardly be affected. , civil servant bonuses, and special building bonuses, all of which add up to give Calabash City the ability to ignore such large-scale natural disasters!

With this ability, then, the longer this snow disaster lasts, the greater the benefits to Calabash City. Everyone understands the reason why one goes up and down the other. This kind of method that can widen the gap between them is silent, but It is also the scariest.

Of course, the current Gourd City is far from the only one that can do this, like Kowloon City and Shenyu City, as the only imperial cities in the Hongyu Empire, their heritage is far from what the current Gourd City can compare to. , it's hard to say.

Natural disasters can no longer stop the progress of Calabash City!

Li Shishi's joining directly gave Wu Yi a huge surprise. This is not over, Li Shishi himself is also a huge treasure!

Li Shishi

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: thunderous

Title: Historical Beauty - +20% attractiveness to refugees, +10% attractiveness to talents with special skills, +10% attraction to people in the territory.

First-class musicians—music skill coverage +45%, music skill effect +50%, own dodge +25%, damage immunity +10%, elemental resistance +200.

Talent: Sizhu Bayin——Proficient in all musical instruments, music skill level +1, music skill coverage +30%, music skill effect +85%, skill consumption -25%.

Specialty: Sound of Charm—music skills have a certain charm effect, which increases the morale of one's own army by 25%, and has a certain chance of causing the enemy troops affected by the music skills to fall into a "charm" state.

Le Ji Training - You can train ordinary dance girls into eight music girls with combat effectiveness.

Le Ji Instructor——Leading the arms of the Le Ji series, combat power +10%, skill level +1.

Occupation: Eight-tone Tianlai Le Ji

Deputy: Dancer (Master), Diva (Master)
Level: Ninth Tier

System: 30
Wu: 0
Wisdom: 90
Politics: 30
Attack: 300
Defense: 300
Life: 6000
Skill: 9000
Skill: Prayer for the Holy Music——the sacrificial music for praying for peace to the heavens, requires the assistance of one hundred and eight Legies.

In terms of attributes, Wei Zifu, Aunt Gongsun, and Li Shishi all have some similarities. Now the special band units of the three departments are all together. In the future, there will be "singing and dancing troupes" in wars where Calabash City participates. The addition of the three-line special band to the morale of the army is quite intuitive. The three form a super auxiliary system, which can be regarded as replacing the position of the priest of light.

However, what Wu Yi valued more was the skills of the three praying to the sky. Different types of praying to the sky can superimpose each other. This is no secret. Wu Yi knew it a long time ago. Wu Yi has been looking forward to this for a long time. However, at this time, Wei Zifu is still studying in the mermaid's hometown. If he wants to see the effect, he has to wait for her to come back.

The three major sky-prayer skills cannot be seen on the same stage for the time being, but two of them can't be wasted. This BUFF can be hung for a month, and it must not be wasted. Even if the two are superimposed, the attributes are quite impressive.

However, the skill of praying for heaven needs time to prepare, and Wu Yi set the time at nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, so that he can refresh the hearts of the people by the way.

The snow is still flying constantly, but the hundreds of miles around Calabash City is like a spring day. The common people are farming, fishing, gathering, and producing according to the established pace every day. Compared with the outside world, this place is like a place. A true hideaway.It is precisely because of this that during the catastrophe, a large number of refugees flowed into Calabash City from all directions, consolidating the foundation of Calabash City.In addition to the refugees, there are also a large number of aborigines with unique skills who moved here with their families. With the "wind" of natural disasters, Calabash City embarked on a road of faster development.

(End of this chapter)

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