The best lord of online games

Chapter 928 Prayer Battle Dance + Prayer Sacred Music

Chapter 928 Prayer Battle Dance + Prayer Sacred Music
"Uncle, my nephew is here to ask uncle to establish a trade relationship between us on behalf of the master."

"Small things! What does Lord Brave want?"

Wu Yi was not surprised by the purpose of Sun Ce's trip. Now Xiang Yu controls Heiyu City and Tielin Pass, but the resources produced in these two places are extremely limited. Supplies are exhausted!With the continuous war and the current natural disasters, it can be said that Xiang Yu has a strong military force in his hands, but he does not have a matching foundation for people's livelihood.

Xiang Yu's attitude in the north can be regarded as a complete quarrel with the empire. Although considering the overall situation, the empire will not do anything to Xiang Yu now, but it is certain to cut off his supplies. It is quite important for Xiang Yu to feed his army. It's hard work, civilly, he can't make up for it in a short period of time, there is no way, what he took over is a difficult situation, the civilians in the black prison city have been lost too much by Chen Sheng and Wu Guangkeng, and the current military-to-civilian ratio in the black prison city exceeds five More military than civilian than five!

How to play in such a territory?
The only advantage in Xiang Yu's hands is probably that his soldiers are all elite, without cannon fodder.

The relationship with the empire is already close to each other, and it will be a matter of time before Xiang Yu raises the flag. What he has to consider now is not only how to survive the current natural disaster, but also to store enough supplies to develop the Black Prison City, and to deal with future wars.The emperor was afraid of him, and many lines were broken in terms of the empire. Xiang Yu's rise was too fast, coupled with his domineering behavior, his network of contacts was quite small. Naturally, the trading partners he could choose from were also quite limited!Calabash City will not be the only one, but it is definitely the most important one!
"Food and grass, armaments, and basic territory materials are all needed!"

Wu Yi just nodded, but he didn't rush to answer. He can provide these things, but what can Xiang Yu give?He didn't think that Xiang Yu, who was dragging a half-dead territory, could spend much money.Although Xiang Yu is acting strong now and is known as the number one hero, his strength is really too unbalanced!

"Both Black Prison City and Tielinguan have large veins of spirit crystals. Master means to exchange spirit crystals."

Fuck!Xiang Yu is really shit!Two large veins of spirit spar. Although the price of energy spar is not as exaggerated as it was monopolized by the empire as the proportion of resources controlled by players increases, they are still one of the most important strategic materials. Teleportation arrays, barriers, Energy cannons, formations, etc. will be used.

The planting environment in the south of the empire is far stronger than that in the north. As a balance, the mineral deposits and animal husbandry in the north are far stronger than those in the south. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages!
For Calabash City, which has a profound background in formations and is a heavy mechanical city, energy spars have never been rich. Wu Yi could not refuse such a condition.

"Yes! But you can't give me all the spirit crystals. At least [-]% of them must be magic spirit jade and [-]% chalcedony crystals."

Ling spar is only classified as ordinary quality by the system, that is, white board. As an associated mine, magic spirit jade is cyan, chalcedony crystal is blue, and chalcedony crystal is also the highest quality energy spar that can be produced in the mining area. Blood jade already belongs to the category of treasures.

Every time the quality is higher, the value of the energy spar will increase a lot, the most important thing is the rarity!This thing is like a battery. The higher the quality, the higher the upper limit of energy that can be stored. Whether it is a magic phase or a formation, if you want to develop upward, you cannot do without these high-quality energy crystals.

"Yes!" Black Prison City does not have much demand for energy spars. Sun Ce has a certain degree of autonomy in this negotiation. As long as he does not exceed his authority, he will not discuss this trivial matter with Wu Yi. Preoccupied!
After the general direction was settled, the two discussed the issue of transportation. Hulucheng would transport the things Xiang Yu needed to Mayi Town first, and then Xiang Yu's men would transport them from Mayi Town back to Heiprison City.

Under Wu Yi's big invitation, the Gourd City, which had been clean for a long time, became lively. In addition to Sun Ce who arrived first, the three Liu Bei brothers, Ma Teng's family, Yun Lin, and a large number of people who had good relations with or had friends with Gourd City the next day All the aristocrats from business came to congratulate Gourd City, Yue Fei also sent Yue Yun, and some were inconvenient to show up due to camp problems, such as Zhang Jiao and Zhao Kuangyin from the west all sent congratulatory gifts, and as Gourd City The Changshan League, Purgatory Guild, and Lingquan City of the Death League were also present.

In the end, this grand feast came to an end with the sound of holy singing and dancing on the praying platform.

——System: Gourd City, Ghost Crab City, and Xiaguang City are blessed by the holy sacrifice power of Qitian Zhanwu. In the next month, the training speed and manufacturing speed of the territory +10%, and the trigger rate of special attribute effects of soldiers + 5%.The qualifications of all the citizens in the territory have been slightly improved.

——System: Gourd City, Ghost Crab City, and Xiaguang City are blessed by the holy sacrifice power of Qitian Shengle. In the next month, the crop and fishery output of the territory +10%, and the defense and life of soldiers +5% .The qualifications of all the citizens in the territory have been slightly improved.

——System: Prayer hymns and prayer chants resonate, and the bonus effect is +100%.

The super BUFF that lasted for a month covered all the territories under Wu Yi's command. After the resonance effect of the two doubled, the bonus attributes obtained were more terrifying than any special buildings.Especially the improvement of the qualifications of the citizens, which is the effect of covering millions of people. Even if it is a "weak" improvement, it can definitely achieve the effect of quantitative change leading to qualitative change. This will allow Wu Yi's territory to grow more every month. A batch of available talents.

Wu Yi already knew the resonance effect of the two praying skills, and now he is looking forward to the resonance caused by the three praying skills. It can be expected that it will never be as simple as just strengthening the effect.

As soon as the celebration banquet in Gourd City was over, Chu Jun from Dragon God City came to the door.

"Brother Wuyi, you must help me this time. Those pirates are so shameless that they actually blocked my door. Now my caravan is robbed as soon as I go out." Chu Jun told his story with a depressed face. After a period of tragic experience, the caravan was robbed three times in a row, and the fleet sent out had never done it. When did the East China Sea have such a good pirate!If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a sea monster, Chu Jun almost wondered if Calabash City did it.

"Hey, it's not just you, my caravan was also robbed once, and three magic gold battleships were captured. My main fleet has been blocking them for many days, but it has not been able to block them. Ah." Wu Yi also sighed with a gloomy expression on his face, he naturally knew who robbed Dragon God City, it should be said that he knew in advance.

"What! How dare you even snatch the caravan from Calabash City?"

"Why am I lying to you, haven't you noticed that my caravan has been a lot more careful recently!"

"Then what to do!"

"You'd better bear with it recently, and develop your territory first before I kill that pirate!"

"How can I do that? I still have a few commissions on my hands!" Dragon God City has [-]% of its income source from shipping. Once this line is broken, it is almost equivalent to breaking his economic lifeline, especially recently. With the wind of natural disasters, his business is booming. After all, Calabash City does not accept outside freight business, which gives him room for development.

"That's it! If Gourd City sends frigates, how about I share [-]% of the profits of each order?" Chu Jun was also forced to do nothing. This is a major issue related to the reputation of Dragon God City. Brand.

"Sorry, I can't spare so much sea power for the time being, but your caravan can travel with mine, but it will take a little more time to dispatch, and it's also [-]%."

"Hey, that's fine! That's the deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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