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Chapter 937 News of the Tidal God Orb

Chapter 937 News of the Tidal God Orb

Zixu became more and more mysterious, and he often couldn't find anyone. Even Wu Yi, a disciple with an increasingly high status, had to wait to meet him!You can take your time on the master's side, and Concubine Xue Rong will go to the underworld in person. You must pay attention to the affairs of the Underworld Temple. Send it to Ghost Crab City, that is to say, Wu Yi doesn't need to worry about this task now, just wait for the news.

"There's news about the Chaos God Orb!" During dinner, Zhao Xueyin mentioned to Wu Yi a matter that he had put aside for a long time.

Tidal Divine Orb!This is the task given to him by the mermaid high priest in the hometown of the mermaid. It is the same as the task given by the scorpion. There is no time limit and no task penalty. I am so busy during this period that I have already forgotten this task. How about Zhao Xueyin? , maybe when he will be able to remember.

"What exactly is the situation?"

"Just yesterday, a sister from Wujie's studio completed the mission of the master of the Temple of Elements in Meteor City, the Tidal Branch Hall, and saw the Orb of Tides in his treasury."

"That is to say, the tidal god orb is in the hands of the master of the tidal sub-temple of God's Meteor City?" When accepting the task, the mermaid high priest only said that the thing was in the tidal temple, and didn't say anything else. There is no mention of the tidal god orb itself, it is mysterious, but as a goddess, it is definitely not simple.

Such a fetish finally fell into the hands of a branch hall master, probably because the mermaid high priest said that this thing is only useful to the mermaid clan.

"Can it be replaced?" Now that the Gourd City is strong, the Sea Clan is a big part of it. Therefore, it is impossible for Wu Yi to let go of the opportunity to further the relationship with the Mermaid Clan. After all, he wants to To dominate the two seas, the Sea Clan is a crucial part.As long as there is an iron-like relationship with the Mermaid Clan known as the "Royal Clan" of the Sea Clan, this will make the future layout much easier.

"It's hard! The sister asked casually, but the other party didn't answer at all, and the tidal god's position in his treasury is also extremely high."

"Extremely high? Since it is not the highest, there is still a chance. Moreover, this thing is more about collection. Since it is a collection, then as long as you show enough benefits, it is possible to exchange it." Wu Yi said at the same time , while thinking in my heart.

"Anyway, the news has been told to you, and you can handle the rest yourself!"

Zhao Xueyin is not interested in these things. Recently, she is only interested in Ma's family. Now she has developed into a good girlfriend with Ma Yunlu, and Ma Teng's place has been a little relieved recently. After all, during this snowstorm, almost the entire town of Mayi Relying on the strength of Calabash City, he couldn't stand it long ago!Ma Teng is not a hero, if he holds the power of a city in his hands, then he still has the heart to fight for the supremacy, but unfortunately, he only has one town in his hands, and in addition to the previous losing streak, Ma Teng has long since lost his original ambition. The time for a showdown with Wu Yi is not far away.

Zhao Xueyin attacked Ma Yunlu, Ma Chao got along well with Huo Qubing, and with Geng Yan behind him, it can be said that Wu Yi will not have any difficulties in taking over Mayi Town, and in addition, it is during the snowstorm period, Mayi Town will not have any problems , not in a hurry, he had the patience to wait slowly, waiting for Ma Teng to speak.

The stagnation of the war has slowed down the growth of generals and commanders, but under the catastrophe, civil servants everywhere have improved rapidly. For example, Wang Meng in Xiaguang City, his internal affairs attributes almost changed every day. , his internal affairs attribute should be able to brush up to the second-rate, then, the only difference will be leadership, and a full force that can control one side will soon appear in his hands.

After dinner, Wu Yi went online again. He planned to talk to the master of the branch hall. Meteor City is still in the hands of the empire. It is one of the barriers of the northern defense line. Being able to evacuate is also an unspoken rule among the gods. After all, Hades is the only god believed by the rebel camp.

The "Eye of Time and Space" has already started construction, and the site is located in the north city of Calabash City. There are already too many special buildings in the east and west urban areas. Wu Yi is still looking forward to this Eye of Time and Space.

However, Wu Yi was stopped by Huang Yueying before he reached the teleportation square.

"Brother Wuyi, the things you sent to the imperial capital have been transferred back."

Something sent to the empire...

Wu Yi's eyes lit up immediately, "Did it work?"

"Success is successful, but there is only one!" Huang Yuehuang took out a small crystal bottle, and a little bit of bright gold could be seen in it.

Divine power crystal (gold): After taking it, the success rate of breaking ranks +10%, there is a certain chance to strengthen special bloodlines, which lasts for seven days, and the effect disappears after the rank is increased by one rank.

This is it!
At the beginning, Wu Yi got a lot of glass crystal fragments from the Tower of Dominion, and Huang Yueying scattered some inferior divine power crystal powders, which had a chance to be refined to obtain divine power crystals!But it is hard to find people who can refine this thing, and like Shui Dongliu, Wu Yi is also afraid that meat buns will hit dogs, and he will not be able to get them out after refining, so Wu Yi finally found one Lin Xi, president of the Alchemy Guild, who has a relatively strong character!
In the past, Wu Yi even sent Chu Yi to visit his teacher, letting him learn alchemy from Lin Xi for a period of time, acquaintances are easy to handle, and Lin Xi didn't refuse this rare opportunity, so he took it very happily, but A nominal fee is charged.

It has been more than a week since the batch of "bad-made divine power crystallization powder" was sent to the Alchemists General Guild. At first, Wu Yi thought that something had gone wrong, and was planning to find some time to inquire about it, but he did not expect that the finished product had already been sent back.

Only one!
Wu Yi doesn't feel sorry for this, it's an unexpected gain, after all, the Tower of Dominion produces extra, and only in the first round of the "Courage" pass of the Tower of Dominion, the magic power and magic of the glass crystal appear, and in the second round He has already replaced other monsters, and he is very satisfied to refine one.

With this crystal of divine power, the probability of cultivating another holy rank is much higher. The 10% chance can last for seven days. As long as the promotion is completed within seven days, it is not a waste.However, the crystallization of divine power also comes with an effect of strengthening special bloodlines. In this way, the range of candidates for use is much smaller. If you choose someone without special bloodlines, then this attribute is equivalent to a complete waste. Although this "strengthening" It is very vague, and it is hard to say what kind of effect will be obtained in the end, but this opportunity must not be wasted.

There are only a few people with special blood in Gourd City, and the one who is closer to the holy rank is Zhu Rong. As long as her martial power reaches [-], Wu Yi intends to hand over this crystal of divine power to her. This is definitely not partiality. Believe in the character of Lord May Day!
(End of this chapter)

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