The best lord of online games

Chapter 941 Cao Cao's Embarrassing Situation

Chapter 941 Cao Cao's Embarrassing Situation

Baoyue City

After nearly three months of Cao Cao's operation, the place has recovered a certain amount of vitality, but it is still far from what it was at the beginning. The population alone cannot be replenished in a short time. Cao Cao is now like a little daughter-in-law caught in the middle. To the south is Dongping City, and to the east is Xiaguang City, which fell into Wu Yi's hands. Even if there are a large number of refugees, it is impossible for him to go to Baoyue City, which seems to have no sense of security.

Also, resources are also a big problem!

The negative impact of population is not only the inability to recruit soldiers, but also the inability to restore many industries in the city. Cao Cao has almost no foundation. He used to raise his army completely relying on the supplies of Zhenhai City, which he obtained from the secret transaction with Calabash City. It is also completely used to strengthen the army. Therefore, his current life is very sad. It is no exaggeration to say that he just eats the last meal without the next meal, and he may stop at any time.

The snowstorm gave him time to breathe, but at the same time it also cut off his chance to recuperate.Baoyue City is not Calabash City, its foundation cannot withstand natural disasters, and the remaining population is equivalent to becoming a drag on him.If these civilians were left alone, they would become refugees fleeing famine in minutes. If he wanted to manage them, what would he do?He can barely support the army.

Cao Cao once again convened a civil and military discussion under his command in the City Lord's Mansion.

"My lord, the snowstorm won't last too long. At the beginning of the new year, we have to make a choice. It is impossible for May Day to withstand Yunlin's pressure. If this scene wants to continue, then our army will We must pay a huge price, which will be extremely detrimental to our army." Xiao He took the lead and said that he is now the number one strategist under Cao Cao's command, that is, the mastermind. Like a look, it depends entirely on his ability.In addition, Cao Cao also got his second counselor in Baoyue City, Xi Zhong, Xi Zhicai!This is the first mastermind of Cao Cao in history and a good friend of Guo Jia. Unfortunately, he died young, and in "The Prosperous Age", he was transferred to Boss Cao's hands again.

"Then what do you think our army should do now?" How could Cao Cao not be clear about the current embarrassing situation? He can be said to be the person most affected by the snow disaster in the whole south. After a few months of acting, at that time, he could have a certain amount of strength in his hands, but when a snowstorm hit, Baoyue City became a chicken rib in his hands. He really answered that sentence, and he is not as good as a man. Goodness!

"To the north, you can only continue to go north! Or temporarily attach to Dongping City, ask Dongping City for support supplies, and temporarily send troops to contain the Wuyi army in Xiaguang City!"

"Both are difficult!" Xi Zhong stepped forward and said, he is not good at internal affairs, but better at military affairs, and he sees these very clearly.

"If we are attached to Dongping City, Xiao Mingsheng will definitely let us abandon Baoyue City and join forces with Li Jing. After the snowstorm is over, we will continue to fight west. Xiao Mingsheng can acquiesce in the matter of Xiaguang City. There must be something else that we don't know about. It's tricky, that is to say, what is the relationship between May Day and Dongping City, and there is little hope for them to send troops to contain them."

Hearing this, Cao Cao directly rejected the proposal in his heart, so what is the difference between him and Zhenhai City before?No!It should be worse!At least in Zhenhai City, he can still lead an army alone and have the highest power in the army. Once he joins forces with Li Jing, he will be directly controlled by Li Jing. At that time, it will be impossible for him to make any small moves. His One of the cronies died and one was lost, even if it was love, it was no longer his strength.

"However, if we fight north, we don't have enough supplies at all. Once we lose a lot, we will collapse directly." Xiao He still prefers Dongping City. In his opinion, as long as Sun Bin's nail is knocked down, Cao Cao can continue to live. The days of flying solo are over, but I just need to be patient for a while.

"Then sell the entire Baoyue City plus the population to May Day, and he will support us to go north, and trade space for time!" Xi Zhong was quite decisive, giving up when he should.

"Then talk to Wu Yi first." Cao Cao finally decided that attaching to Dongping City was the worst outcome in his opinion. Once he passed, his power might be wiped out. This risk is too great , now Dongping City is no better than Zhenhai City.


The rays of the rising sun broke through the dark clouds above and shone in the Calabash City. After 33 days of snowfall, the first ray of sunshine finally ushered in.However, this is limited to a range of fifty miles around Calabash City. It can be said that the city's weakening properties of natural disasters overwhelm the effect of natural disasters themselves. That is to say, the clearing of Calabash City does not mean that the snow disaster has completely passed. , There is still light snow in the north, accompanied by blizzard from time to time.

At this time, Wu Yi had already boarded the wharf of Ghost Crab City to rest, and was about to go to the caravan in the underground dark sea again, accompanied by the expired God of Undercurrent, Shui Dongliu.When Lu Buwei left four days ago, Wu Yi also gave a big gift, three big boxes of artworks, which the empress should like very much.

The caravan passed through the Dragon Turtle Clan and entered the underground dark sea.

"Have you found the location selected as a transfer station in the dark sea?"

Transfer station!This is also one of the purposes of Wu Yi's trip. There are a lot of resources in the dark river, but if you want to develop them, a transfer station is essential. Moreover, having a transfer station in the dark river can also improve the connection between the East and the West. The efficiency of traveling with caravans.

"It's been chosen a long time ago. It's a large cryolite fragment. Some areas are less than [-] meters deep, and it's not far from our waterway!" The escort general of the caravan is Zhou Zheping, a self-made general who is talented and specialized in sailing , His sailing speed is the fastest among the admirals in the entire Calabash City.

"Water god, help build a small underwater shielding barrier." This matter can only be done by this funny god. Wu Yi got 190 two sea curtain beads from the mermaid clan, but unfortunately, the limit is too great.

Sea Curtain Beads (Special): Every eight pieces can form a fixed small water-avoiding magic circle, limited to 100 meters underwater.

100 meters underwater is the limit, which is why the transfer station plan has been delayed for so long. It is not easy to find a suitable location.

"Do you know how big an enchantment can be supported by 24 sets of Sea Curtain Beads?" Shui Dongliu asked back.

"Huh?" Wu Yi really didn't know this.

"The radius is three miles! This is the limit, what can you do in such a small place?"

Three miles in radius?This is too small!The transfer station is not only used to store resources mined in the dark river, but also to store goods.According to his plan, as long as the transfer station is together, then the caravan across the east and west seas can be split into two, and the goods needed by the two seas will be stored in the transfer station, and then they can be towed away separately.

"Stupid! The mermaids do only have 24 sets of Sea Curtain Beads in their hands, but it's not like they can't continue to produce them, so ask them to buy them!"


Wu Yi laughed!This time he was really stupid, he didn't even think about the problems that Doubi could think of, as long as there were enough sea curtain beads, it would be able to support the range he needed.

"Thank you, God of Water, for your reminder!"

"Hmph! It's really not easy for you to accomplish something without the presence of God!"

Fuck!Looking at Shui Dongliu's triumphant expression, Wu Yi only felt a group of alpacas running past in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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