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Chapter 949 The First Use of the Eye of Time and Space

Chapter 949 The First Use of the Eye of Time and Space

To the north of the Bailong River, there are stretches of rocky mountains, and there is a dilapidated Dragon God Temple here. Brother Xiao Fei is wearing a wide black cloak, which conceals his appearance that is different from the human race.

Walking into the dilapidated Dragon God Temple, Brother Xiao Fei saw the person who invited him, took off the cloak on his head and complained: "Why did you choose this place to meet? It's not too secretive."

"Don't worry, this is not a leveling area, nor is it a scenic area. This broken Taoist temple has long been found out. There is no secret, and naturally it is impossible for anyone to come here. I am afraid that ghost movies are not scary enough." Dragon God The people in the audience turned around. The gluttonous king of the Seven Sins League has a faint smile on his face all day long, and he is famous for hiding a knife in his smile.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? You can't talk privately, you have to meet!" As for one of the seven presidents of the League of Seven Sins, Brother Xiaofei naturally knew him, he was just curious about the other party's purpose.Recently, his pirate group has been near the Bailong River. The Chu Army of the Dragon City God paid the protection fee, and he didn't continue to disgust the other party. This is a long-term business, and he still has this credit.

"Among the players, you are one of the rare big forces in the sea, and I want to negotiate a deal with you."

"What business?"

"You let us join the sea monster line, how about I give you a place in the death alliance?" The Gluttonous King smiled and offered his conditions, the death alliance quota of the Seven Sins Alliance, which itself is a huge bargaining chip, Only the top [-] factions among the players can obtain this qualification.Obviously, with the power in Brother Xiao Fei's hands, he is not qualified for this.

The advantage of the death alliance is that resources and intelligence can be shared to a certain extent, have certain rescue obligations, and can gain more advantages under the replacement of interests.

Rescue or something, Brother Xiao Fei didn't take it seriously at all. After all, he is now a sea monster, and he can only play his best role in waters, and it is impossible to go ashore. Similarly, there are no times when the Seven Sins can save him. Because the Seven Sins Alliance doesn't have any sea power at all.What he needs are resources!
He is just a pirate like a rootless duck now. Although he holds the sea monster's thick thigh, his status in the sea monster clan is far from enough. Now he can't bear the risk of annihilation. , This is why he chose to cooperate with Wu Yi, he needs an extra insurance!
"Huh! Alliance with you? I might as well form an alliance with May Day, so that I can get greater benefits."

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no way for Sea Monster and Calabash City to coexist!"

yes!Unable to co-exist, Wu Yi got on the line of the Sea Clan, he is a Sea-Monster, and the Sea-Clan and the Sea-Monster can only have one side in the sea in the end.Once the sea monster is destroyed, it is equivalent to digging his foundation.

"Why did the Seven Sins Alliance suddenly plan to develop sea power?"

"It's just forced by the situation. If you want to gain a greater advantage on land, there must be no blank space on the sea." The gluttonous king did not lie about this. Since the navy of Calabash City took over the East China Sea Fleet to block the north, the Seven Sins Alliance This issue is being discussed internally. As long as the waterway can be controlled, not only can the coastal and river areas be deterred, but troop transport and logistics will also be much more flexible.

However, the navy does not mean that it can develop just because it develops. There are only a handful of famous shipbuilders in history, and there is nowhere to be found for a while. The master shipbuilders of the empire are all in Zhenhai City and Hongliu City, so there is nothing to dig.Since the shipbuilding technology has no way to do it for a while, starting from the special race in the sea has become the easiest way to see results.

As far as the Sea Clan knows, there is only one line in Wu Yi's hands. With the relationship between the two sides' sworn enemies, there must be no room for negotiation, so the only thing left is the sea monster.

"Hmph! I don't want any death alliance documents, I want resources, I will take yours to the Siren Clan, and at the same time help you to speed up your development to a certain extent, as long as you can give me enough resources." The recruiting power of the monster, and unlike the Sea Clan, there is no limit to his recruiting power among the Sea Monsters. As long as there are enough resources, he can get more Sea Monster soldiers, which is only the price of a ninth-level Sea Monster soldier. Far beyond the conventional ninth-tier arms.

Of course, it is true that there is no upper limit for recruiting troops, but it is also impossible to truly unlimited recruiting, which depends on the upper limit of the population of the Siren Tribe.

"Yes!" The gluttonous king smiled even wider, exchanging resources for time, isn't this exactly what he needs!

In the East China Sea, after several days of searching, Yu Dayou has basically determined the location of the daring pirates.In the East China Sea, if you want to avoid the eyes and ears of Calabash City, you can only go all the way north. It is a sea of ​​ice and the environment is extremely harsh.

The scope has been determined, but it is still extremely difficult to find people. In the past, Yu Dayou was more willing to set up a large net and wait for the opponent's next move. Pirates can't live in the icy sea to the north. They need supplies. , will definitely appear again.But now it is different, the effectiveness of the Eye of Time and Space is being tested in Calabash City, isn't this a supreme weapon for searching!
Yu Dayou reported to the city lord Kou Xun, and Lu Xiangyun was in charge of controlling the Eye of Time and Space. This is one of the top secrets of Calabash City. Except for Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin, no third player knows about it.This is the first real use of the Eye of Time and Space, so Kou Xun also attaches great importance to it.

Elephant Trunk Island, recorded on the chart of Calabash City, is a small island closest to the Ice Sea. Yu Dayou's fleet is here as a whole, waiting for information about Calabash City. As for how to get the information...

At this moment, a huge magic eye appeared above Elephant Trunk Island. The magic eye turned left and right twice, followed by a transparent beam of light, and settled not far from Yu Dayou. After that, Lu Xiangyun's The figure appeared instantly.

The "Heaven-Sent Time-Space Transfer" attached to the Eye of Time and Space, as long as the Scout Magic Eye can locate it, it can be teleported, and it can be sent once every three days.

"It's finally here!" Yu Dayou, Zhou Tai, Ma Zhong and others stood up and greeted them, "How is it?"

"I found it!" Lu Xiangyun directly spread out the chart in his hand. In the vast sea, there is no chart and no islands that can be located.

At present, there are more than a dozen talents in Calabash City who have the ability to draw charts. There are two in Calabash City, and the rest are all following the fleet with exploration missions to complete the charts.The map of the East China Sea currently held by Gourd City is more than ten times more detailed than the antiques of the Hongyu Empire. Of course, these rely not only on the efforts of Gourd City, but also the contributions of several sea tribes, especially Ju Wuding. The so-called dragon tortoise family.

"All aboard, set sail!"

(End of this chapter)

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