The best lord of online games

Chapter 952 The northern fortress collapsed, and Temujin entered the pass

Chapter 952 The northern fortress collapsed, and Temujin entered the pass

The buildings of the Black Earth Tribe are all made of simple wood and stone, primitive, rough and atmospheric!
There are quite a few players who have entered the tribe, but it is only a drop in the ocean in the entire tribe. Under the premise of not being familiar with the Wu clan, unless you follow Wu Yi and the three of them, the chance of meeting other players in the Gu Wu Temple is not high.

There are more than a hundred witches in the Gu Wu Temple, and there are many unique tools of the Wu clan, and some of them are making witch medicine.The layout here was a bit beyond Wu Yi's expectation. As one of the most important halls in the clan, it would look like this, and it felt messy.

"Priest, we are going to buy some items in the tribe, can we?" Li Mi pulled Wu Yi to a witch with a scary mask and a strange cane and said. Li Siye just followed behind quietly. For those who have nothing, he wants to fight with the strong Wu clan.

Wu Yi looked curiously at the big mask on the head of the witch in front of him. According to Li Mi's previous introduction, such a mask is only qualified to be worn by priests in the witch clan, and it can be regarded as a status symbol.

"Human race, and the legendary God's Chosen One, and he's still a Daoist, hehe!" The witch priest's tone was very strange, but he was still a little upset from the Daoist sect.Wu Yi was very curious about this, what did the Taoist sect do during the battle of the gods? Logically speaking, as the same god system, the Taoist sect, the witch clan, and the demon clan are the strongest allies even if they cannot love each other. As a result, the Daomen sealed the Yaozu, and now the Wuzu is not happy with the Daomen, which is really strange.

"Look for yourself, these are what you are eligible to exchange for now. Our tribe only accepts fluorescent stones and ghost phosphorous powder, and we don't want the rest for the time being." The witch priest took out a gray animal skin with a golden color on it. The text records the exchange catalog, and there are some illustrations of unique things of the Wu tribe.

The power system of the witch clan is more chaotic than that of the monster clan, so they need a lot of things. Think about the formations, talismans, divination, and geomantic omen of the Taoist clan. These also require some specific things to use.In other words, as long as this Wu tribe continues to develop, they will need more and more things.

Holding the catalogue, Wu Yi and Li Mi got together and started researching. Li Mi's understanding of the Wu clan was limited to some records in ancient books.Things like raising Gu are just like raising ghosts in Taoism. It is a complete system, from low to high, and requires certain specific conditions. Gourd City produces ghosts and Gourd City, but Wu Yi has not raised anything like it. , so far it can only be used as a rare skill.

Wu Yi looked at witchcraft and voodoo, while Li Bi studied those messy things, as long as they were suitable, he would buy them back and try them first.

But at this moment, Wu Yi was stunned, not by the content on the directory, but by the sudden string of system information.

——System: The northern fortress collapsed, and Temujin led an army of alien races to enter the pass!
——System: All imperial camps will receive a 50% merit bonus for beheading aliens, and the merits of rebels and neutral camps will remain unchanged.

"how is this possible!!"

Two consecutive system messages, each three times consecutively, at this moment, as long as the online players are stunned!

what's the situation?Why did the Extreme North Fortress suddenly disappear? It was the number one fortress of the Hongyu Empire!It claims to be able to block the attack of the gods, even if there is water in it, it can't be attacked casually, right?What's more, there is still a ninth-level army stationed there, as well as the reinforcements sent by the empire before. What kind of strength is needed to take down the northern fortress?
The alien race outside the extreme northern fortress is actually Temujin. Now that Temujin has come out, the famous Mongolian generals of the Yuan Dynasty will definitely appear. Maybe it is not just the Mongolian one. Other alien races in history are very likely to be there. At this time, he went south with Temujin's army.This really surprised all the players, but is Temujin strong enough to directly destroy the North Fortress?
Not to mention Temujin, even if all the great armies and famous generals in the north go together, it is impossible to capture the extreme northern fortress so easily, let alone collapse it.If it were that easy, the aliens would have gone south long ago, and they can wait until now!

There is a big problem here!

However, whether or not to ask questions has nothing to do with the players. What they care about is how many famous historical generals have appeared, whether there are any bargains to pick up, and meritorious deeds!

"I'm afraid this double merit is not so easy to get!" When Wu Yi saw these two system messages, Wu Yi's first reaction was that the imperial army in the north was over, unless the rebel king and the Temple of the Underworld in Xuerong City could fight back. Come and help fight the aliens.

But is it possible?
As long as the Temple of the Underworld believes in it, it makes no difference to them whether it is a foreign race or the Hongyu Empire. This is true for all gods, not only the Temple of the Underworld thinks this way.As for Xiao Hongming of Xuerong City, let alone how much autonomy he has, even if the army of Xuerong City can be completely controlled by him, it is impossible for him to fight against other races, he can only unite with them.After defeating the foreign race, he is also finished, unless he wants to return to the Hongyu Empire again, but obviously, he no longer has this option in his current life.

Now, apart from the Imperial Army headed by Yue Fei and the rebels in Xuerong City, there is only Xiang Yu in the north. Now Xiang Yu's choice is extremely important, but no matter how Xiang Yu chooses, the north is not easy to defend. Without the Extreme North Fortress, the north is In a vast plain, even if there are a few cities, they can't stop the footsteps of foreign races going south. Once a harassment war starts, it will definitely make you sick.

If you want to get double meritorious service, you must first ensure that you can survive!If you lose all the way, let alone meritorious service, the player lords of the northern empire camp can only temporarily switch to the foreign race represented by Temujin or the judge army represented by Xuerong City if they want to keep their territory!

The only good news now is probably that the snow disaster is still not over. No matter what the situation outside the customs is, what secret weapon Temujin used, but the south of the extreme northern fortress is still covered with thick snow, and it is almost impossible to march on a large scale of.

"It's time to have a showdown with Ma Teng!" Originally, Wu Yi planned to be natural and wait for Ma Teng to speak first, but now there is not so much time, and it is necessary to strengthen Mayi Town as soon as possible and promote it to the city in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, once the snow disaster passes, Mayi Town will not be able to hold on.

Based on the current foundation of Calabash City, it would be better to choose a territory near the sea in the north. With the sea power of Calabash City, reinforcements can be provided at any time, but such a place has either been destroyed in the flames of war, or it is still in the hands of the empire. , unless you start from scratch with the village building order, but obviously, Wu Yi doesn't have so much time.

(End of this chapter)

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