Chapter 956
Temujin led the alien army to the south!

This incident immediately blew up the topic of the hottest witch clan in an instant like a whirlwind. This is a big wave of famous generals, and at the same time, it also added another camp to the current chaotic situation, Hongyu Empire, Rebels, aliens, three parties!

However, there are not many players who can really hold the thighs of foreigners, but the players in the north are hard to say, they can only follow the situation.As soon as Wu Yi returned to Calabash City, Zhao Ziyun had already contacted him three times. The alliance will hold a meeting again in Iron Cavalry City. Whether it is Changshan League or Wu Jiutian, life will not be easy after that. The meeting at this time is to see if we can meet with the allies here Find some assistance.

Similarly, Wu Yi also intends to take advantage of this battle to make arrangements in the north, and it is too possible to give up directly.

Before Wu Yi went north, Zhang Jiao in the west made a new move.Zhang Jiao and Wang Mang teamed up to fight against the Meng Family Army. Due to the impact of the snow disaster, the war was temporarily put on hold, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if Zhang Jiao and Wang Mang are not good enough to wear the same pair of pants, they are still the strongest allies At the same time, during the snow disaster, with the secret support of the Calabash City trade route, Zhang Jiao's life was not bad.

During the snowstorm, Zhang Jiao also met his first counselor - Cui Hao!
The strategist of the Northern Wei Dynasty during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, a very monstrous figure, and Wang Meng and Zhang Bin were called the three strongest counselors of that period!Among the three, Zhang Bin must be at the bottom. Cui Hao and Wang Meng have a lot of debates about who is stronger, but in "The Prosperous Age", this ranking is not important, because according to their respective growth environments, both of them may surpass them The pinnacle of history!

With a counselor who can help him plan the way forward, Zhang Jiao immediately pushed his daughter Zhang Ning to the fore.

Yellow Turban Saint Zhang Ning!

Speaking of gods, it seems that there are saintesses, such as Lu Zhi in the Temple of the Underworld, Zhao Feiyan in the Temple of Light, and the Mermaid Race. Although the Temple of Elements has not appeared now, there must be no less, maybe each of the four major branch halls will have one.

Although Zhang Ning is called the Yellow Turban Saintess, she is not a Daoist Saintess!
Zhang Ning did not directly intervene in the war. She just led the Taiping congregation to preach and help civilians struggling in the snow disaster along the way.With Zhang Ning's help, Taipingdao's preaching speed has increased a lot again, but most of them are converted believers who originally believed in Taoism, and the essence has not changed much.

There is no way, Taoism has occupied the position of state religion for thousands of years, and the suppression of other gods has never stopped in terms of beliefs. The reason for jumping on the stage was because of being forced!
"My lord, once the foreign races go south, the empire will inevitably mobilize most of its forces to resist the foreign races. Even if Meng Ao will not be transferred, his troops will definitely be greatly reduced. At that time, Meng Ao will be able to defend a city at most. Blocking our way of expansion."

The strength of the Yellow Turban is not outstanding. Compared with Yingzheng and Xiang Yu, there is a big gap. In addition, it has just occupied the capital of Shu and has not yet established a solid rear. It seems that the army is extremely strong, but it is also "virtual" tight.However, in Cui Hao's view, such strength is enough in troubled times, especially in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.What's more, Zhang Jiao, a Taoist traitor, can be used as a banner of the Taoist sect in front of certain people.

"Having said that, sir, how should we deal with the logistics problem?" As a member of the Daoist sect who is rooted in Miaohong, Zhang Jiao has no special views on people of different races. In his opinion, foreign races are also a good choice The goal of faith harvesting, as long as it can contribute to faith, there is no difference.

However, it doesn't mean that being able to win the battle is enough. The logistics are the biggest obstacle to Zhang Jiao's take-off. First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Jiao to slaughter people because of the power of faith. The food is supported, and these people cannot be left to fend for themselves. Only by letting these people live well can more beliefs be collected.

Besides, the support he received in Calabash City was not free. For this reason, in addition to paying a lot of various resources, he also sent out [-] Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talismans. You know, the Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talisman This kind of thing, even Zhang Jiao can't draw it casually.

It is extremely dangerous to rely on external support for crazy expansion, and it is easy to collapse!
"We can sell the city!"

"Selling the city?" Zhang Jiao's heart sank suddenly, didn't this make him spit out the territory he had eaten into his stomach, how reconciled he was!In his mind, territory and population are essential for collecting beliefs.

How could Cui Hao not know what Zhang Jiao was thinking, and said with a faint smile: "My lord, too much land is just a burden to us now, the more land, the more areas we need to guard, we can't eat it! With Shu Capital City as the foundation, Sunset City and Mingfeng City can be used as a buffer, and we can sell all the land to the east, whether it is sold to the God's Chosen or to those greedy nobles, it is enough for us. Come to support the army and the people, and within a year at most, we can have a solid rear, and it will be much easier to fight the world again."

To the south of Shudu City is Motu City. Zhang Jiao and Xiao Qiheng are allies. The two sides will not go to war. To the east is Mingfeng City, the former war zone, and to the north is Sunset City. It flows into the West Sea, as long as this waterway is occupied, the connection with Calabash City will be closer.

Further north of Sunset City, that is the area affected by the invasion of the Demon Realm, that is, the back of the Northwest Battlefield. It was precisely because of this that Zhang Jiao did not move Sunset City. Instead, he chose to fight eastward and hit Mingfeng city.

However, if it goes according to Cui Hao's plan, Sunset City only needs to occupy more than half of it, only occupying the area south of Butterfly River. In this way, Butterfly River can be used as a line of defense, and if Mingfeng City is defended, there will be no problem with safety.As for attacking eastward and then selling soil, it can actually be understood as being a mercenary.In any case, the situation is definitely stronger than it is now.

"Then do as you say! I will contact Calabash City and ask them to bring in another batch of supplies, at least to ensure that we can spend this winter comfortably."

In the current period of natural disasters, the territory is not easy to develop, but this is not an obstacle to Zhang Jiao. He has many means to reduce natural disasters. As long as it is not a natural disaster like this snow disaster, there will be more or less production. out.

 Third update, a bit late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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