The best lord of online games

Chapter 965 Chen Lin's Faith Plundering Plan

Chapter 965 Chen Lin's Faith Plundering Plan

"This is the first level that Zhao Ziyun mentioned? Why does it look like an intellectual game!"

On the edge of Wu Yi's disc, pieces of Lingjing stones were inlaid into the grooves on the edge. This is a light formation, and it is impossible for Wu Yi to recognize it with the eyes of a senior formation mage now.

When Wu Yi inlaid the spirit spar into the last groove, a stream of light flowed immediately, and then, those inlaid spirit spars suddenly burned like flames, a total of 28 pieces, illuminating the surroundings clearly Bright.

After turning off the torch, Wu Yi carefully looked at the pattern of the disc. There seemed to be some shadows of Taoist formations in it, but with his current level of formations, he couldn't see the clue at all.Moreover, since it was a test related to Song Yingxing, it could not be completely a Taoist formation, otherwise the person selected must be a Taoist priest, and Song Yingxing is not a Taoist priest!
Wu Yi tried to move the raised squares in the discs, which was a bit like playing a small game like Huarong Road, but the game in front of him didn't give him some necessary conditions and requirements for customs clearance.There are a total of nine raised squares, and a total of 250 six small squares. Even if it took him a lifetime to try this possible arrangement, he would not be able to figure it out.

"Fuck!" Wu Yi felt like he was going crazy!

No wonder Zhao Ziyun couldn't even pass the first level. This nima is simply a super safe, and it can't be opened without a password!So the question is, what is the "password"?
No matter how bullshit this test is, it is impossible for players to try it here one by one without thinking. In other words, Zhao Ziyun's mission is not complete!
After continuing to try for a while without any results, Wu Yi gave up completely. He didn't think this thing could be solved by luck.

"This thing looks a bit like a trick!"

Wu Yi immediately thought of Huang Yueying, but then rejected it in his heart. In ancient times, the definition of mechanism art was vague, and puppets were also counted as a type of mechanism art.However, in "The Prosperous Age", there is a clear distinction in this regard. Puppet art is classified as mechanical art, and to put it bluntly, it is playing with high technology.

Mechanism was independent and became a sub-profession. In addition to professional mechanism masters, general thieves, treasure hunters, and tomb robbers would minor in this aspect.Zhao Ziyun has been studying here for a long time. Since he has no clue, it also indicates that if he is not good enough in mechanical skills, it is absolutely impossible to solve this place.

However, there is another choice for Wu Yi, a Feng Shui master!

Fengshui Master + Mechanism Master, these are the two absolutely indispensable occupations in the tombs of the nobles of the Hongyu Empire. In addition, Fengshui masters walk in some "grey" areas all the year round. There is now a great Feng Shui master in Calabash City!
But now that Zhang Yufeng is busy with his son's affairs, it is definitely impossible for him to take action for such a trivial matter.

"Forget it, wait a little longer." Wu Yi sighed, and left the underground palace. With this big "safe", there is no fear of being exposed here. As long as you don't get the "password", people who are qualified to try to use technology to break through are not many.

You can think of a way from Wu Zhao. There are definitely a lot of organ masters in the imperial capital. Think about the imperial tombs, which are definitely maintained by grand master level organ masters. Of course, things here definitely don’t need grand master level. It's hard to say that the master level is master, but there is absolutely no problem with the master, but I don't know how much energy the empress sister has in the imperial capital now.


In the East China Sea, since the rebels destroyed Donglin City, the only port city in the north, the business here has declined a lot, but this is not bad news for Calabash City, which makes the business of Calabash City more independent. !And this guarantee is Chen Lin's navy stationed on the northern coastline!

"General Chen, Master Shui sent me here to ask how things are going." The person who asked the question was Yang Han, the priest of the Undercurrent Temple. A small amount of faith transformed ten priests, waiting for Chen Lin to make achievements.

However, although Chen Lin has transported many civilians back to Ghost Crab City since Chen Lin took over the northern defense line, this is far from meeting the requirements of horizontal flow. He needs believers, a large number of believers!Chen Lin didn't move for a long time, so Shui Dongliu finally couldn't bear it, and sent a priest to ask, or question!

"Hurry up, please ask the priest to go back and tell Master Shui, please wait a little longer!"

Although Shui Dongliu used to be a god, but now he only has the strength of a holy rank. In order not to be suppressed by other gods, so except for himself who said "this great god" from time to time, everyone except Wu Yi called him grown ups.

Chen Lin's original plan to send Shui Dongliu was to plunder the power of faith in the north, but now he has done nothing except transport more than [-] people back.From Shui Dongliu's point of view, he was the one who recommended Chen Lin to become an official. Chen Lin did not fulfill his promise, so he was naturally qualified to "hit the door".

"General Chen, it's not that I don't want to talk, but this time, my lord..." Yang Han said with some embarrassment. Chen Lin is now the second commander of the navy. He can't say too badly about many things, but Shui Dong Liu is obviously a bad tempered person, how can he go back to work with such words?

"I understand!" Chen Lin, who has served Shui Dongliu for a long time, naturally knows the situation of the Great Water God, but recently the Temple of the Underworld has been keeping a close eye on it, and it is difficult for him to make a move.

"I plan to suggest that the lord build a city in the south of Guanchao Cliff, and use this city as the basis for plundering the belief in the north. The priest also knows that now that the alien race is about to go south, the whole north will definitely be in chaos. That is our chance. But this matter needs to be mentioned by Lord Shui to Lord Lord." This is the best way Chen Lin can think of at the moment. On the one hand, it can temporarily stabilize the flow of water to the east, and on the other hand, this city can replace Originally, Donglin City, as a port and commercial city in the north, was quite successful as long as the Temple of the Underworld did not turn its face.

However, Chen Lin heard that the lord recently took over the town of Mayi in the north, and is doing his best to promote Mayi town to the city level. If he mentions this now, the chance of success is unlikely.However, at least he gave Shui Dongliu an explanation. Even if it didn't work out this time, Shui Dongliu probably wouldn't force him to death.

"This is really a good idea. I'll go back and inform my lord right now!" Yang Han doesn't have any political vision, but the general direction is still clear. He is now the priest of the Undercurrent Temple, and he must be tied to Shuidongliu. In terms of body, only when Shui Dongliu is strong, his status will be higher. There is nothing to say about this matter.

Even if it is player territory, competition between gods still exists!

 Tomorrow is still three o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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