The best lord of online games

Chapter 971 Building a city?Let's build the town first

Chapter 971 Building a city?Let's build the town first

Finally top notch!

Seeing Zhu Rong bathed in the golden light like a goddess of war, Wu Yi's mood was very complicated at this time, with excitement, joy, emotion... and a strong sense of accomplishment.Zhu Rong is the first historical star in his hands. It can be said that Zhu Rong grew up step by step with him and the territory. Zhu Rong is not the strongest in Calabash City, nor is the highest potential, but Wu Yi is in her The energy and painstaking efforts devoted to him are definitely the most, far more than those of Wei Qing and Xiao Mahe!
Although Wu Yi is very clear that games are games and reality is reality, there is no doubt that he sincerely treats Zhu Rong as his younger sister in his heart!Therefore, Zhu Rong has always been a very special place in his territory, which can be seen from the attitude of ordinary citizens towards her from the middle to the top of the territory.

Although I don't want to admit it, since getting married, Wu Yi's feelings for Zhu Rong have gradually developed from a younger sister to a daughter, and, compared to Zhu Tianshan, Zhu Rong is also more attached to Wu Yi, which can be regarded as his love for him in the past two years Pay it back.

Seeing Zhu Rong at this moment, Wu Yi sighed as if a girl in my family had just grown up!
"Haha, I feel that I am so strong now!" The golden light gradually dissipated, and Zhu Rong's appearance also became more mature, but his personality did not change at all.

"Yes yes yes! You are so strong!" Wu Yi echoed with a smile.Now Zhu Rong, if anyone evaluates her combat power based on her ability in the novel, she will definitely be beaten to tears.

"Brother will take you to a place where you may have a chance to become stronger!" Wu Yi is not sure whether the Black Earth Tribe recognizes Zhu Rong's blood, but he still has to try once in the end.

Spear Specialization - Damage +25% when using gun-type halberd weapons, and the upper limit of the basic skill "Gun Jue" +1.

This is Zhu Rong's specialty that has grown the most. Using long halberds for a long time has brought new changes to this specialty. Although longhalberds are also included in the spear department, there is still a big difference between regular spears. This is why Like the horse lance, it is also classified in the gun department, but the power of the spear, halberd and horse lance in the hands of different people is definitely different.

With the change of specialties, Zhu Rong can only continue to specialize in the type of halberd.

"Is there such a place?"

"Of course, when did brother lie to you?"

"That's hard to say. Last year when God came to the sun, you said you gave me beautiful clothes and you still haven't fulfilled it." Zhu Rong said dissatisfiedly with a small mouth.

Wu Yi cried, what is it that has not been fulfilled, the whole red lotus suit is given to you, what more beautiful clothes do you need!
"The craftsmen in the entire Gourd City are on call, what clothes do you still need?"

As the little princess of Gourd City, Zhu Rong's mansion is full of all kinds of weird things. Even Qin Shifu gave her a beautiful building boat, which allows her to swim in the rivers and small lakes of Gourd City. Play, let alone other things.

"These are two concepts, how can they be confused!" On this point, sister Zhu Rong insisted.

"Okay, let's go shopping with you this time, buy as you like, which city do you want to go to?" Anyway, there is nothing urgent right now, so Wu Yi plans to call Zhao Xueyin and go shopping together.


"What? If you don't want to go, forget it."

"Who says no, I'm going to Pegasus City. I heard that you can buy everything there." Zhu Rong said excitedly. After all, she has a military post on her body, so she can't run around. She also knows the feeling of galloping in the war. If there is no legion to drag her, then she can play as she wants.

Pegasus City is Pegasus City, it is really good there, especially now that it is a time of war, there are even fewer that can compare with Pegasus City, like Kowloon City, it is too depressing, far from the atmosphere of Pegasus City.

However, while Wu Yi and Zhu Rong were waiting for Zhao Xueyin in the city, a person who surprised him blocked the door.

"Water God, you are not developing believers in the temple, how come you have time to come to me?"

Shui Dongliu is a typical guy who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. In addition, he has a strange brain circuit, and it is difficult for Wu Yi to guess his purpose.

"Of course it's a good thing!"

good thing?The credibility of this is a bit low, but the water god is still useful, let alone the strength, at least he made Zi Xu feel the pressure, and let Calabash City take a lot of money for nothing.

Just as Wu Yi's eyes became more and more strange, Shui Dongliu took out a partial map of the coast of the East China Sea, and pointed his flowing finger on the south of the "Tide Cliff", and said, "I've made up my mind, we will You can build a city here!"

"Building a city?" Wu Yi was shocked. Building a city is not a small matter, and the resources to be invested in it are quite huge.In order to reach the level of a city, some things are essential. It doesn't mean that a circle of city walls and a few houses will be finished.

"Yes! You see, as long as you build a city in the north of Guanchao Cliff, you can use it as a springboard to attack the north, and you can also use the strength of the navy to protect the city. Not to mention other things, the merchants in the north will definitely support you Yes, it's absolutely perfect!" Shui Dongliu became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was moved by himself when he saw that I had planned a good plan for you.

Wu Yi looked at that position, his face turned dark immediately, what kind of bullshit is this!If there is no Mayi Town, this is indeed a different choice, but the real construction of the city will be delayed until a very late stage.Although the south side of Guanchao Cliff is not under the rule of Xuerong City, it is not far away!Moreover, if Li Shimin from Hero City goes north, although this position will not be on his main marching route, will Li Shimin let such a nail be driven into his ass?

To build a city here, it can be said that apart from the east side of Linhai, it will be attacked on three sides!Oh, I was wrong, if the city is to be built, it should be close to the tide-watching shore, so the enemies in the north must either circle westward by land, or circumvent the sea from the east, but the result has not changed much.

"Let's take this matter slowly." In Wu Yi's view, this matter is completely unnecessary. There is not enough grassland around Guanchao Cliff, and there is no way to build a pasture, and it cannot replace Mayi Town at all.

"How can it be slowed down! Do you know how much faith you will lose if you slow down for a day?" Shui Dongliu's tone suddenly changed.

It turned out to be the reason!

In terms of belief, it is hard to tell from Shui Dongliu. It is definitely impossible to build a city, but...

"Well, building a city has to be done step by step. The great god said it right, it needs to be done quickly. Let's build the town first. As long as there is a town, we can build the temple. In this way, the construction period of the city will not be affected. Doesn’t the Great God attract believers!”

The investment in building a town and building a city are completely two concepts, and Wu Yi doesn't plan to invest too much in this town, a look is enough.One thing Shui Dongliu said is good. Without Donglin City, the business routes of northern merchants will be much narrower. As long as his town is built, it will be able to replace the original Donglin City to a certain extent. It is definitely profitable, and even if it is destroyed, it will not lose anything, but it is just some basic resources such as stone, wood, and iron.

"How about calling it Undercurrent Town? After upgrading, it will be Undercurrent City!"

"Okay! That's a good name! Let's do it!"

 There will be another chapter at a later date.

(End of this chapter)

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