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Chapter 975 The Powerful Modao Warrior

Chapter 975 The Powerful Modao Warrior
The sun tore through the dark clouds. After the snowstorm, the south finally ushered in the first good weather. The snow covered the ground was not thick at all. Under the sunshine, the snow melted, making most areas muddy and snowy. The water slowly flows into the rivers and lakes.

"The snow in the north has also stopped, and it can't be dragged on any longer!"

The duration of this snow disaster was shorter than most people expected. It will take some time for the north to recover, but the war in the south is imminent. Li Jing is reorganizing the army, and Sun Bin and Xue Rengui have withdrawn to the melting city , Abandoned the plan to block the Dongping City army head-on.However, before Sun Bin evacuated, he carried out the tactics of fortifying the wall and clearing the field quite thoroughly in the territory of Peacock City and Gu Yue City.

Not to mention the cheating nature of Peacock City, Guyue City is almost completely empty, whether it is population or supplies, almost all have been evacuated.Now Sun Bin's idea is to exchange space for time. It is impossible for Dongping City not to eat the land he gave up. If it wants these lands, Dongping City has to divide its troops and garrison them. The Imperial Counselor Group thinks it is worthwhile to delay the expansion of the Dongping City army!

The key point is still in the north. As long as the empire can pacify the north in one fell swoop this time and go south with a great victory, at that time, the disaster of Dongping City is just a disease of ringworm. This is the last chance of the Hongyu Empire. He will use all the power he can use, and the imperial family will support him. After all, this time it is fighting against a foreign race, which can only be called a royal civil war before.

However, if the alien race cannot be wiped out this time, the Hongyu Empire will really be completely over!

Wu Yi has no opinion on the Three Realms' joining the alliance. One more guild in the west has no effect on him. However, thinking about it now, his connections in the west are a little scary.Zhang Jiao, Zhao Kuangyin, the Purgatory Guild, plus the Three Realms, it can be said that the entire west is his ally!

"Let's go on the expedition! Although this matter has been discussed in advance, we should be more cautious. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case!" Wu Yi confessed to Wei Qing and Li Mi. There was no point in being a tribe, and he continued to return to his job as Wei Qing's military adviser.

Wu Yi's supplies to Cao Cao have been delivered dozens of times. As long as Wei Qing's army enters Baoyue City, Cao Cao will also evacuate, and the last scene will be staged.But Wu Yi was afraid that Cao Cao would overthrow him in the last moment, Lao Cao is not a good person!

"Don't worry, my lord, I promise that there will be no problems in the end!"

"That's good! I'll wait for your good news."

This time, Wu Yi didn't plan to act with the army. This time, he didn't have a chance to let him gain experience. He just waited for Wei Qing to take Baoyue City, and then asked Yunlin to send someone to take it over. His mission was completed.Baoyue City has no meaning to him. Before Xiao Mingsheng in Dongping City is destroyed, wanton expansion will only stimulate Xiao Mingsheng's nerves, which is not good for him. In addition, Mayi Town, which is now being promoted, needs to restrain most of his energy. So fighting on the third front, he can plunder population and resources, but now the land is a burden for him.

Wei Qing's army set off, and Wu Yi looked at the heavy infantry team following the Habayashi Army, Li Siye and his Modao team. This was their first battle. Unfortunately, this battle was destined not to allow them to exert their full combat effectiveness.

Street Fighter:

Level: Nine Terraces

Attack: 360
Defense: 320
Life: 6000
Skill: 3000
Feature 1: Bravery—Personal combat power +10%, stamina +50%, 30% chance to cause double damage to the target, 8% chance to cause triple damage to the target, and 1% chance to cause five times damage to the target.

Feature 2: Fighting to the Death - When HP is below 25%, Attack +10%, Attack Speed ​​+10%, Morale +10%, and have a certain chance to be immune to some damage.

Characteristic 3: The wall of swords is like a forest - the base damage to the cavalry is +10%, the faster the cavalry rushes towards the Modao warrior, the higher the counterattack damage suffered.The greater the number of Modao fighters, the stronger the destructive power.

Feature 4: People and horses are afraid of breaking - each attack comes with a powerful beheading effect, the greater the difference in strength between each other, the higher the probability of causing "one-hit kill".

Skills: Slightly.

This is the strongest ground-level unit that Wu Yi has ever seen. If the insta-kill feature is played well, it is absolutely possible to overthrow the sky-level unit head-on.In order to turn the Modao fighter into a real trump card, Wu Yi fully armed the Modao fighter!

Needless to say weapons, they are the treasures of the warehouse in Calabash City!
Chongsheng Destroyer Knife: A standing weapon of the Imperial Guard of the Chongsheng Empire.Attack +80, attack with "shattering" feature, 25% chance to cause double damage to the target, 5% chance to cause triple damage, each attack has a 10% beheading effect.

Produced in the ancient city of Chongsheng, the blueprint that Wu Yi managed to get together through replacement is absolutely a perfect match with the Modao Warrior, which can maximize the instant kill ability of the Modao Warrior.

In addition to this saber, Wu Yi also equipped Modao Warrior with another item from the ancient city of Chongsheng.

Sixth Heaven Demon King's Mask: Max HP +350, Defense +8, Damage Immunity +5%, Block +10%, Immunity to critical blows by 20%, and the upper limit of enemy attacks is weakened by 5%.

A piece of equipment that is very suitable for heavy infantry or heavy cavalry, greatly enhancing its survivability!Wu Yi had no choice for the armor equipment of the Modao Warrior, but could only use the four-piece set of the Blun Jun Five series, which is the only heavy armor set that Hulucheng has a complete production line!
With this equipment, the Modao fighters can be regarded as the second trump card besides the Habayashi army. This time it is just to let them come out for a walk. Their real first battle should be when they fight against aliens in the north.

Think about the attribute of feature 2 "Wall of Swords Like a Forest", there are many cavalry from different races, and I really want to see the effect of cavalry colliding with this feature. This feature can be said to be designed to attack cavalry charges. If you don't know the details, you will definitely hit your head and bleed.

"Time is running out, and I have to send Huang Yueying to Xiaoyue City." Looking at the background of the army leaving, Wu Yi muttered to himself, there are really a lot of major events recently, and time is tight, so that He's a little run down.

"The food intake of this gluttony Gu is a bit small, and I don't know if it will change after it grows up." Wu Yi is probably most interested in this little "caterpillar". The more there are, the more curious he is, and the gluttony Gu is undoubtedly the key for him to deeply explore the "god" culture!

Everything about "God" that can be accessed now will involve seals, which are constructed with divine power. For most people at present, they are unsolvable divine power seals. If you want to open these seals, gluttony Gu is a must. Few "artifacts".

(End of this chapter)

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