Chapter 981
Chaoyang protruded from the end of the East China Sea. Gan Ning occupied Penglai City, so he didn't need to worry about internal affairs. He had only one task, to develop the navy with all his strength.

What is the most important thing in the navy?

No!neither!It's a shipyard!
Nothing without a shipyard!Gan Ning's army has the strongest shipbuilder in the Liu family. As long as the shipyards are erected by the sea, the navy will soon take shape.but……

"Shoot! Kill these death-seeking sea monsters!"

The half-built shipyard in Penglai City was just attacked by sea monsters mercilessly. These sea monsters came from underwater too suddenly. The big monster turtle only sprayed three shots, and the semi-finished shipyard was abandoned.The Kraken who dismantled the shipyard didn't miss it, and just sneaked away, not giving Gan Ning the slightest chance.

"Damn it!" Gan Ning gritted his teeth and looked at the rolling sea. There was a sea monster in this sea area, and it happened to attack his shipyard. What a fool!

Although Gan Ning is proud, he is not so proud that he leads his troops to jump into the sea to fight with the sea monster. That is not pride, it is stupidity!
"There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Gan Ning is not ignorant of the sea monsters. The sea monsters have wisdom not weaker than that of the human race. They will not do meaningless damage. Attacking the shipyard in Penglai City, what good can the sea monsters do?
Gan Ning couldn't figure it out, but the shipyard had to continue to be built. This time, except for some building materials, it was not a big loss at all, but it seriously affected his original plan, and the formation of the navy was delayed by a lot of time. .Gan Ning strengthened the defense on the coast, but didn't think about it.However, about a day and a half later, the Kraken attacked the shipyard under construction again. The effect of coastal defense was not good, and it was impossible to stop the Kraken's destruction.

"I must kill the sea monsters this time! I must kill these sea monsters! Ah!" Gan Ning felt like he was going crazy. His original plan was to form the navy within half a month, but now it's all done. Bubble, there is no battleship, it is too difficult to seal the Kraken in the sea, this is no longer a question of commanding ability.

"General Gan, it seems that some people don't want us to build the shipyard." This time, Gan Ning's team is Fang Xiaoru, the unlucky guy who was wiped out by Zhu Di.The two of them can only be regarded as the vanguard. As long as they can gain a foothold in the East China Sea, Shenyu City will send follow-up talents to nail this nail to the back of Calabash City.

"Hmph! The more this is the case, the more they are afraid of us!" Gan Ning snorted coldly while thinking about the solution in his heart.If this sea monster keeps staring at him like this, it will be difficult for his battleship to launch!
"General Gan, it may not be easy for our shipyard to be built. Why not push the defense line directly to the coast and build a city wall, arrow tower, and magic tower on the shore."

"It's too slow. When those things are built, when will the battleship be launched?" Gan Ning refused without thinking. explain.

"Don't worry, general. The city wall doesn't need to be long. It is enough to protect the shipyard, and the two can be done at the same time. In addition, we should also pay a visit to Grand Duke Yunlin of Zhenhai City." In the ruins of the shipyard, Gan Ning was much calmer than his rage.

"Looking for Yunlin? He can be said to be wearing a pair of pants with that Wuyi now, and will he help us?"

"No! It doesn't matter whether he helps us or not, but at least he has to do what he should do, and that's enough." Fang Xiaoru smiled.

As long as the East China Sea Fleet is dispatched, it will inevitably create a strong deterrent to the Kraken, won't it!
"Then Mr. Lao Fang is the one who will stay behind!" Gan Ning doesn't want to deal with Zhenhai City, because in the tasks he receives, Zhenhai City will most likely be his enemy.



Not to mention the little depression on Gan Ning's side, Brother Xiaofei retreated happily. When he destroyed the shipyard in Penglai City before, he also recorded the process. Less benefits.

"Brother Xiaofei, have you been fighting Penglai City recently?"

"Yeah! What's the matter?" Brother Xiaofei looked at the gluttonous king who was inquiring in private chat, but after thinking about it, he replied: "It's not a siege, it's just attacking their shipyard."

"Oh, I understand, then you have to be careful! Hang up first."

what does it mean?Mindless!

Brother Xiaofei was a little confused, he didn't understand what the gluttonous king wanted to say, he was simply inexplicable!However, he didn't think too much about it. After all, the Seven Sins League had no reason to bully him, at least not at the current stage.

At the same time, in the northern city of Gluttony, the King of Gluttony and the King of Desire are sitting in the band, enjoying the graceful singing and dancing.

"Are you sure?" The King of Desire had peachy eyes, and his voice was a little fluttering.

"It's confirmed, that little brother Fei is really sick of Gan Ning, this must be the task given to him by Wu Yi, it's really a good idea." King Taotie laughed.

"Then we can also try to make contact with Gan Ning in the past few days. If we want to develop sea power, how can we do it without an admiral!"

"Indeed, there aren't many famous generals who can fight in water battles in history, but Gan Ning is quite good." King Taotie nodded, but changed the topic: "By the way, the speed at which the snow melts is a bit abnormal."

King Glutton leaned half of his body against the window, looking out in a daze. Naturally, he couldn't see the snow. With the city defense barrier, even if heavy snow blocked the city gate, there would be no difference in the city.

"Hmph! Isn't it good to melt quickly? No matter which side is doing this, it is not harmful to us. The sooner we start the war, the sooner we can reap the fruits. Hehe, this time it is our guild and The best opportunity for other guilds to widen the gap!" The King of Desire glanced at the King of Gluttony, playing with the wine glass with the flying crane in his hand and said with a smile.

"Having said that, with Bai Qi and Han Xin here, it is not so easy for us to reap the benefits."

The two commanders of Xuerong City, Bai Qi and Han Xin, are too strong, and they belong to the same camp. If you want to play dirty with them, you will definitely die a miserable death!

The King of Desire put the wine glass he had been playing with heavily on the table, with an evil smile on his face: "But the Changshan League must be over, isn't it!"

"Indeed, this time the empire has no chance of victory. Once the Changshan League surrenders, their reputation will suffer a severe blow, and their ranking will drop by at least two or three places."

 I hung up the water for a long time again today, and I feel that the blood has finally returned...

(End of this chapter)

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