The best lord of online games

Chapter 983 The secret of Taoism?

Chapter 983 The secret of Taoism?
In the underworld, the silver moon that never sets hangs high in the sky, and the sea of ​​skeletons that can't be seen at a glance is like waves, "slapping" on the Ghost King City one after another.The barrier swayed, and the Necromancer Cannon sprayed a large amount of black gas smoke. As for ballistas, bows and arrows, they were not very important in front of such a vast number.

"Damn it, what on earth is that bastard Mogu wanting to do!" In Ghost King City, in the Ghost King Hall, the barbarian ghost lord was furious, and he almost smashed the entire hall to pieces due to his violent temper.However, in addition to being irritable, his character is also very suspicious!The great lord of the skeleton clan, Mogu, has always been the bottom of the eight lords. Now Mogu dares to lead an army of skeletons to attack his Ghost King City. Why should he?
There must be some conspiracy here!
It was precisely because of this idea that the barbarian lord did not dare to go out of the city, otherwise, with his demigod strength, it would definitely be a disaster for the skeleton army!However, he is afraid, he is afraid that there are traps outside, traps aimed at him.Still the same sentence, the higher the status and the higher the strength, the more afraid of death. Ghost King City was blocked by the sea of ​​skeletons for nearly ten days, and he, the great lord, did not dare to show his face.

"Could it be because of the embarrassment he made in Lich City last time? It shouldn't be, isn't that guy accustomed to being ridiculed? Besides, I'm not the only one who embarrassed him, why stare at me and bite me. "

"What is it for?" The barbarian lord is thinking about some trivial matters that are not helpful to the current situation. He is not in a hurry. Although there are many seas of skeletons outside the city, it does not mean that he can enter the city. Come on, the combat power of the skeleton is quite limited. Even if it is led by the magic bone in person and assisted by famous generals from the skeleton clan, it cannot be changed.The cities controlled by the great lords of the underworld, which have not experienced thousands of years of precipitation and accumulation, can almost touch the edge of the "Emperor Capital".

In his opinion, the demon bones came here with the army just to save his face. As long as he doesn't go out and confront him, he won't fall into any conspiracy, and he will naturally retreat after ten days and a half months.Therefore, he didn't think about it deeply at all. As long as he is fine, no one can shake his position.

Like this kind of "small fights", there will be one or two fights every few years in the underworld, all of which are caused by the great lord for the sake of face.At their level, besides benefits, the most important thing is face. From another perspective, benefits are just to better improve face.The Temple of the Underworld will never intervene in this kind of matter, nor can it intervene.

The Temple of the Underworld is not welcomed by the great lords of all parties. In order to ease the relationship between the two parties, the Temple of the Underworld will give in on many things.


"Golden ghost? Why did you come to see me secretly?" Behind the battlefield of Ghost King City, the Demon Bone Lord sat on his skeleton throne, staring coldly at the tall, dark-skinned man below. The golden person, oh no, should be dead!

As for the golden ghost, the Lord of Demon Bone couldn't understand it very well. The first general under the command of the barbarian ghost, the legendary rank, has half a foot into the demigod.This kind of combat power can be said to be the biggest hole card in the hands of every great lord.

"Of course it is to help the great lord!" A very strange smile appeared on the face of the golden ghost. There was no way, as corpses, no matter how strong they were, it would be difficult for them to behave like humans.

"Help me?" Demon Bone stared at Jin Gui, he always felt that there was something wrong with this guy, not just now, he had this feeling a long time ago.

"Not bad! I can help the great lord get rid of the wild ghosts!"

Hearing this, the soul fire in Mogu's eyes suddenly shrank, get rid of the barbarian?This guy really has a problem!Is it strength that breeds ambition, wanting to gain further rights?Or, is there something wrong with this guy's identity?
"What do you want?" Mogu sat up straight and stared at the golden ghost closely. An existence that can live for a thousand years, even if it has no brains, it cannot be a fool.If there is the internal support of the golden ghost, the success rate of their plan can be increased by at least [-]%.But this golden ghost gave him a very "yin" feeling. He is the first confidant of the barbarian ghost. Who would have imagined that he actually overthrew the barbarian ghost now?Hidden too deep!
"I want to replace the barbarian's position!"

Lord Demon Bone stared at the golden ghost for a long time before slowly saying: "You have a big heart!"

"The underworld is too boring, there must be some goals, right? The pattern of the great lord of the underworld has not changed for almost a thousand years, and now it changes, maybe it will be a bit more lively. If the devil bone lord swallows the ghost city, it will inevitably It will be feared by other great lords, and even the Temple of the Underworld, so it is better for me to take care of the great lord temporarily, and I will be the most loyal servant of the great lord!"

"The most loyal? Haha, I've seen your loyalty!" Mogu raised his head and laughed, but then said in a serious tone: "However, I can agree to your proposal, but how do you want me to believe you?" ?”

The golden ghost is the barbarian ghost's number one confidant, who can guarantee that this is not the barbarian ghost's scheme?As for the matters after the death of the barbarian ghost, they are all trivial matters. Even if this golden ghost has a big heart, his strength is a shackle that he cannot overcome.

"I would like to sign a contract with the great lord of the god of the underworld!"

The "Death God Contract" is one of the oldest and highest contracts in the underworld. Currently only a few great lords hold it. Both parties to the contract will give part of their souls and pledge them in the contract. If they violate the contract, the power of the contract will be wiped out. That part of the soul must die under the demigod.

"it is good!"

If the great lord makes a move, it is very simple to sign the "Death God Contract", and the original contract will be kept in the hands of the great demon bone lord.

"Go back for the time being. Three days later, my offensive will change. That's the signal. At that time, you just need to find a way to lure the barbarian out of the city, or let him get close to the edge of the city defense barrier."

"Then I will wait for the great lord's good news."

The golden ghost left, relying on the effect of a special concealment cloak to disappear into the sea of ​​skeletons. This concealment effect is extremely strong, but it is not enough to completely avoid the gaze of the great lord.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with this guy. Is he really the same family as the barbarian?" Mogu looked at the faint figure as if he was talking to himself.But when his voice fell, his side twisted, and a group of pale "flames" appeared very abruptly.

The Great Shadow Lord of the White Soul Clan, he is the most concealed existence among all the Great Lords. He has been staying with the Demon Bone Lord since he sent troops. The two Great Lords, plus the alliance behind them, There is almost no power in the underworld that can kill them with one blow.

"It should be! There are only those corpses in the underworld!" After speaking, Youying's voice became lower and lower, and became more and more floating, "If you talk about other realms, I heard that the corpse refining of Taoism is quite unique."

"No way?" Moying was shocked. If the golden ghost is really a Taoist corpse, it would be really scary.

"Who knows! It doesn't do us any harm, though!"

 Since everyone thinks that it is better to be a pure infantry in the formation, then it is pure infantry. Anyway, it is only showing one side now, and changing it will not affect it.

(End of this chapter)

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