Chapter 988

Different faces keep appearing and disappearing in the enchantment, at different speeds, just take the two people who are fighting under the "Houtu Divine Pillar" as an example, Huan Nima really meets a good talent , I've been playing for almost 2 minutes, and it's not over yet.Compared with famous generals and witches, the Chosen One still has an absolute numerical advantage.

Ma Chao and Lu Xiangyun have already won a victory respectively, while Shi Wansui, Li Siye and Wu Yi have not yet had their turn.

At this moment, the ID badge on Wu Yi's waist lit up, and at the same time a series of system information appeared.

——System: You are about to be teleported to "Dutian God Terrace - Jumang God Pillar", please get ready.

——System: Please note that if the two sides cannot decide the winner within 3 minutes, the side with more remaining life plus half the remaining skills will win in the end!
It turns out that it can be delayed for up to 3 minutes!Calculated in this way, even if the total number of participants exceeds a thousand, it won't take long to determine one hundred and eight places.

Wu Yi's body then disappeared, and then appeared under the tall dark blue Jumang pillar, and his opponent... well, I don't know him!The opponent is not a god-chosen one, so it can only be a famous historical general or a self-made famous general cultivated by players.

Against famous generals in history, the odds of winning might not even be [-]%!
——System: The countdown to the battle is on, ten, nine, eight...

During the duration of the countdown, any skills and items cannot be used, only movement can be performed.In fact, as far as the venue is concerned, it is quite unfriendly to legal professions. The highest point of the hemispherical enchantment is less than five meters, which does not reflect the advantage of flying at all. Warrior professions can attack with just a jumping skill. .

Of course, this is also related to the character of the Wu people. The "courage" they believe in is to be upright!Therefore, not only the law system is sadly reminded, but the assassin system also inserts a sad reminder, and it is the generals who really take advantage.

During the countdown, Wu Yi has been trying to distance himself from the other party as much as possible, and at the same time, he is using the Jumang Divine Pillar as a cover. If he does not become a saint, it is still difficult for the profession of ascetics to face up.And his opponent is a strong man holding a meteor hammer. The hammer head is not big, it only looks like one and a half punches. There is no famous weapon like this in history. Wu Yi is also relieved. Quite a few, and the other party obviously had no intention of biting him when the countdown was counting down.

When the battle officially started and the 3-minute countdown started, the opponent charged up immediately with the meteor hammer in his hand. Although the limitation of the barrier lost the meaning of air combat, the state of Yujian can make him more flexible, so Wu Yi set foot on Jianguang at the first moment of the battle, and at the same time opened the "Nine Star Array", surrounded by nine stars, this is Wu Yi's strongest state except for the descending of the gods.

However, the battle of Dutianshen Festival is continuous. If the opening map cannot be defeated, Wu Yi does not plan to open the gods, it is meaningless at all, even if this one can be won, but what about the next one?

The moment Wu Yi Yujian flew up, the opponent raised his hand and three flying knives flew over. It seemed that anyone who was born as a bandit would do this move. Although the damage was limited, the effect was quite good.However, these three small flying knives could not pose any threat to Wu Yi who was protected by an array.

Five Thunder God Sword Art!Five swords in one!

Wu Yi, who resisted the three small flying knives, directly activated his most convenient skill. The Thunder Curse of the Nine Heavens God can hardly be used in duels. Then, the Five Thunder God Sword Art, which combines five swords into one, is his strongest damage Skill.

The thunder exploded, and the dark purple electric current continuously flowed away from the strong man's body, the paralyzing effect slightly affected his actions.The strong man immediately made a decision, and the meteor hammer in his hand danced like a windmill, and he threw it directly when Wu Yi was preparing for the next attack.

The rapid meteor hammer gave Wu Yi no time to react, and was directly hit in the abdomen, and the knock-up effect made him hit the Jumang pillar.The Nine Stars in the array map only have damage reduction and certain damage immunity effects, not absolute defense. This blow directly caused the special effect of double damage and crushing, causing him to lose nearly one-third of his life. If there is no array Figure, under this blow, he was not far from death.

His body was blown away, and his skills were interrupted. Wu Yi saw that guy took out a new meteor hammer. He felt that the meteor hammer was also used as a hidden weapon!
Can no longer use the Five Thunder God Sword Jue. Although this skill has a short casting time, it is not really instant. During the moment he casts the spell, he is a living target for the opponent!

Wu Yi brushed himself a "Life Healing Technique", and at the same time circled around the edge of the barrier at the highest speed in the state of Yujian, which can minimize the chance of being hit by the meteor hammer again. However, in this state, He can only use instant skills, not even the Thunder Curse.

Hang up the "Mantra of the Five Spirits" and grind it with the "Sword Qi of Tiangang"!Judging by the speed of the opponent, it is impossible to catch up with him. As long as the luck is not bad, it depends on who can drag it to the end. It depends on whether his skill points are exhausted first, or the opponent dies first, or dragged to 3 Minute ratio data.

"Boy, are you only going to fly around like a fly? Dare you face it, Grandpa will give you a hand!" The brawny man followed Wu Yi around twice, feeling a little dizzy, and threw a pill into his mouth Medicine, roared loudly.

Wu Yi ignored him. With the CD of the elixir, you can use at most one of each type in a battle. The "Five Spirits Mantra" has a 10% defense-breaking effect, and with the full-level "Tiangang Sword Qi", the damage is still considerable of.

"Ah, go to hell!" The strong man roared furiously, predicted Wu Yi's flight trajectory, and threw the meteor hammer out like lightning.

It's a pity that he didn't hit this time, but the strong man didn't give up, and then took out a lot of throwing knives. The accuracy of the flying knives in pieces is much better than the meteor hammer. A few will hit, but the damage of the throwing knife is completely incomparable with the meteor hammer.

Apart from comedy, there is almost no entertainment in this weird battle between the two. However, for the two on the field, what is important is not entertainment, but who can stay at the end in the end.Wu Yi's luck was good. When he dragged down to the last [-]% of his skill value, a sword qi cut off his opponent.

——System: Congratulations, you defeated your opponent Kong Ming and won a victory.

What the hell?Kong Ming?Zhuge Liang just flew recently, and Wu Yi is quite sensitive to the word "Kong Ming", but there is no word in "The Prosperous Age", that is to say, this Kong Ming's surname is Kong Mingming!

Couldn't it be Kong Ming, the hairy god of Shuibo Liangshan?
who cares!I don't know who brought this strange flower. If you want to talk about the famous generals of Shuibo Liangshan, except for the few from Tiangang, it's really better to raise an aborigine who is talented and good-looking.If those people in Earth Fiend are considered strong, in fact, there are many famous generals in Yellow Turban!
(End of this chapter)

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