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Chapter 997 Vulcan Knight

Chapter 997 Vulcan Knight (Witch)

When Yingbu boarded the Shebi Corpse God Pillar, the twelve divine pillars rotated again, and they were arranged in a very strange and special way. Then, a group of priests from the Black Earth Tribe also boarded the altar. This is the moment of the greatest reward for the Tenjin Festival.

Wu Yi looked at Zhu Rong on Zhu Rong's pillar and Ma Chao on Xizi's pillar. Wu Yi was not in a hurry for Ma Chao. His potential was far beyond that of a first-class general, and he could naturally step into the holy rank on his own.But Zhu Rong is different. Right now is definitely the time for Zhu Rong to transform again. Her growth is more due to the improvement of blood, and there are too few items that can strengthen the power of blood.

Wu Yi, the crystallization of divine power, has already been handed over to Zhu Rong. Whether she can succeed this time is up to her!
Divine power crystal (gold): After taking it, the success rate of breaking ranks +10%, there is a certain chance to strengthen special bloodlines, which lasts for seven days, and the effect disappears after the rank is increased by one rank.

This is definitely the most suitable resource for Zhu Rong, but unfortunately, this is the only one!
Hundreds of witches and priests recited the ancient sacrificial rites, and the deep voice seemed to resonate with the twelve divine pillars, and the twelve divine pillars vibrated with a "buzzing", followed by twelve pale black beams of light that broke through The endless void extends to the unknown world.Bursts of divine light descended from the pierced void, and the twelve strongest fighters who had obtained the places of Dutian Divine Guard were all bathed in the divine light.

At this moment, two pillars of promotion light rose from the divine light, from Zhu Rong of the "Sacred Pillar of Zhurong" and Yang Zaixing of the "Sacred Pillar of Qiangliang".

——System: Zhu Rong received the gift from the ancestors, the power of the blood was improved, the force potential was +12%, the attack was +30, the life was +300, the occupation "Beast God Knight" was automatically transferred to "Vulcan Knight (Witch)", successfully Comprehend the exclusive skill "Zhurong Shenhuo" and get the special title "Dutian Shenwei".

——System: Zhu Rong's divine blood in Zhu Rong's body began to boil, and his race changed from "human race" to "witch race" on his own, and he gained the racial ability "natural warrior".Force +1, the title "Vulcan Empress" was promoted to "Goddess of Zhurong", and her prestige increased by [-].

——System: With the promotion of Zhu Rong's divine blood, Zhu Rong was successfully promoted from the ninth rank to the holy rank, and his reputation increased by [-].

——System: Due to the improvement of strength, Zhu Rong's domain "Shenhuo domain (residual)" has grown.

——System: Ma Chao received the blessing of the witch god, with +10% force potential, +20 attack, +200 life, and the special title "Dutian Shenwei".

At this moment, Wu Yi was directly swiped by a piece of system information.

It worked!And the effect was even more perfect than he expected!
There is nothing to say about the title of "Dutian Shenwei". It is regarded as a public reward, and there are 12 people.

Dutian Shenwei—has a special status among the witches, is respected by the witches, and has the right to recruit a hundred witch warriors from the witches as personal guards.Damage +10%, Life +10%, Strength +10%.

The attributes are still quite outstanding, and the strength is actually +10%, which is very important for generals, and they can also summon a hundred witch warriors as personal guards.However, these can only be regarded as additions, the real big head is "force potential +10%"!

Although the force potential +10% does not mean that the force can grow to one hundred and one in the end, and the attribute of a famous general is one hundred. faster, and those whose original potential has not reached full value, will have the possibility to go further.

Take Ma Chao as an example, his original potential in force was definitely less than 97, at most around [-], but now he has the possibility of looking forward to [-] in force, which cannot be filled by any amount of resources. !
However, after Wu Yi took a closer look, Zhu Rong's reward was obviously different from other people's. Ma Chao should be able to represent the public. He was "blessed by the witch god", but Zhu Rong was not. She was "gifted by the ancestors" and finally fell into the The source of her blood!The force potential has increased by 2%, and then the force has directly increased a bit, reaching 91.

"He changed his occupation directly!" Wu Yi never expected this.

Vulcan Cavalry (Witch), this special label is also to distinguish it from the special cavalry branch of the Flame Temple under the Elemental Temple.The transformation of occupation once again strengthened the fire damage attached to Zhu Rong's attack, but the key was still in the newly comprehended skills.

Zhurong Shenhuo - Passive, fire damage +1 level, the effect of being restrained by the water environment -25%, the probability of burning effects being dispelled -25%.

In addition to the instantaneous explosion, the fire element is more of a continuous "burning". If the burning effect cannot be dispelled, it is definitely not a fun thing to play.

However, compared to the change of career, Wu Yi paid more attention to the change of Zhu Rong's race. For this, he guessed a little in advance, but the change of race did not make Zhu Rong's appearance change in any way, and he was still a cutie.It was Wu Yi's racial ability that made Wu Yi look a little sideways.

Natural Warrior - Strength +10%, Attack +10%, Damage Immunity +10%.

This can be a specialty of a general!This gave Wu Yi the idea that Li Siye would also become a witch clan. This racial ability is indeed very suitable for him, whether it is his fighting style or occupation, but on this point, more depends on Li Siye's personal Meaning, he can only offer opportunities.

It’s too far to say these things now, and the topic turned back. Zhu Rong, who was promoted to the holy rank, once again snatched back her title of having the strongest basic attributes in Calabash City. Her [-] HP will definitely make most opponents feel desperate, and That incomplete version of the field actually grew along with it.

"This attribute has not changed at all!"

After growing up, there is still a (remnant) behind the Shenhuo domain, and the attribute has not changed a word, which makes Wu Yi completely incomprehensible. This can only be tested slowly.This time, the best gift Zhu Rong received from his ancestors, apart from the improvement in potential, would belong to that title.

Goddess Zhurong—the goddess of the Zhurong clan of the ancient witch, is favored by the witch god, and it is easier to get the response of the witch god when offering sacrifices to the witch god.Fire skill damage +50%, normal fire damage is completely immune.After Zhu Rong is killed, the murderer will be "cursed by the witch god". At the same time, Zhu Rong has a certain chance to be reborn under the blessing of the witch god. (The Curse of the Witch God: Luck -85%, accompanied by bad luck, lasts for three days.)
If you only look at the first half of this title, it is a bit similar to the saint of the gods!Although there are not many attributes added later, there is a certain chance of rebirth, which is better than anything else. Moreover, the person who kills her will be cursed by the witch god.It also comes with bad luck, will a meteorite fall from the sky?

(End of this chapter)

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