Chapter 632

Both Zhang Yuanwang and Ye Yu Qingmu were taken aback, and asked in unison.

Aoxue explained unhurriedly: "Master Zhang, right now there are constant battles at Lancheng Pass, and the shortage of military pay is serious. The emperor is worried about these things every day. If you solve the problem of military pay, do you think the emperor will accept it?" Spare your life?"

Zhang Yuanwang nodded when he heard it: "Yes, yes, but the villain doesn't have that much money."

Aoxue smiled: "You don't, don't others?" As she spoke, she looked at Ye Yu Qingmu, "Is that right, Second Prince?"

"Princess, what do you mean?" Zhang Yuanwang asked nervously.

Aoxue explained: "Master Zhang, think about it, will the embezzlement of the military salary be ransacked? How can the little money in your house be enough for the emperor? But some people are different. If they can raid his house, say Maybe this military salary will be settled."

"...Yes! It's like this!" Zhang Yuanwang seemed to see a way out, his eyes lit up.

"Shen Aoxue!" Ye Yu Qingmu couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily.

"Oh, what's the matter, Second Prince, you scared me." Aoxue patted her little heart and looked at her innocently.

"You're really good, wait for me!" Ye Yu Qingmu snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave when she heard Zhang Yuanwang shouting from behind.

"My lord, you can't just ignore your death, the emperor will definitely not kill you, as long as you plead guilty, the villain can live!"

"You... OK! Do you want to live? You live!" Ye Yu Qingmu's face turned blue from anger, and strode away from the dungeon.

Aoxue smiled, and said to Zhang Yuanwang, "Master Zhang, I'm taking my leave."

After that, he turned and left.

The next day, Ye Yu Qingmu reluctantly donated 2000 million taels of silver to the emperor as military pay. Although Zhang Yuanwang did not identify the mastermind behind the scenes, he was able to survive because of the money and was sent to the frontier as a slave.

A total of 4000 taels of military pay was sent to Lanchengguan. This time, he would definitely win the battle, so he entrusted the affairs of the capital to Lianxin Hongxiu, and set off for Lanchengguan by himself.

Ye Yu Qingmu and Shen Anxiang suffered a loss once, so they must not dare to do anything more, not to mention that Aoxue went to Zhang Yuanwang's house in advance to steal the account book that Ye Yu Qingmu embezzled military pay. With this evidence, they dare not do anything. Sample.

She did not stop along the way, and finally arrived at Lancheng Pass a month later.

Holding Ye Yu Qinglan's token, she entered the city gate dressed in men's clothes, but she couldn't see Ye Yu Qinglan.

Because he was so busy, he spent all day discussing the battle plan and deployment with the soldiers, and he had no time to take care of it. He didn't return to his room until midnight.

As soon as Ye Yu Qinglan entered the door, she saw Shen Aoxue sitting on a chair, she couldn't help blinking, and she was dazzled at the time.

"You're so busy, don't you want to be healthy?" Aoxue got up and walked towards him complainingly.

Ye Yu Qinglan became thinner, her beard stubble came out, and her long hair was not tied up like before, but was pulled up casually. She has gone through a lot of vicissitudes, but she is still handsome and lawless.

He didn't laugh, didn't have a way, and didn't feel surprised, but stepped forward and hugged Shen Aoxue, lying heavily on her weak body.

"I'm so tired, you're here."

"Yes, here I am."

"It's's great that you're here..." He kept murmuring, feeling drowsy.

Aoxue helped him to the side of the bed, took off his clothes, shoes and socks, lay beside him and fell asleep.

Separation and separation made them cherish the feeling of hugging like this. No one needs to say more, they understand it in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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