Chapter 190 Sudden Confession

Listening to the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin paused slightly, turned her head and said in a low voice: "I want to say, do you want to eat the rice I cooked?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yijin slapped himself in the face, what the hell was he talking about, that's not what he was going to say.

But there is no turning back in this bow, I must say it today.

Tong Yao was stunned: "Huh?"

She didn't expect this guy to suddenly ask about it.

But nursery rhyme must admit that this guy's meals are very much to her liking.

But there must be a demon in this abnormal situation, he can't cook for himself for no reason.

So nursery rhyme asked: "Why do you cook for me? A meal?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin slightly raised her eyebrows, bent down and approached the nursery rhyme: "If you want to eat, I will cook for you for a lifetime."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Could this be the legendary confession of a straight man?
Really boring...

Someone confessed that it was cooking?

It's him... Is he too close to me...

"Putong...Putong..." The heartbeat became more obvious, Xiao Yijin's face was only two centimeters away from her, and his deep eyes were like a whirlpool, as if it was about to suck her in.

At this time, Xiao Yijin was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

This... What the hell kind of confession is this!

It's just... terrible.

Regarding the confession, he rehearsed it thousands of times in his mind, but when he spoke... he seemed to have lost his memory.

An embarrassing atmosphere filled the air... Xiao Yijin was a little at a loss.

"Candied haws... sweet and big candied haws, brother, do you want to buy candied haws? Can you buy a bunch of candied haws for your daughter-in-law?" Xiao Yijin turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when the vendor yelled: Yes, how much."

The peddler smiled happily when he heard the words, counted and replied: "190."

Xiao Yijin paid the money, and gave an extra one hundred, and directly carried the stick with candied haws on his shoulders, and asked the nursery rhyme who was still wandering: "Miss, do you eat candied haws? My candied haws are worth money. Seeing you is free."

Tong Yao curled her lips lightly, feeling a little embarrassed at first, but seeing his playful smile here, she felt a little relieved.

In fact, Xiao Yijin was just pretending to be relaxed. He was worried that the nursery rhyme would directly reject him, so he said, "Don't give me the answer, think about it carefully, and give me the answer when you think it through."

Hearing this, Tong Yao looked at him, "I can give you the answer right now."

Xiao Yijin looked away arrogantly: "But I don't want to hear it now."

He had a hunch that now, the answer from the nursery rhyme must be no.

Originally, he thought about countless confession words in his heart, but he didn't know why he made a mess in the end.

Sighing, carrying those candied gourds and walking a few meters, Xiao Yijin turned around and said, "I only accept affirmative answers, and I directly filter out negative answers."

Seeing his rascal appearance, Tong Yao looked at the sky speechlessly.

Xiao Yijin, who was carrying a large pile of candied haws, was simply the prettiest boy on the street, with full marks for turning heads.

Tong Yao felt that he was really stupid, couldn't bear to look directly at him, and felt a little disgusted: "Xiao Yijin, can you stop being so stupid, you are also the first student of the Aviation University, can you be a little burdened?"

Hearing the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin stretched out a finger and shook it: "Since I met you, do I have any burdens to speak of? Burdens are useless. Only a thick-skinned man can catch up with his wife."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

To be honest, the nursery rhyme's feeling for Xiao Yijin is not like liking it, but it's not completely unfeeling.

It's just... when she looked into his eyes at a close distance today, her heart couldn't be controlled.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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