Chapter 192 Nursery Rhymes Are My Idols
Jiang Ya looked at Tong Yao's look of disgust, and asked weakly: "Isn't it... not romantic?"

"Not at all." After the nursery rhyme, quickly log in to the game, let's finish the task first and then solve yesterday's matter.

Just after signing in online, Shenbao sent a message: "Guest officer, did you buy a new mount?"

Tongyao clicked on the mall and took a look, and found a new mount, which looks cool, but the color is a bit gimmicky.
However, she has always liked to collect fashion and mounts, so she bought them casually, and then replied to Shenbao: "I bought it, what's the matter?"

Kidney Treasure: "This mount is a symbol of a single dog. Buying this mount means that you are single."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Seeing what Shen Bao said, Tong Yao noticed the name of the mount: Alone.

Nursery rhyme: "I have all the mounts in this game, and all of them have no special meaning."

Wu Jie on the other side of the computer saw Tong Yao's words, and said in amazement: "The guest officer is indeed a coward, he actually has all the mounts in Xianmeng, how much does it cost?"

Sun Yi glanced at him with disgust when he heard the words: "Why do you care about others? You care about yourself, single dog."

"Tch, call me single, make it look like you're not single." Wu Jie was used to being ridiculed by Sun Yi, he also wanted to find a girlfriend, but he was always ruthless, the reality was too cruel.

Listening to Wu Jie's words, Sun Yi smiled mysteriously: "No, I have successfully confessed my love today, and I am no longer single."

"Fuck, fuck boss! Sun Yi got out of the order behind our backs!" Xiao Yijin, who was in deep thought, suddenly came to his senses with Wu Jie's shout. Did Sun Yi confess his love?

Wu Jie: "Sun Yi, tell me, which little girl did you say you hooked up with?"

Sun Yi looked at the two people in the dormitory, and said lightly: "It's my wife Xiaosu in the game. We had a face-to-face meeting today and decided to be together."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Wu Jie: "It's... that simple?"

Sun Yi nodded: "That's right, I just called her wife when we first met, and then... we got together, we get along like an old couple, without any awkwardness or rustiness, it's perfect."

Call your wife directly?

And this kind of operation?

If he rushed over to call the ugly girl's wife, he probably risked being blocked.

But why is Sun Yi so easy to catch up with girls?

After being silent for a while, Xiao Yijin turned around and looked at Sun Yi and asked, "Sun Yi, let me ask you, if a girl doesn't like you, what will happen if you go up and call your wife?"

Sun Yi frowned, and suddenly remembered that their boss was going to confess to the nursery rhyme today.

The boss had a strange expression when he returned to the dormitory today. If he had succeeded in his confession, he would probably have flaunted it everywhere, but he didn’t mention anything about the confession, so there is only one possibility, and that is that their boss failed to confess today. !
Although he was very shocked in his heart, Sun Yi's face was still calm, and he tried weakly: "Boss, did you fail in your confession?"

Xiao Yijin didn't expect Sun Yi to ask this question suddenly, and felt a little embarrassed: "I'm asking you another question now."

Seeing Xiao Yijin's expression, Sun Yi and Wu Jie looked at each other, and then saw shock in each other's eyes, they said in unison: "Boss, you failed to confess?!"

This news is really shocking. Their boss, who is the most popular boy in the school, actually confessed his love and was rejected?

It seems that nursery rhymes are not ordinary people!

Xiaojian who just opened the door and came in was so scared that he dropped the book in his hand. He stood at the door and said in surprise, "Boss, your confession was rejected?"

Xiao Yijin, who was already depressed, is even more irritable now: "Can you come in and close the door to talk?"

Xiaojian was startled, and immediately closed the door: "Damn it, nursery rhymes are my idol!"

(End of this chapter)

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